
【Angel Wisdom】《1》探索宇宙的巨大潛能;《2》期待一個富足的生活;《3》你在吸引什麼?《4》擴大你的視野(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.探索宇宙的巨大潛能 (20200605)
《2》.期待一個富足的生活 (20200606)
《3》.你在吸引什麼? (20200607)
《4》.擴大你的視野 (20200608)

2020年9月2日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Seek out the great potential of the Universe.

This is a time of major opportunity,and this time around,your soul is telling you that this is something you simply must allow to unfold.The Universe has also seen to it that you will have the necessary energy to undertake this brilliant new direction.Trust in Universe and state clearly your intentions,and ask your angels,to make the path ahead bright to help guide you.You might be inspired by the angel of ideas or feel as if a huge gift just fell out of the sky and landed in front of you.Enjoy this energy and move into action.It's going to be exciting,so off you go,and don"t look back.

When you allow and let your life flow,you are more tuned into the synchronized events that are orchestrated by your entourage of light beings to help you fulfill your path and choices.This body,mind,and soul connection is an important state to help you down the road that leads you onto the right path.See or sense yourself stepping on to this path and connecting to the vibration of synchronicity and allow for the great potential of all that is to manifest for you in big ways.

The Mantra for today is:"I embrace the possibilities and allow for the unfolding of the events as the great potential of the Universe provides unique and wonderful experiences for me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月2日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:期待一個富足的生活 .

Look forward to living a prosperous life

At every moment in this life you are expanding your experiences, even when you feel things are moving slowly.It is from the larger perspective of spirit that you can see the rapid development you are making at finding a better way.Hold positive thoughts for yourself and your life and believe that it is indeed possible to create, and this is an abundant time even if things currently seem scarce.

Remember your long term goals and choose a path that is consistent with what you wish to accomplish in this life.Take care to use your powers of discernment and go within.Do not accept everything at face value, delve deeper and carefully weigh your options, especially on the big decisions.Oftentimes if it is too good to be true it is, and yet there are times when it is best to take the plunge and trust that you will land exactly where you want to be.The answers are within you, learn to trust yourself and also trust the infinite power of spirit to help to guide your way.

The mantra for today is:"I trust in the infinite power of spirit and together with my determination to create a better way, we will succeed in creating an abundant life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月2日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:你在吸引什麼? .

What are you Attracting?

Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends,so invest wisely.You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with your goals and intentions.As you become more aware of the effects of your thoughts and feelings,you can better understand how the Law of Attraction can work for you to enhance the results you receive.

Your angles want to help you attune your energies to higher frequencies.This helps you to see more clearly what the bigger picture looks like and to focus your thoughts on what you want to create.The angels ask you to remember that the Law of Attraction can help you improve any situation and it is up to you to choose your action.Complaints and worry only attract more of the same,so elevate your thoughts to attract more of what you desire.

Several times a day,imagine that the situations you wish to change are healed and perfectly manifesting.Feel gratitude that it is already so and think positively about what you want to create,not about what you do not want.As your spiritual energy increases,you will find yourself attracting less lower energies and more of what you do want.

Affirm: "By visualizing my desired outcome,I am inspired to take steps that help me attract my goals and intentions."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月2日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:擴大你的視野 .

Clearly set your intentions each day

Ask your angels to set up events and opportunities for you and then notice the signs so that you are in just the right place today to meet or be inspired on your journey and ask that you will immediately know that these are indeed the signs from spirit helping to show you the way. Start expecting them every day, and look for them, consider the message and more will come your way.This helps you open up and expand your senses.

Take time to rest and relax.This will increase your energy and stamina for all of your pursuits.Spend time in nature and doing things that you love as this helps keep you in a higher vibrating energy and makes it easier to see more of what is going on.It helps you to see more clearly and truthfully without the veils of the mental world clouding your sight.

The mantra for today is:"As I set my intention on expanding my perception, I see the world around me in a new Light."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月1日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:奇蹟就在你身邊 .

Miracles are occurring all around you

When you begin to notice the miracles that happen all the time you will start to experience them more in your life.It is important to be conscious of what energy you surround yourself with and to remember that positive people and situations help draw more of that to your life.This helps to create a positive outlook and allows for miracles to enter your life.Avoid negative people,situations and environments,as that energy is what you then attract,more of what you don"t want.Releasing negative influences helps bring in new energy and new opportunities and will also help you to establish an environment that promotes creativity,health,well-being and abundance.

Become still and attune to your soul.Allow the whispers of your heart to be heard.Ask your angels for guidance and to help you see all of the miracles in your life and those occurring all around you.From this point of inner stillness you will see the beauty in all things enter your life and surround you in that light.

Your angel guidance is to remember that there are always miracles happening and the magic of transformation is always available for those who dare to seek it.

Affirm: "When I seek with my heart,miracles occur all around me and in my life."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


