

【天使】傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.人類意識巨大的覺醒 (20200405)
《2》.行走在更高的道路 (20200412)

《1》.關於:人類意識巨大的覺醒 .
傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe. Take a moment and imagine you can relax into the arms of the Divine and the arms of your angels. We are standing behind you now. Imagine you can lean back against us and feel our hands over your shoulders, wrapped around you and placed over your heart. Shut your eyes for a moment and simply breathe. Intend to receive. Whether you feel us or not, we are soothing your energy field, amplifying your light, and sending you a loving, comforting, and reassuring vibration. Do this any time you are in need of comfort or love. Rest for a moment now in our arms…
呼吸。騰出點時間,想像你在神和天使的懷抱中休息。我們就站在你的身後。想像你可以向後傾斜靠著我們,感到我們的雙手從你的肩膀上方繞過去,抱住你(的脖子),手掌放在你的心上。閉上眼睛一會兒,只是呼吸。意圖接收。無論你感到我們與否,我們在舒緩你的能量場,放大你的光,發送你一個有愛的、撫慰人心的、舒適的振動。在你需要安撫或愛的時候就可以這麼做。現在,在我們的懷抱中休息一會兒 ...

All is in right order dear ones. In this moment, while the world is in chaos, you are being held in the arms of angels. We wish to remind and reassure you that there is always light, love, and guidance to draw upon. Even in the darkest times upon your planet – in plagues past, in wars, famine, etc., we have always been there to hold, help, heal, and guide. Those who strive to remain at peace and ask for our help have received miraculous guidance and grace. Those who did not, sadly forgot we were there for them, and ignored us.
一切都好,親愛的。在這個時刻,雖然世界處於混亂中,你被抱在天使的懷抱中。我們希望提醒和安撫你 --- 總是有著光、愛、指引可以獲取。即使在地球最黑暗的時刻 --- 在瘟疫、戰爭、饑荒等等中,我們總是在這裡抱著你、幫助你、療愈你、指引你。那些努力處於平和並請求我們幫助的人收到了不可思議的指引和恩典。那些沒有在這麼做的人,很遺憾,忘記了我們為他們存在,忽視了我們

Pay attention to your feelings these days. If something doesn’t feel right in the moment, it isn’t. If it feels fine it is. If you want to go to the grocery store but find yourself putting it off, then put it off until you feel motivated to go. In ways both obvious and subtle we are helping guide you to fulfill your intention of staying safe, healthy, and happy.

The power that creates universes loves you beyond anything you can ever imagine. The Source is supporting your joy, your prosperity, your well-being, and all your dreams at all times… Will you let this love in? Relax. Breathe. Receive. Whether your concerns are physical or financial, about relationships, or retirement accounts, we want to help. We love you. We care about you. We can guide you. Relax. Breathe. Receive. Allow us to assist. Open. Allow…
創造宇宙的力量愛你超過你可以想像的一切。源頭時刻支持著你的喜悅、繁榮、幸福和你所有的夢想 ... 你會讓這個愛進入嗎?放鬆。呼吸。接收。無論你的擔憂是物理上的還是財務上的,關於人際關係的,還是退休賬目的,我們想要提供幫助。我們愛你。我們關心你。我們可以指引你。放鬆。呼吸。接收。讓我們協助。敞開。允許 ....

If you could see it through our eyes, we see the fear, but we also see that there is a great wave of love and compassion that is building momentum and growing ever stronger. While current conditions look dire in your 3D reality, we also bear witness to a massive awakening of human consciousness. The vibration of the virus is already dying in many human hearts as people turn to faith vs. fear, cooperation vs. competition, and compassion.
如果你可以通過我們的眼睛看,我們看到恐懼,但我們也看到有著一個巨大的愛和同情心波浪在建立勢頭,越來越強大。雖然當前的情況在 3D 現實中看起來很糟糕,我們還看到人類意識的巨大覺醒。病毒的振動已經在許多人的心中死去,隨著人們朝向信念 VS 恐懼,合作 VS 競爭,以及同情心

So how do you manage during this time of lock-downs, scary stories on the news, and no end in scientific sight?

You sink deeply into the present moment. You sit, breathe, and receive our love anytime you feel in need. In the present you find love. In the present you find peace. In the present you feel your feelings and thus perceive your guidance.

Dear ones, we are here with you. The Source is here. There is never a time when you are without help, healing, love, or guidance. Take the time – now that many of you have more time – to breathe, receive, and rest in the arms of love.
親愛的,我們和你在一起。源頭在這裡。從未有過一個時刻你沒有幫助、療愈、愛或指引。花時間 --- 現在,你們許多人擁有更多的時間 --- 去呼吸、接收、在愛的懷抱中休息

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
上帝保佑你!我們非常地愛你 --- 天使

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Be a little more patient these days as you all strive to get through this difficult time upon your planet earth. Be kind to yourselves and one another, for no matter what the circumstances, each moment is ripe with opportunity to bring love to the surface.

Impatience is a very normal human reaction when life doesn’t look as you wish. We understand. You are afraid this may go on forever. You want to say, “Hurry up universe! Show me this will end! Show me I will make money again! Show me I will meet my partner! Show me I’ll be OK!” It is hard at times, to believe in what you cannot yet see. You get impatient for proof that your prayers will be answered.

While we understand this train of thought, it is important to remember, that you cannot create a better future from a point of frustration in the present. Instead, your willingness to embrace the moment, and accept yourself in each moment, is an act of love performed in a vibration of love… and it is this kind of love that will lead you to the best of all possible futures.

Take this time, challenging through it might be, to ask yourself a simple question throughout the day, “How can I bring more love into this moment, starting with myself?” Can you accept your own feelings and love yourself through them? Can you rest when you’re tired (or as soon as you are able)? Can you be kind to yourself whether you think you are living up to your own expectations or not?

Self-love starts with self-acceptance. If, in the moment, you can embrace yourself when you are afraid, soothe yourself when you feel helpless, or breathe when you feel impatient or angry, then you will be granting the parts of self that have always needed love, the very thing they need the most. You will be healing your spirit.

Dear ones, be patient with yourselves. These are trying times.

From this place of patience with self, you will find greater compassion for the difficult ones among you, and you will not waste your energy focusing upon them. You will see people doing or saying things that you simply don’t resonate with, but you will remember to grant yourself love first, to accept your own feelings, and to take the pressure off yourself to be anything other than you are. From that place, you will naturally be more guided towards the loving future that you seek.

For example, say you are obeying the regulations upon your planet perfectly. You are working hard to remain “socially distant” and yet you see people who seem not to care about their health or your own. You get impatient, angry, and fearful. You start to spiral into a deep angry, victimized space.

And then dear ones, you stop. You talk to yourself as if you are speaking to a little child, inwardly if you like. “It’s OK. I’m creating health, and even though these people don’t care about you, I do. I will keep us safe in a loving energy.” The scared inner child calms down. The soul shines brightly. Suddenly these insensitive souls seem just that, rather than monsters who are trying, albeit unconsciously, to kill you. Suddenly you realize that you rest in God’s peace and grace, and in the arms of your angels. In this space, even in spite of the inconsideration of others, you are safe, protected, and guided.

Be patient with yourselves. Accept your own feelings. Be kind to yourself. Only then can you dance with life and be “in the world, but not of it.” Only then can you rise above the world’s vibrations into a much calmer, kinder, and more creative space. From there you can dream marvelous futures into existence simply by placing your focus upon them.

Dear ones, patience is required, starting with yourselves first, for this too shall pass, but as it does, why not use the time to practice a little more patience and kindness towards yourself so when it does end, you find yourself walking “on higher ground.”

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels


