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【大角星】完全意識到自己;關於 個性化的神聖意識(完整、合一、和諧、豐盛、智慧等)

傳導作者:Marilyn Raffaele

MAY 23, 2021

Welcome, dear readers.

It is plain for all to see that the world is filled with change, chaos, and confusion but in spite of it, the old familiar ways of dealing with these issues die hard. Commonly accepted solutions of the past remain ingrained in the collective belief system and continue to influence those in positions of power even as they fail in the presence of a rising consciousness on earth.

New and higher frequencies simply cannot be made to fit into molds created to accommodate the denser energies of duality and separation. As the energetic frequencies of earth rise, ideas and beliefs still in alignment with the old will not be in alignment with the new unfolding belief system. This lack of alignment will cause many "tried and true" ways of resolving issues to fail simply because the substance (energy) that has sustained them in the past will no longer exist. 

Never forget that consciousness the substance of form and the unfolding spiritual awareness of increasingly more individuals will serve to automatically bring about new and higher forms of everything in all areas of life on earth. 

Recognize and resist the temptation to recreate something in your life that feels complete or finished even if it was a happy period of your life. Follow your inner guidance with courage when it tells you that it is time to "move on" for often the pressure to recreate or keep something going that is finished comes from others-- friends, family, or even some religious group. 

There are some who thrive on the glories of the past, reliving them to self and others while seeking to keep them alive through groups, clubs, and periodicals that focus on the particular time or events being glorified. This statement is not meant to denigrate the bravery or fruitful experiences of the past which will always be with you, but is to help you understand that living in the past is a backward step dear ones, regardless of how seemingly better the old days may seem in comparison with today.  

Evolution is the ongoing journey every soul makes through the good and not so good experiences of many lifetimes in order to finally reach a point at which they are ready to awaken into a realization of Oneness. Spiritual evolution can never be controlled, stopped, or governed by human thinking no matter how seeming better or worse the experiences of some earlier time were.

Be patient with the process dear ones, for the new can not appear overnight. That which is well established in the human belief system can only gradually dissolve, being met with resistance and fear by those comfortable with the status quo. There are many who continue to rely on three dimensional or religious opinions and beliefs about life regardless of how painful their personal situation may have become. This is particularly true with regard to relationships. 

You have reached a place of spiritual readiness enabling you to stand back as a beholder rather than someone constantly struggling to heal, change, or fix self and others with outgrown tools. This does not mean you will never again be guided to use ordinary methods to alleviate the suffering of someone, but means that while doing it you remain aware that in the reality of ONE nothing needs healing, changing, or fixing. 
你已經到達了精神上準備就緒的地方,使你可以後退,成為旁觀者,而不是一個不斷地努力療癒、改變或修復自己和其他人的人,而這些人已經過時了。 這並不意味著你將再也不會被指導使用普通方法來減輕某人的痛苦,而是意味著在這樣做時,你仍將意識到,在“一個人”的現實中,什麼都不需要治癒、改變或修復。

Many of you have or soon will attain a spiritual level that is ready to accept and integrate the fact that all qualities embodied in God/Source/ I AM, are and always have been fully present within you. Seeking Divine qualities (completeness, wholeness, harmony, abundance, intelligence etc.) outside of Self rather than from within where they exist in their fullness is the result of the belief in two powers that brought about the duality and separation that constitutes third dimensional energy. 
你們中的許多人已經或即將達到一種精神上的境界,準備接受並整合這樣一個事實,那就是,上帝/本源/我是 所體現的所有特質始終存在於你體內。在自我之外而不是從內部、完全存在的地方尋求神的品質(完整、合一、和諧、豐盛、智慧等)是對兩種力量的信念的結果,這種力量帶來了構成第三維能量的對偶和分離。 

This does not mean that serious spiritual students must never take the human footsteps that may assist him at some point, but does mean that the footsteps are taken with spiritual awareness and trusting intuition as to when they are no longer needed .

Creations formed out of three dimensional beliefs, rituals, and concepts, will always contain elements of duality and separation that result in the creation being sometimes successful and sometimes not. This is why so often sincere hard work and dreams fail, having been created from energies based in duality and separation which is all that is available to the unaware. 

When you go within and allow yourself to rest in the reality of YOU, you open the door to all that the real YOU is. Never forget that your oneness with Source automatically constitutes your oneness with all that Source is. Meditation is a silent listening for the "still, small voice" which you may or may not actually "hear" because this is not the goal of meditation. There may come a "knowing" about something rather than words. It is an individual's intention to align, listen, and rest in an awareness of oneness that is important. 

You never need to tell IT what you need or want because IT is YOU. Using meditation as a time to relate a list of wants and needs indicates a belief in separation. Everything you have been seeking, is already fully present because IT IS YOU, not the human concept of you, but the real YOU-- Divine Consciousnesses individualized.  

Meditation is a silent resting in the awareness of your completeness and no words or thoughts are needed. Thoughts of all kinds will come floating by but do not resist or make a power out of them. Simply allow these thoughts to drift through and back out again without focusing on them while you rest in Oneness.
冥想是靜默的休息,它使你瞭解自己的完整性,不需要任何言語或思想。 各種思想都會浮出水面,但不會抗拒或發揚它們的力量。 只需在一體中休息時讓這些想法飄散並再次返回,而不必專注於它們。 

Ponder and practice every truth you become aware of until it shifts from being intellectual knowledge to being your state of consciousness. Many of the ordinary problems and the issues of daily living will begin to automatically fade out of your experience without you even noticing as you live each day silently resting in and aligning with the reality of your own Divine Self-hood. 

Consciousness is the substance of form, because Consciousness is all that exists, IT is omnipresent. Every person's state of consciousness (the ONE Divine consciousness individualized), manifests as their life and experiences. If a person's consciousness is filled with beliefs of duality and separation then that is what they will create. You are creators because you are God beings having a human experience. 

In the presence of realized truth (not intellectual knowledge, not words in a book, not some repeated mantra) the unreal simply does not/cannot exist and will create forms that reflect the substance of pure Divine Consciousness.

Those of you that align with these messages or any mystical teachings of oneness are ready, beyond ready, to allow meditation to be what it is meant to be, conscious alignment with the already fully present I AM that you are. Many of you have been knowing the truth and meditating for a long time but continue to think of yourselves as separate from IT and spend meditation periods seeking it. There comes a point where each must accept that they already ARE IT in order to BE IT.  
那些與這些信息或任何關於合一性的神秘教義保持一致的人,已經做好了準備,超出了準備範圍,可以使冥想成為其本質,有意識地與已經存在的 我是 保持一致。你們中的許多人已經瞭解真相併沉思了很長時間,但繼續認為自己與它分離,並花費大量時間進行冥想。有一點要說,每個人都必須接受自己已經是它才能成為它。

Go within often not to speak, try to create, force something to happen, or to seek some perceived outcome, but rather to simply align with IT. Do not attempt to understand what IT is for the human mind is incapable of comprehending IT. Many try and many think they have succeeded, but the Infinite can never be understood by the finite so don't try. When you are ready IT will reveal ITSELF to you.

Mediation can never bring something to you that is not already fully present within YOU. The time has arrived for every serious spiritual student to accept that they already are IT and that meditation is simply time set aside to rest in this awareness until at some point meditation becomes a permanent state of consciousness and is simply lived.  

Withdraw from today's constant barrage of news and human opinions. It does not mean you cannot be informed, but rather means that you no longer choose to watch, listen, or engage 24/7 in the illusions of the three dimensional world. Doing this constitutes a giant step for those accustomed to staying informed and giving opinions on everything happening in the three dimensional world.  

When you align physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with the good and evil of the world, you give power and reality to appearances which are manifestations of false beliefs with no real law to support them or hold them in place. When you make something a power you give it substance because energy is what maintains and sustains form. Every "war" launched on some disease, situation, or belief simply serves to create more of it, not less.

Begin to translate all appearances into the reality that underlies them. (War--oneness misinterpreted through beliefs of separation) Observe and do not deny the outer scene, but translate it through the realization that God never has, never will, and never can express ITself as war, disease, pain, lack. etc. 
開始將所有外觀轉換為構成其基礎的現實。 (戰爭-一個人因分離的信念被誤解了)觀察而不否認外在場景,而是通過認識到上帝從來沒有,永遠也不會,也永遠無法將自己表達為戰爭,疾病,痛苦,缺乏來進行翻譯。 

Trust, relax, and allow through realizing that you never need to inform the Infinite intelligence of your very own SELF what you need because your conscious alignment with IT will automatically express outwardly in ways that represent wholeness and completeness for you.  

Listen and rest within often in the realization that IT is always fully conscious of ITself as YOU.  

We are the Arcturian Group  5/30.21
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121080826 >


傳導作者:Marilyn Raffaele




這個疑問表明個人和普遍的對真相的接受能力,這將關注和改變帶給許多人仍然在經歷的種種形式的無力量(powerlessness )。這是改變如何發生的。













“我”是“神聖”(Divine )的名字,“我是”這個詞不單單是指人類存有,而是指所有存有的真正本質。“我”是一個聖潔的詞彙。

整個時間裡,甚至是現在,仍然有些人,他 ​​們由於顯而易見的無知和自我,一直曲解這個真相,來想要說他們(在他們的人類狀態時)曾經是神。




對於那些已經足夠進化可以理解這些消息的人們來說,對你們來說,是時候去停止做這樣或者那樣道路的學生了,請承認“ 你就是道路,你就是工具,你就是消息 ”(譯註:原文中用大寫字母表示強調)。













“神秘學主義”(Mysticism )是認識到,你已經體現了你的真正本質:無所不在(Omnipresence ),無所不能(Omnipotence )和無所不知(Omniscience )。


這些事情用來提升一個個體到一個更高能量,對入門者是有幫助,但是—— 你現在已經處在更高能量中了(譯註:原文大寫表示強調)。

在你意識到“ 我已經是了 ”(譯註:原文大寫表示強調)的那一刻起,你取回了你的力量。




< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_930.html >


傳導作者:Marilyn Raffaele
#Amber #MarilynRaffaele

【大角星群體】MAY 9, 2021

Welcome dear readers of the Arcturian Group Messages. We see your light and that of many others around the world expanding as you traverse your way through personal and global debris and into new levels of awareness.

The world is changing but you are not yet able to see it as densities of the past continue to surface and overshadow everything. Your job is to allow the process dear ones, trusting that much is happening that you are not yet aware of. All is proceeding according to plan.

We know that some of you are beginning to feel that these messages and others that you have loved and relied on for guidance, no longer speak to you as they once did. Rejoice, for the end goal of any real spiritual teaching is to bring the student to where they no longer need the outer teacher because they have reached a level of consciousness able to access information, guidance, and spiritual instruction from within, where it exists in infinite pure form. 

Teachings, traditions, and religions that do not allow followers to grow beyond further need for them are not true teachings. High resonating truth teachings will always offer freedom and empowerment, never bondage. Allow yourselves to move and grow beyond what may have once been your highest reality even if you meet with resistance from those still in alignment with that which you have now grown beyond. Evolution is an ongoing infinite process.

When a spiritual truth jumps out at you from an article, channel, book, or simply presents itself in thought and deeply resonates with you, it means you are prepared to integrate it into consciousness. Take the Divine Idea into meditation, pondering it, chewing it, and exploring three dimensional concepts versus the reality. Ponder how it influences the world on all levels. You will discover that when your intention is to more deeply understand some truth, it will unfold and reveal ITself to you. This is how you are taught from within. 

If parts of these or other messages have begun to feel old to you, it probably means that you have integrated the teachings into your consciousness and they have become you. If you haven't already, you will soon find that many favorite channelings, books, groups, classes etc., that you loved and looked to for spiritual information and guidance have begun to feel boring.  

This is how spiritual growth is supposed to work. It means that you have reached a level of awareness capable of receiving directly rather than through another person or thing outside of self. Rejoice when this happens, for it is what you have been seeking. 

Occasionally this level is resisted by a truth student because it frightens them. They enjoy being a seekers and want to continue doing all the things they familiar with. There is a camaraderie with other seekers and is what they are used to. It is comfortable because as a seeker, the responsibility is on others. As a finder it is on self.

Most who are awakened at this time are a combination of seeker and finder which is the way it usually works, but it is important to allow the finder part of self to grow and mature. Accepting that you are a finder enables you to love yourself more fully and reclaim the power you innocently gave away and may still be giving away to others. Finders live in the world but are not of it.

The energy of transformation has arrived and all is proceeding according to plan. The energy that you are presently witnessing as violence and pain represent the exposure and dissolution of outer effects formed from energies of duality, separation, and the belief in two powers.  

All that exists is Divine Consciousness, pure Light. Everything is in and of this Light. Your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are not separate parts of you but are rather facets of your one and only body which is pure Light. Begin to see yourself and others as Light. Let go of the need, obligation, and struggle to heal, change, and correct everything and everybody and begin to acknowledge the presence of their Light instead.  

You are frequently told to "send light" to someone in need. Now take this to the next level and instead of sending Light, "see" and acknowledge IT as already present. Greet every stranger, answer every phone call, observe those you see on television or in the news with an awareness of their ever present Light hidden to human eyes.  

Living from this level does not mean you cannot offer practical guidance if asked nor does it mean you must never again seek help of some sort like going to a doctor. Becoming intellectually aware of absolute truth does not mean that from then on you must rigidly cling to it. Many serious spiritual students make the mistake of trying to live some absolute truth they have learned before it has become their state of consciousness.  

Because earth is a planet of time and space, intellectually known truth needs time to grow and strengthen through contemplation and practice before a full integration of it can take place. The spiritual evolutionary process begins as gradual awareness and intellectual knowledge but must be lived and fully integrated before becoming one's attained state of consciousness. When the world was very dense, this process took many lifetimes but in the higher resonance of today, it is happening more quickly.

It is important that you allow your evolutionary process to unfold without trying to define, guide, or influence it other than with trust. Most of you were trained to govern your spiritual life with guidelines and rules learned in other lifetimes, in convents, monasteries, and ashrams etc. Many of you were serious students in the ancient Egyptian schools and still carry the influences of those lives. Now let it all go allowing each day to bring what you need on whatever level is necessary in order to awaken more fully. 

Do not feel guilty if you are guided to see a doctor or spiritual teacher/adviser. Help is provided on all levels of awareness and none is lesser than another if done with love and service. Like everything else, it is a matter of energetic alignment. If your consciousness is more in alignment with standard medicine, then go with it. If you are in alignment with holistic medicine, go with that. If you have attained a level of conscious awareness of oneness with completeness, allow that to unfold as your health and well being.  

Resistance that is based in the belief that you must hold fast to some absolute truth in spite of not yet having attained the consciousness of it, will actually act as a block because it gives reality and power to the very issue you are seeking to move beyond. Go within and seek guidance on these issues and never believe that you have spiritually failed if you decide to seek some assistance that resonates with you. 
認為即使你尚未掌握某種絕對真理也必須堅守某個絕對真理的抵抗,實際上會起到阻礙作用,因為它為你尋求超越實際問題提供了現實和力量 。進入並尋求有關這些問題的指導,如果你決定尋求與你共鳴的幫助,請不要相信你在精神上失敗了。

It is impossible to go spiritually backward to levels you have outgrown for evolution is an ongoing journey of awakening not governed or influenced by concepts of human thinking. Allow your intuition to guide you toward those things that are in alignment with your present state of consciousness. 

Pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained, is a three dimensional activity and does not serve or fool those around the person doing it. This is easily observed in many world "leaders", politicians hoping to be elected, those seeking to be famous, and many who are desperate for the recognition and love they believe to be outside of them. 

Truth is a seed that must silently and secretly rest and be allowed to grow strong in the safety of your heart where it is protected from doubters and those who would take it from you until it can germinate and express in, as, and through you. You will know when a truth has become your state of consciousness for it simply becomes you, your automatic awareness and response in all situations.  

Allow yourselves to grow and expand in ways that are highest and best for you never doubting that you are always being guided and directed by your Higher Self that knows where you need to be, how to get you there, and when. This is how you unfold into knowing and loving self as SELF.  

Accept that your journey may be nothing like that of others in the realization that all paths, regardless of how bizarre or twisted they may appear to human thinking, eventually lead to the spiritual realization of ONE. (Ascension) It cannot be otherwise because it is what you already are -- Divine Beings in disguise.  

We are the Arcturian Group                                                                        


< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121065228 >


傳導作者:Marilyn Raffaele

APRIL 25, 2021

Greetings, dear readers.  

Confusion and sadness continue to be a large part of daily living for many but it is important to not judge by appearances. The many current situations of violence and strife represent a surfacing of old and dense energies based in separation that have long lain buried and silent both personally and collectively.

The presence of high resonating Light now streaming to earth is exposing and allowing these old pockets of dense energy to reactivate. Those with a state of consciousness in alignment with these energies then feel encouraged and empowered to act them out. 

Some of the violence now taking place is a result of the manipulation of information by those intent upon keeping mankind locked into the bondage and control that has allowed them to live rich and powerful lives.  

For many, problems and discord are necessary components of their awakening. Commonly accepted ideas, practices, and beliefs that result in fear and trepidation for others are beginning to be seen in a new way by increasingly more individuals. Previously closed minds are beginning to open to understand that there are better, higher ways of doing things and that many of the "old ways" are no longer acceptable. These insights represent a crack of Light in the dark that will eventually expand and become a part of the collective. 

Trust that all is proceeding according to plan. Stand back and bear witness to reality in all circumstances through holding the truth of One Power and knowing that this One Power does not and cannot express as fear, anger, violence, suffering, war, etc., regardless of how scary or powerful the appearances may be. Remember always that One cannot war against ITself.

That One Power is who and what you are, not in your human hood, but in the reality, true essence, soul of you. It is the reason spiritual masters throughout time have guided seekers to look within rather than continuing to look outside of themselves for solutions on all levels. 

All answers lie within not because there is some sort of magic book inside, but because your oneness with Source automatically constitutes your oneness with all that Source is--harmony, wholeness, completeness, intelligence, abundance, ad infinitum. The true essence of every person is and always has been self sustaining, self maintaining Divine Consciousness. However, most are not yet aware of or even open to the idea of Oneness with God. The master Jesus was crucified for attempting to give this very truth to the people of his time. 

Once an individual has attained a consciousness of their oneness with Source, the inherit qualities of Divine Consciousness automatically begin to express simply because consciousness is the substance of form. Many know this intellectually, but choose to continue believing that living truth is an impossible goal, not practical, and "works" only for those more spiritually evolved. But... YOU ARE THEM.

For example; a consciousness of oneness with Divine harmony allows it to express as harmony in ways that are personal to each individual. Every person expresses their state of consciousnesses. Harmony for one person may mean something completely different than it does for someone else. Harmony for one may mean family issues resolving peacefully and without effort. For another, it may simply be their daily work schedule falling into place easily. Consciousness never ceases expressing ITself. 

Daily living for someone who has attained conscious oneness with Source, becomes easier because the harmony, peace, abundance etc. that flows from Source far outweighs any concepts of harmony, peace, abundance etc. formed through the three dimensional mind. Three dimensional mind creations are always and can only be limited, drawing information from the collective through filters of duality and separation.​ However, it is very important to know and accept the difference between needs and wants for self as well as for others. 

Everything humans seek is already fully embodied in consciousness by virtue of there being only One Consciousness--Divine Consciousness. However, most do not yet know this, as so continue seeking everything they believe they need from people, places, and conditions outside of themselves while believing that material issues and things are separate from the spiritual. Spiritual is and could never exist separate from the material because material is simply a concept, a three dimensional mind interpretation of the spiritual reality.  

Even the very simplest of needs are met when one attains a consciousness of ONEness. The completeness and wholeness of Divine Consciousness will express ITself as what is needed according to the understanding of the individual. A mechanic will not find that new ideas for performing surgery flow into his consciousness and the surgeon will not receive information about how to fix an engine unless that is the need of the moment, and then he will.  

Omnipresence--forms of transportation, Omniscience--getting right answers and solutions, Omnipotence--empowerment and strength to make decisions and live. An infinity of all good is the reality just waiting to be recognized.

Ceremonies, mantras, practices, or anything meant to bring some desired outcome are in reality a form of idolatry. These practices are fine for beginners new to learning about energy, but if you understand these messages you are long past that point in your journey. 

Many hold themselves back by continuing to hold onto old religious teachings about what constitutes spirituality. No one person's journey is exactly like another because everyone has had individual experiences throughout their many lifetimes which have resulted in the need for different lessons and goals. To believe that you must live or suffer exactly like some "saint" or famous "holy person" in order to be closer to God serves only to prevent you from finding your own spirituality.  

Energy was studied in the mystery schools of long ago, but some at that time were not of a high state of consciousness and discovered that they could manipulate and use what they learned selfishly. This is how the "black arts" began and continue for a few. Never fear these things for lower energy can never effect the higher unless it is given power to do so through fear and a belief in its reality.  

You may feel content with life, going along enjoying harmony and wholeness when suddenly you find that something very inharmonious has entered your life. This does not mean that you have somehow failed but rather that your realization of harmony as your own consciousness is automatically clearing everything not in alignment with it. Never claim a problem or difficulty as personally yours for this will make it yours. All error on all levels is and can only ever be impersonal belief.

The Higher Self of every individual directs their spiritual evolution but free will and human ego can temporarily block it. Because the human ego is rooted in beliefs of separation, it is often afraid, anxious, and unable to trust that there is order in a world that presents itself through experiences of duality and separation. Most humans feel separate from their good simply because it is what they believe, it is their state of consciousness. Remember, you are creators forming your outer from your inner. 

Many of you are fully prepared to move beyond duality and separation but any remaining pockets of low vibrational energy stored from lifetimes lived in low resonating energy must first clear in order to be replaced with frequencies of Light. This ascension process if different than it has ever been, because you are doing it while still utilizing a physical body. The mind does not always know what is actually happening with the clearing and integration process and translates it as pain or error. (ascension symptoms). Trust that all is proceeding according to plan even if it doesn't feel or look how you expected it to feel or look.  

Once an individual consciously or unconsciously chooses to spiritually evolve, they cannot go back to their previous state of consciousness. Life experiences now become facets of their spiritual learning process. Making the free will choice to evolve shifts a person out of the level of "chance and accidents" that those living fully in the three dimensional belief system experience but if this choice was made on an unconscious level, the human mind will often attempt to block it, leaving the person wondering why they seem to experience so many "life lessons". 

Making the free will choice to evolve shifts a person out of the level of "chance and accidents" that those living fully in the three dimensional belief system experience. Trust that your Higher Self knows where you need to be, what you need, and how to get you there.
做出自由意志的選擇來進化一個人,使他們脫離了完全生活在三維信仰系統中的人們所經歷的“機會和事故”的水平。 相信你的高我知道你需要在哪裡,需要什麼以及如何到達那裡。

You have reached a spiritual point at which outgrown beliefs of the past must be allowed to fall away in order to live from a new and higher level. This facet of the journey is often difficult because you have become accustomed living life from the three dimensional principles that were taught you from childhood and have served you well. Let intuition guide you in all matters as some of the "old ways" are valid. 
你已經達到了一個精神點,在這個精神點上,必須讓對過去的過時信仰擺脫掉,才能生活在一個新的更高層次上。 旅途中的這一方面通常很困難,因為你從童年時就教給你的,對你有益的三個維度原理已經成為習慣的生活。 讓直覺指導你處理所有事情,因為某些“舊方法”是有效的。 

Televisions, phones, advertisers, books, etc. shout out 24/7 "This is how to become successful, rich, beautiful, popular, strong, smart etc." and in ignorance at one time or another, almost everyone believes it. Even after awakening to truth, these concepts have a way of working themselves into and remaining in consciousness because they dominate collective thinking. Stay alert to what you allow into your consciousness and do not feel guilty if you occasionally slip into old programming. Evolution is a process.

You cannot fail even if it takes time for you to fully accept some truths. Simply keep yourself open and fluid. Love allows everyone to unfold at the pace that is highest and best for them. Some will grasp these principles and run with them while others may need time to ponder for a bit but the spiritual evolutionary journey of every soul toward the realization of ONEness never ceases.  

Limit news watching, seek quiet when you can. Meditate often but not in the old structured and rigid ways many of you were taught as beginners. Let meditation become a silent, sacred, and secret resting in truth while walking in nature, behind your desk at work, simply doing dishes, sitting in your favorite chair, or even in the midst of chaos.  

The whole reason you are on earth at this time is to remember who you are and then help others to do the same. It is a process that can be painful and scary at times but you have learned how to reinterpret appearances. 

The head of a flying arrow feels the heat. You the fully awakened ones, constitute the first wave, the head of an evolutionary arrow. 

You are loved.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/25/21



大角星群體訊息APRIL 11, 2021

Dear readers, we along with many from the higher dimensions, are working to assist, remind, and help the people of earth understand that something profound is taking place that far exceeds appearances and the understanding of most.

Fear and separation will always be present in the third dimension regardless of how many "wars against" something take place because third dimensional energy consists of the belief in two powers which will always express as duality and separation. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form because consciousness is all that exists.  

Personally and globally, mind automatically draws from consciousness to form the material. Mind is matter. Over time the masters have taught that the world is illusion but this has been not been correctly understood by most. The world is not illusion, it is a perfect spiritual expression of Source. It is the false hypnotized sense of the spiritual universe that constitutes the illusion.

You have outgrown third dimensional living. You would not be reading or even understanding these messages if you were still fully in third dimensional consciousness. This can make being around family, friends, employers, and so called experts who are fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy, difficult. There will be times when you must "play the game" but by silently holding the truth in every situation, you bring Light to it.

Over the course of many, many lifetimes, everyone has experienced fear, loss, torture, and occasionally happiness. You have experienced both poverty and wealth, disease and health, killed and been killed. You were both peacemaker and war monger. You were taught that you were better and more valuable than others and acted accordingly but then returned to experience lives in which you were considered to be and treated as worthless.  

Religions have and continue to teach that everyone is born tainted with sin until "saved" through certain three dimensional actions, words, or ceremonies.

Many and varied experiences constitute everyone's journey to realization. Even the smallest life experiences expand awareness and become one's state of consciousness. Everyone is at their own unique place along the journey toward realization so the negative experiences that you may lovingly want to remove from another, may very well be the very experiences the person needs and chose pre-birth for spiritual growth.

This never means ignoring suffering while shouting "It's just illusion.". Rather it means that you do what you are intuitively guided to do, while keeping in mind that something more than what outer appearances would indicate is taking place. Always allow your intuition to guide you in these matters because for some, the experience of total failure may be an integral part of their soul plan. Always honor the free will of others even when you can easily see a better way.

You are prepared to move beyond old three dimensional ways of learning and no longer need experiences of pain and suffering in order to learn what you are ready to learn. However, old painful experiences of the past often form pockets of dense energy that are carried with you for long periods of time. You have paid your dues, learned, evolved, and are ready to move into spiritual empowerment if you choose, but for most it includes a period of releasing and clearing remaining pockets of old energy.  

Spiritual empowerment brings a sense of freedom not experienced when living as a three dimensional human. It the ability to accept or reject without fear, news facts, societal beliefs of right and wrong, religious doctrine, etc. along with the hundreds of other concepts believed to be truth that have been imposed upon mankind. It is freedom from actions that arise solely from obligation, guilt, or because others consider it your "duty".  

Freedom is letting go of concepts that assign certain jobs, characteristics, and "duties" to one gender or the other. It is knowing that it is ok choose who to love or be with in partnership and to stop warring with people simply because their beliefs may be different. It is the freedom to choose your life, beliefs, and actions through the realization that you are not a powerless human who must please some old man in the sky.

Spiritual freedom is not license to do whatever one feels like doing at the expense of another but rather allows one to take empowered actions with love.  

You have done the work and are prepared to fully embrace that there is only ONE and therefore because there is nothing else, you can only be of that ONE. No more dancing around truth, by continuing with classes, rituals, and ceremonies designed to get the attention of a God separate from you.  

Most of you have done these things and they were an important and necessary facets of your journey. They helped you evolve to where you are now, but you no longer need the metaphysical tools. You have reached the place where you know that YOU ALREADY ARE that which you were seeking through them and until you can truly accept this, you remain in the energy of duality and separation. 

There is much yet to come, dear ones. These are the times of tremendous change that you hoped, prayed, and longed for even though it may not seem that way or be what you were expecting. The increasing presence and integration of high resonating energy is affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of all--those who understand what is going on as well as those who do not.  

People are experiencing aches and pains in the physical that often come and go. For many, deep and painful emotions are surfacing seemingly from nowhere. Mentally, the whole world is beginning to examine and evaluate personal and global belief systems that no longer seem to be working.

Because the increasing presence of high frequency energy on earth is exposing dense energies that have lain hidden and dormant through lifetimes, some of those living fully in three dimensional energy are acting out with violence and negative actions. This is because as long buried, denied, or held in check energies surface, those of that state of consciousness can easily align with them. They are not always aware of the impact of their actions because the denser energies feel new and valid to them. 

Most people are unable to see their guides , higher dimensional beings, or deceased friends and relatives because the higher resonating energy of the higher dimensions is invisible to most physical eyes. Some have carried the ability to see higher dimensional energy with them into this lifetime but psychic does not always mean spiritual. Be alert to what you accept as truth just because someone who has psychic gifts says it. Always trust your intuition.

You begin to align with the higher dimensional energies as your personal energy becomes higher and lighter through spiritual growth. Meditation becomes a living moving way of life rather than a separate part of your day and you may find yourself increasingly seeking out quiet and solitude rather than the noisy activities you once enjoyed. 

Allow the process to unfold without personal intervention in the belief that you must personally (ego) manage and control everything in order for it to be right according to some concept of spirituality. Everyone's journey and experiences are different. Begin to truly accept that you are a Divine Being on earth to bring in and hold the Light of transformation for a world that is mostly unaware that it is in the process of shifting to a higher dimensional energy level.  

Be patient and trust that all is proceeding according to plan in the knowledge that things simply cannot change in a minute. The reality of Divine perfection is and has always been fully present, but the collective majority must attain a certain level of awareness before it can be understood or experienced. For the most part collective consciousness is still asleep, but each day more awaken and begin to understand that something is taking place other than what the news is reporting.  

Most news sources believe what they are reporting because it is what they have been told to report. Become intuitively selective as to what you accept into consciousness as truth. Your ability to do this is why you were one of those chosen to be on earth at this time. Not everyone who wanted to come was allowed to come. Your strength and spiritual gifts were considerations as to who would be on earth during these times. 

Present times are not about a virus, politics, or obsolete rules and traditions. These things are simply facets of the process of a three dimensional planet shifting to a higher dimensional one through the collective spiritual evolution of mankind.  

Do not attempt to keep what is old and finished personally or globally alive regardless of how pleasant it may of been. Letting go of those parts of your life that are finished need not mean "taking a stand" with regard to friends and family. Rather simply allow it to be the silent secret living of your highest sense of truth as you go about the day doing seemingly ordinary things. 

No one needs to know what is going on within you, this is between you and your Higher Self. Those receptive may feel your energy and be drawn to you seeking what it is you know or have. Strangers may start asking questions or seeking guidance from you and this is when spiritual discernment becomes very important. 

Always serve those (strangers or friends) who come to you for advice from a level of compassion and not sympathy. Sympathy ( "Poor you, I feel your pain.") will cause you to align with the other person's energy whereas in compassion you remain empowered in your own energy. Alignment with energy that is denser than yours will leave you feeling drained and confused. This is especially important for those who work in fields of guidance.

Know that rather than life becoming easier, life may become more difficult after making the choice to embrace and live truth. This is because in choosing to evolve, you give permission for the opening of the inner doors you ignorantly built for yourself over lifetimes. These doors have acted as blocks to spiritual awareness and must be removed. Opening them allows the release of everything behind them--all that is old, finished, and in need of clearing.  

Ordinary life for an already awake and aware person may fall completely apart physically, emotionally and mentally and spiritually. Often they come to a point at which they simply want to go back to where they had no knowledge of truth and where life seemed much simpler and easier. However, once the door blocking some facet of awareness a person is now ready to understand is opened, it does not close. 

Try to remember that if struggle and failure appear seemingly out of nowhere when you thought your spiritual journey was flowing along just fine, it actually represents a graduation, a shift away from, the clearing of false beliefs now manifesting outwardly that you would not otherwise be aware of.

A person can never return to their old state of consciousness because Divine Consciousness is the reality, all that exists, and thus any small crack through which it can express will remain. The shadow cannot remake itself in the presence of Light.  

Spiritual evolution is the journey of fully opening every door and window, removing every barrier, and lifting every self protecting shield ever created to stop pain but which in reality served only to hide self from SELF.  

Allow the reality of who and what you are to once again shine in ITs full glory and expression.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/11/21

文章來源: Newest (onenessofall.com)



【大角星群體訊息】     MARCH 28, 2021
Dear readers, we greet you with love and light.  


Although it doesn't look that way, increasingly more outgrown and low resonating energies now present on earth are beginning to transmute to a higher resonance, one that flows in and on streams of love. All is proceeding according to plan.  

It is important to have attained a consciousness of spiritual trust. "Do I really believe that One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source/ Consciousness/God is all there is? If so, could anything exist outside of IT? Where could anything unlike IT come from if IT is omnipresent?" Omnipresence automatically eliminates there being any reality to duality and separation. Bring this knowledge into every facet of your life where it can then grow, expand, and eventually become your state of consciousness where trust is automatic.

It is tempting even for the very evolved to slip into fears that arise from outer appearances but never doubt that the Divine Plan is solidly in place. You the awakened ones, are today's spiritual warriors simply because you carry the Light of truth in consciousness. Because there is only one, the higher resonating energy that you secretly and silently carry with you acts to lift and assist others to recognize how much of what has been accepted as normal, is in reality false, cruel, and unnecessary.  


Life is difficult for most at this time. People are tired and want things to be normal. Try to think of present times as a pause rather than a problem. A pause that was necessary in order to stop the three dimensional merry-go-round that so many have been living on in the belief that it was normal. The "pause" has allowed many to step back and re-evaluate their beliefs and life choices. 

目前大多數時候生活都很艱難。人們很累,希望一切正常。嘗試將當前視為停頓而不是問題。為了停止許多人賴以生存的3D旋轉木馬,必須暫停一下。 “暫停”使許多人退後一步,重新評估了他們的信仰和生活選擇。

This "pause" in normal activity has forced many to courageously make changes that align more closely with their awakening state of awareness. Rather than continuing to plug along with choices made from a previous and less aware state of consciousness, the break from habit and routine is helping many to examine themselves more honestly, a process that would have taken much longer without the "pause".

As higher frequencies of Light flow to and integrate on earth more will come. There is only ONE energy, and IT is omnipresent, but after it became conditioned with the false belief in two powers, it began expressing as duality and separation. These false interpretations have no law to sustain or maintain them for they are not real.  

Spiritual evolution is the gradual elimination of that which is false and dense through the presence of high dimensional, real frequencies in global and personal consciousness.

As higher frequency energy integrates into the cells of your physical body and displaces the heavier energy that humans have become used to, you may feel ill, tired, and/or emotional. Allow the process. These high resonating energies are clearing and replacing energies in cellular memory that you may have carried for eons. Your body doesn't always understand what is happening and reacts in the ways it is familiar with.

You have been preparing for this through lifetimes and have reached a readiness to move beyond that which is finished. This may cause you to feel different from the you that you were as well as confused about many things. Activities, interests, people, food, and beliefs that were once an integral part of your life simply no longer resonate with your new state of consciousness and can leave you feeling sad and longing for what once was. Remember--nothing real ever disappears into nothingness but rather only changes form. You will once again experience those things that represent your completeness, but in new ways.

The presence of high resonating energy will activate the deeply buried negative emotions, beliefs, and fear filled experiences that you have consciously or unconsciously kept buried within throughout many lifetimes. Higher Light frequencies act to expose these "hidden places" simply because reality will always override the false--energies formed from concepts and beliefs based in two powers that have no law to support them.

This is what is behind the violence and destructive behavior you are witnessing at this time. It is the effect of the presence of increasingly more light (reality) on earth as it moves toward becoming a higher dimensional planet. Just as with people, earth was never meant to remain three dimensional and everything now taking place is part of earth's ascension process. 

 Feel into the energy that you are experiencing. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions arise from your clearing/ integration process. Stop ignoring or forcing the painful ones back inside where will not go away (they are energy) but rather will continue to express outwardly when you least want or expect them to until looked at and cleared. 

Long ago souls chose to experience separation and did, but then forgot who they were and got stuck in it creating a collective consciousness based in separation that in turn allowed alignment with low resonating energies and beings that brought to earth the suffering, negative experiences, and outside interference that has plagued mankind for eons.  

The Christian celebration of Easter is soon to take place all over the world. However as with the Christmas story, Easter is not the story of just one man but is rather everyone's story. At some point in every soul journey, there comes a crucifixion which has been called the "dark night of the soul". It is the experience of having the one's foundation crumble without warning leaving the person floundering in doubt, confusion, mental anguish, resistance, and questions.

After a period of suffering (three days in the tomb) and futile attempts to restore what once was, there comes the realization that familiar outer solutions simply no longer work and at this point the inner search begins. As new insights unfold, he/she begins to see their old foundation from a new and higher perspective which allows them to build a new and more evolved foundation (resurrection). There are many crucifixions and Easters along the path to realization, each one serving to lift a person to their next level.

Learn to live in each now moment. Attempting to hold on to or recreate the energies of yesterday, regardless of how wonderful they may have been will only serve to block something new from manifesting. Even after one day, one hour, or one minute the energy is old. Become an observer living from your highest level of awareness and embracing each now moment without fear. This way you do not block what may be "in the wings" waiting.

Living in the now moment can be difficult because everyone has been taught to plan every aspect of their lives according to three dimensional standards. Living in the now moment does not mean you stop making plans, but rather means that if or when those plans change you allow it without a lot of struggle, resistance, and effort to force the original plan. Those not yet awakened, who live fully in third dimensional energy are not yet spiritually prepared to live spiritual allowing, but you as evolved beings, have reached that place of readiness. 

Spiritual allowing means knowing and accepting that your Higher Self, your Divine Self, knows and is guiding the perfect plan for your spiritual growth. It means that when personal plans totally dissolve in spite of your best efforts, you understand without resistance that something is unfolding on a level you are not yet aware of. 

Allowing is the ability to stand back and watch life unfold from a place of spiritual truth rather than attempting to fill each moment with activities based in concepts of obligation to some person, group, or societal belief. It is a letting go of the "shoulds and should nots" that have kept you in bondage and unempowered.

Allowing is a facet of trust, a trust that flows automatically from the realization that one is a Divine Being/Consciousness embodying all the qualities of Source. Allowing knows that that there is a Divine plan taking place even though things may not look that way to human eyes. It is knowing that whole picture is not yet able to fully manifest physically, but is fully present on a higher dimensional level. 
允許是信任的一個方面,一種信任會自動產生,它是一個體現了源頭所有特質的神性存在/意識。 允許知道有一個神聖的計劃正在實施,即使事情可能不會像人眼所見那樣。眾所周知,整個圖片尚不能在物理上完全體現出來,但是可以在更高的維度上完全展現出來。

Allowing becomes automatic as you begin to accept self as SELF. Let life unfold as seems best for you without trying to direct, plan, force, eliminate, or change it. Allowing does not mean doing nothing in the ordinary sense but rather means trusting that your intuition (the voice of your Higher Self) is guiding your decisions and choices and then allow them to be what they are.

Higher frequency energies of Light are bringing new ideas about everything to collective consciousness and are also giving a little "push" those teetering on the edge of awakening . Some are choosing not to awaken at this time. Perhaps they require learning experiences that can only be had in third dimensional energy or simply want to enjoy three dimensional energy for a bit longer. Some souls are choosing to leave now in order to reincarnate into the new and higher resonating earth.  

Free will allows all to have choice and choice is unique to every individual. Everyone has had different experiences over their many lifetimes making every person's lessons and levels of spiritual awareness different. Never feel that you must cajole, force, or trick another into believing as you do out of the belief that you have the higher and better truth. Love means honoring everyone's journey through the realization that all paths lead up the mountain and come together at the top.  
自由意志使所有人都有選擇,選擇對於每個人都是獨特的。 每個人在其一生中都有不同的經歷,這使每個人的課程和屬靈意識的水平都不同。 永遠不要以為自己擁有更高更好的真理,就這樣說服自己,強迫或欺騙他人,使其相信自己。 愛的意思是通過認識到所有道路通向山峰、並在山頂匯聚來表彰每個人的旅程。 

Awakening to the truth of ONEness cannot be avoided forever because Consciousness is and will continue to express ITself infinitely even when ITs expressions are colored by false concepts and beliefs. It is inevitable that at some point a breakthrough in consciousness takes place for every person because no one can cease being what they are.
永遠無法避免喚醒一個人的真理,因為即使當祂的表達被錯誤的概念和信念所染污時,意識仍將繼續無限地表達自我。 不可避免的是,在某個時刻,每個人都會發生意識上的突破,因為沒有人能停止成為自己的樣子。

Many intellectually accept they are Divine expressions, but have not yet allowed themselves to actually BELIEVE it.

The time is now and you are ready to integrate-- I am that I am.

We are the Arcturian Group 3/28/21


傳導作者:Marilyn Raffaele

FEBRUARY 28,2021

Dear readers, welcome to our message that is intended to bring hope and encouragement as well as information into everyone's increasingly deepening soul journey. 

All is proceeding according to plan. Never fear that the Divine plan can be manipulated or stopped by those who wish to do so for there is only One Power and that power is not effected by three dimensional conditioned activities. 

These are times of tremendous change in which much that the world is accustomed to will not return in its previous form. Those waiting for everything to once again be exactly as it was will be disappointed. As the collective spiritually evolves through the presence of increasingly more high frequency Light on earth, material expressions in all facets of life will begin to reflect this.  

The true essence of everything you see as material is in fact spiritual, but the spiritual reality is seen in the dense energy of the third dimension as material. How it is interpreted depends upon the personal and collective consciousness doing the interpreting which at this time is quickly changing. 

Ideas, inventions, and practices in law, medicine, and religion etc. as you have come to know them are based in beliefs of duality and separation. The foundation of many of these things will begin to crumble as people see them from new and higher levels. However, since the underlying idea of them is spiritual, their true essence remains intact, only their old form changes. New and higher forms that reflect earth's evolving spiritual awareness will soon begin to manifest. 

Higher forms of many ideas were given to earth long ago, but have been held back and kept secret from the majority by those who would keep mankind in bondage to control. As ideas like free energy become universally known, life for all will be easier. 

We wish to once again speak about love for even though we have often spoken about the absolute truth of love being the interconnecting energy between individuals within the ONE, we have not spoken of love as it is most commonly interpreted in the third dimension. Many struggle with how to translate the reality of love into daily life especially with regard to relationships.  

There are three hurtles that all meet on their journey out of three dimensional state of consciousness. They are; 1. Relationships, 2. Money, 3. Power
These three facets of life on earth are solidly ingrained in the consciousness of the majority through having lived many lifetimes in which they represented the power that ruled over everyone's life and their ability to make personal choices.  
在他們的旅程中,有三個傷害全都來自於三維意識狀態。他們是; 1.關係,2.金錢,3.力量

Romantic love is an area that continues to confuse many. Sexual attraction to a stranger or to someone who rejects you, the inability to let go of old relationships, and the need to continually seek for a partner all serve to create confusion and psychological pain. The bottom line of which is the belief that one cannot be happy without a partner.  

Romance in its three dimensional sense is an concept that arose out of the belief in separation. It has been colored and promoted by society as being a goal necessary for happiness. You have been taught that you are half of a couple and that until you find your other half, your soul mate, the perfect partner, you will be unhappy and incomplete.

Books, film, TV shows, retail, and media in general continue to promote the idea that once a person finds "Mr or Mrs. Right" they will finally feel whole and complete. The world in general continues to buy into these concepts, spending a great deal of time searching, seeking, and game playing unaware that what they seek is already present within them 

Needing to find one's "other half" in reality is a spiritual truth but not in the three dimensional sense. Everyone has a perfect "other half" but it lies within. Women already possess the masculine they seek just as men already possess the feminine that they seek but both seek it outside of themselves. 

Everyone is already whole and compete by virtue of their oneness with Source. If a person chooses to share their wholeness with another that is their free will choice, but it is never a need. 

Believing that one is half of a couple creates a sense of loneliness that prompts many to spend time and effort searching on the computer or phone, frequenting social places, joining groups, and doing activities in the hope of finding the one special person who will make them feel whole and complete according to their personal concepts of happiness.

Even when Mr. or Mrs. Right is found, there remains that sense of loneliness because the empty spot within is the Soul's yearning to be recognized and integrated into a state of consciousness that knows it is Source.

Many of you have already released these old concepts and have come into your personal power. Those who have not must release false ideas about relationship if they are to evolve into a consciousness of spiritual wholeness and completeness that will then manifest outwardly as that which represents wholeness and completeness to them. 

Completeness and wholeness for one may mean remaining single but for another wholeness and completeness may mean partnership. If so their consciousness will draw to them (alignment) the right partner without a lot of manipulation, thought, and concern. Consciousness is always expressing itself. What do I hold in my consciousness?

Those unaware of who and what they really are will continue seeking completeness from outside of themselves through three dimensional tools but will never find it even when their goals are attained because three dimensional concepts are temporary having nothing but belief to support them. Divine wholeness and completeness is infinite, forever, and never changes or ceases.

The belief and promotion of sexual attraction as being love has created more heartbreak among the majority than can be counted. It also sells tickets, promotes films, and keeps a lot of businesses going but the world is ready to move beyond these narrow concepts. 

When sex becomes simply a route for self pleasure without regard for the other person it becomes a three dimensional activity devoid of love and can cause a person to become stuck and addicted to old energy patterns. It also results in energetic cords being created between those involved.  

Sex, attraction, and the desire to be with another are facets of love but can simply be energetic alignment. There could be a past life connection, or perhaps one person aligns with another's concept of the perfect partner. Perhaps the other (stranger or friend) holds similar beliefs (alignment) as you. Energetic alignment is not love although it can lead to love and is necessary for a solid partnership.  

Sexual encounters are often considered to be simply a pleasant release for those involved. However as with all things, it has a deeper reality. Its true spiritual essence is the joining of the masculine and feminine energies into a powerful ONEness from which a new and evolved consciousness is born. 

Those who know the spiritual truth about themselves and their partner bring love and respect to their sexual relationship allowing it to become a spiritual experience rather than just a physical release. Relationships both homosexual and heterosexual entered into at this level of awareness have the potential to lift both into higher awareness. This truth was studied and taught in many of the ancient sacred schools of learning.  

Religions have taught that sex is bad and should avoided under pain of sin and damnation until a commitment is made and then it is only for the purpose of creating children. These false and limiting concepts have permeated collective thinking and made natural, healthy, and pleasurable human sexuality into a source of shame, guilt, and fear.  

As individuals spiritually evolve, their concepts of romance also evolve. Many relationships that came about through three dimensional concepts of romance and love are either beginning to dissolve or are having problems, leaving both partners wondering what happened to a once happy relationship.  

The choice to stay or leave a relationship must be a personal choice, one made from a level of love that and considers the good of all involved. However this never means sacrificing individuality or surrendering personal power to another simply to maintain something that no longer exists or to satisfy the desires and wants of some other person, group, family, or friend. Always trust your intuition in these matters. 

Relationships of all kinds are and will continue to change because the collective consciousness is shifting into new and higher levels. The inner is always reflected in the outer which means that when one partner spiritually shifts to a new level and the other does not, the energetic alignment they started with no longer exists in its previous form. 

This does not always mean that a relationship must end. If harmony and love are present even when beliefs differ it often means that the alignment has remained intact. Often one of the partners has done the work in a previous lifetime and there is no need to be actively engaged in it now. 

True relationships are two individuals both aware of their innate completeness, standing together by choice not need, looking in the same direction.  

Partnership with a certain person is often part of a person's pre-birth plan as being necessary for the completion of some unfinished business from another lifetime. This is why it frequently happens that one or both partners question why they came together in the first place. 

Once a person attains a consciousness of their Divine Completeness, partnerships become less desirable and sought after because the person no longer feels the intense desire or need for partnership. They feel complete.

Send light to the world, to those suffering, and to all so called "enemies". Visualize light within everyone you see or think about. For some you may see just a pin point of light and for others a large brightness but always remember that all hold Divine Light even if it is hidden behind shadows of false concepts and beliefs. This is why you came to earth at this time.

Light always extinguishes shadows because shadows have no substance. Shadows are simply the absence of light, appearances formed of duality and separation having no Divine energy of their own to sustain and maintain them.  

The secret of personal and global ascension is to stop feeding illusions and allow Reality manifest.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/28/21
