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顯示具有 Judith Dagley 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.悲傷 (20201016)
《2》.理解,要有耐心 (20201021)
《3》.自愛 (20201025)

《1》.關於 悲傷.
傳導作者:John Smallman.

Today I want to address sorrow.
Many people are experiencing great sorrow as a result of being separated from friends and loved ones, due to the present worldwide restrictions on meetings and social interactions of all kinds.
When you experience yourself feeling sorrow, sadness, or any kind of dissatisfaction with the circumstances of your life, please call on me. I am always available, and I will always answer your call immediately! It is my joy to assist you all in your ongoing awakening processes, which many of you are finding extremely unsettling.
As you spend more time alone, and find emotional issues arising powerfully within you which need to be addressed, thanked, forgiven, and released, ask me to help you to relax into your holy inner sanctuaries where Love awaits you, wishing only to embrace and honor you if you will allow It to do so.
Allowing and welcoming is the key, so let go of any negative feelings or self-judgments about your worthiness and invite Love to join you there.
Sorrow is a powerful emotion that arises when you experience loss, and which can be extremely debilitating, often leading to intense depression and lack of motivation for life.
In these unusual times everyone needs someone to whom they can talk about personal issues that they would normally not talk about with anyone. And many of you feel that there is no one to whom you can safely disclose these seemingly private matters, often due to a sense of shame and inadequacy, believing that you should be able to deal with them by yourselves, as others obviously do.
The truth is that you are not alone in experiencing this sense of having no one to whom you can talk, this sense – even a belief – is in fact endemic.
So let it go, call on me, and I will guide you to meet with someone who can and will listen to you lovingly and without judgment, to assist you in identifying and releasing those deeply buried but strongly ingrained beliefs that have never served you.
Also let go of expectations as to who this might be – an egoic fear-driven attempt to limit your choices – thus allowing your intuition to present you with the most felicitous opportunity.
還要去放下這個人會是誰的期望---由小我恐懼驅動,試圖限制你的選擇 ---因此讓你的直覺呈現給你最奇妙的機遇
You will, of course, still be completely free to choose whether or not to engage with the one who propitiously appears, as you work with your issues of trust.
Learning how and whom you can trust often causes worry and anxiety because you have all had your trust betrayed at some time, or many times in your lives.
But with the ongoing effects of the Tsunami of Love, that is flowing abundantly to assist in your awakening process, people are becoming increasingly aware of the need to live their lives honestly and with integrity while respecting another’s trust in them, and are therefore making a conscious choice to honor both themselves, and all others.
Love is your nature, and as more and more become aware of this the opportunities for kind and loving social interactions – one on one, or in groups – are growing rapidly.
There is only One, therefore each one is that One.
As more and more of you recognize this divine Truth your interactions with one another become ever more loving, allowing issues that may have divided you, and even led to conflict among you, to be discussed openly, without any individual setting preconditions or needing to prove to others the rightness of his or her beliefs or opinions.
When discussions are started from this loving state of openness and acceptance, there are no issues that cannot be resolved, although time and patience will be necessary because, even though you have entered the New Age, many are still working on personal issues of non self-acceptance, unworthiness, and lack of trust that can be spontaneously triggered and lead to conflict.
Fear often leads to anger, sometimes intense anger, that can be used to defend the self or to attack another, and when this happens it is inevitably divisive.
Fear is a response to separation from or abandonment by a loved one, and unreal as it is, because you are all permanently and eternally in the Presence of God from Whom separation is impossible, nevertheless, for humans it seems very real.
恐懼是對與心愛之人分離或被心愛之人拋棄 的一個反應,這是不真實的,因為你們永遠處於神之中,分離是不可能的,但對於人類來說看似非常真實
Were you to be separated from Source, your life force, your consciousness would be terminated, you would cease to exist, and by choosing to incarnate into the world of form you seem to have been separated, so all do have a deep inner sense of fear.
The way to release this fear permanently is to become aware of your true nature as One with God, and to know that that is indeed who you are.
Many who have had NDEs have talked and written about the wonder and joy of that experience, the full knowing realization that there is only Love, the infinite field of divine energy in which all that has been created is eternally present without interruption.
The unreal state of limitation that you experience as beings in form is temporary, a state from which God has promised that you will awaken.
Humanity is now fully engaged in the awakening process because the time for unreality has been terminated by your collective intent, and you are now most actively engaged in awakening.
For most it is a very unsettling moment because the belief that unreality is real has become so deeply ingrained within you.
As humans, you collectively dislike change because it brings uncertainty, and for many to think about aging and dying is anathema, while modern medical science tries desperately to overcome and prevent death.
Therefore, to come to the realization that there is no death, that there is but a transition to Reality is amazingly and intensely freeing.
This realization can be accessed by everyone, because God would not withhold it from any of His beloved children.
The way to realization of who you really are is by going within, and spending quiet time alone there as you ask to know, and then really allow yourself to listen to and hear the Voice for God within you, where It is always present.
You are never alone, so go within, ask for confirmation of this divine Truth, and allow yourself to hear It, feel It, and Know It.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

《2》.關於 理解,要有耐心.
傳導作者:Judith Dagley.

This is Yeshuwah.
We ask that You breathe our frequencies into your heart centers, for it is there that You will recognize them, as well as our love. It is in your heart centers that your true knowing, and your multi-dimensional intelligence, lies. We speak to You there now.
Every time You love yourSelves enough to forgive one person for a single thing, You enable a multitude to experience that same power of forgiveness.
Every time You find the courage to look for power within You, You break the bondage for multitudes who do not yet have that courage.
The power battles that rage on your planet now are among those who have forgotten that power lies only within them. They cannot get it from another, for the other does not have it!
The struggle now is great amongst those who do not know the power within them. They fight for it, as if it was a football in one of your recreational war games.
Understand, and be patient, for they try to create change, but do not yet know the ways of change.
They are learning.
Be patient with yourselves, for all outer battles are reflections of the wars You rage within You. You are learning.
Learn quickly! Your partners, your family, your bosses, your governments, none of them can give You your power, for they do not have it!
Do not burden them with those illusions! You have been told many stories about the dangers of power. You have told many yourselves.
We will tell You this: Your power is not dangerous.
Your power is your divinity!

《3》.關於 自愛.
傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl.

Beloved humans,
fight for the right thing: fight to become lighter, freer and clearer.
Don’t waste your energy trying to change the outer world for the better while you haven’t found your inner peace and harmony yet.
The gateway to the new world is inside you; the soil in which a new mankind prospers is loosened by you –until the seed of life can be planted.
Observe outer phenomena vigilantly and realize the dynamics of the shift in particular events. Get involved by taking yourself out of game – or by taking part in the game, if your divine missions unmistakably tell you so.
Who are you and what is your mission in this world? These are the questions that need to be answered before you take any action.
Therefore focus on yourself, your inner cleansing, release all that is harmful – which is everything that keeps you from remembering.
As long as you don’t remember who you really are, every action is inaccurate, left to chance and mostly futile.
Step into the mystery of your life. Get a grasp of your own being before you start dealing with the essential matters of the world. The path leads from the inside out – never the other way around.
Work on your spiritual recovery! Thereupon everything can heal that was ill and needed healing.
Focus all your energy on your own purification. Never let outer events deter you from it.
This is the way to rapidly gain clarity, wisdom and enlightenment.
Understanding life doesn’t mean hovering above things but living with them. The enlightened one realizes the connection between human beings and God.
The enlightened one knows: Only someone with his feet on the ground can grasp heaven with his spirit.
Look at yourself, accept yourself and love yourself. This is the action that matters now. Self-love is the beginning of charity and the origin of all-encompassing love.
Slowly you awaken, slowly you become aware, slowly you realize – don’t let anyone pressure you, because every tree needs its time to root deeply.
I am amongst you.