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關於 去變得不一樣
傳導作者:Anjos e Luz Terapias/ Luce Light
譯者:Nick Chan,於2021年5月16日

Dear sons and daughters of the planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, I am grateful to have this opportunity to chat with you a little. Yes, there are not only teachings, there are not only guidelines; there is immense love and friendship, just as immense, in relation to each one of you. So at the same time that many consider me as a father, mentor, advisor, teacher; I can also be a brother, a friend, an advisor, someone you can totally trust.
Nowadays, feelings are very mixed. On your planet now, we can say that all existing feelings are being vibrated, some more and some less, but everyone is part of this great moment. We would very much like the high feelings to be those that were dominating the whole scene at that time. But unfortunately it is not; unfortunately it is the low-frequency feelings that are dominating the planet right now. And the worst of them: fear; the fear of dying, the fear of not eating, the fear of not working, the fear of not being able to support the family, the fear of violence ... I would be speaking here, thousands of types of fears.
This is the most emanated feeling on the planet right now. And even you, those who are here on this path and who understand that you are planning, preparing for the new journey, for the Fifth Dimension; even you, at certain times of the day, vibrate fear. Fear of what will come, fear of how it will be, fear of what the passage will be like, fear: "Will I or will I not?" You also emanate fear. Of course, I also would not say that the fear that you emanate is as strong as that of the others, but it is fear, it is the feeling of fear. And that feeling is the feeling that immediately lowers your vibrations. Even if you are not thinking about the subject, even if you are doing other tasks at that moment, but when you think about a certain subject, and that brings you apprehension, doubt, uncertainty, fear is installed. And I assure you that it is powerful, it affects your vibration, in a way that you do not know and cannot even imagine.
To be in the Third Dimension is to be always subject to all these problems, to all sorts of problems; financial problems, health problems, relationship problems, work problems; innumerable types of problems. And we understand that for you it is practically impossible, to have no doubts and apprehension about anything. Because above all, you need to eat, you need to pay your bills, you need to make yourself happy, and in this hour comes the survival instinct; and that question, which never remains silent: “Will this path that I am choosing give me the conditions to have everything I need? Will this path give me the means to support my family? ”
And often because of fear, you remain where you are, even though it is a sad, boring path that brings you daily hassles, wears out; you prefer to continue. Because in spite of all that you feel, that gives you daily bread. Yeah, it's the ego's perspective, it's the ego's perspective that you don't change what's working, no matter if it makes you unhappy, if it's working, it meets your needs, so don't change anything, stay where you are. This is how the ego manipulates you, because it never encourages new paths, it never encourages decisions that will lead you to happiness, joy, love. First, because for the ego, these feelings are unimportant. Because as many say: "They don't pay the bills".
So why look for something that will bring you joy, if you are not sure that at the end of the month, you will be able to pay off everything you owe? And then you stay in that bed and get up to a mediocre life, a life without meaning, a life without love, a life without joy, but with the bills paid, with the family supported. But you? And your feelings? And their realization, where are they? No, you can't give up anything, because you think of your family first. I understand and applaud your way of thinking, only that life is not just doing for others.
I agree that you have a family, I agree that you have children to feed, right. Except that you are an unhappy, hurt, sad being, what are you going through with your children? That the world is this; just work, work, without any kind of pleasure, and get home always sulking, always nervous, exploding for anything. Then I ask you: Is this life worth it? Or is it that a life a little more contained, a little more planned, but with everyone happy laughing for nothing, wouldn't it be a better life? Could it be that even if you earn little, you would not come home with complete happiness? And it would be passing on to your children, exactly that, that it is worth fighting for what you want, for what you like.
Today, the vast majority of beings on this planet, act this way, sabotage everything that is good for themselves and think only of others. But what about yourselves? There many lost those jobs that supported them. And now? That was so right, that was so eternal and how does it all end now? And all those fears come back, in full force. And then you despair, because it seems that the paths are all closed. You weren't a bad employee, but you don't get anything anywhere. Why? Is it because you are looking for more of the same? Do you keep looking for that mediocre life of yours? Ah, I understand, but it was able to pay the bills and now you have nothing. And why not reinvent yourself? And why not, do something that gives you pleasure? And why not show your family; that happiness, peace, joy, is much more important than a lot of money in the account?
It is worth changing, it is worth choosing new paths, but paths that bring happiness. Each of you has a dream or more than one; why not run after them? Why not believe that they are possible? Why submit to that ruled, sad, boring life, just because you have to keep your family? But what about the relationship with your family; It is good? I doubt it is, because you are always stressed, always upset, always upset about everything. Now, if you choose something that gives you pleasure and that you feel you are doing well for yourself and for others; how is your relationship at home?
I would say, there may be times of difficulty, because each new path, there are many variants until you adapt to it. But if everything is done with love, if everything is done with surrender, it thrives. Believe it. I am here citing the example of employment, of work, but this fits for anything; this is up to the chosen profession; this fits for what to do with your life. You often choose only money: “Ah, this will bring me a rich and comfortable life” Yes, you can have a lot of money in your account, but your life can be: exhausting, without shine. You don't work for love and it doesn't work, it doesn't thrive, and you get more and more indignant and upset.
So what is the moral of the story, of all that I said? My brothers will not be easy, my children will not be easy, my friends will not be easy; change from one hour to the next, follow a path that your heart asks for. No, I recognize how easy it is not. I also recognize that many will not have support from those around them. Because they were also accustomed to living, for the sake of money, not for the sake of happiness, not for the sake of seeing that other person happy. "The other thing that plays me, I want to have money in my pocket". Many think so.
So the time is to break paradigms, the time is to break the rules, the time is to put the punishment ego hidden inside a box in the basement, so that it does not keep giving you ideas that will only make you survive. Because that is what the ego does; it doesn't want to be in need. But what if you trust, that Father / Mother God will supply all your needs? Where is the fear? Where is that fear of change? Where is that fear of imposing a new life on yourself? And I tell you more: if there is love from those around you, everyone will prefer you with a little less, but happy, cheerful and smiling, than that tantrum, boring, boring being, but with money in their pockets. Because if those around you think only of money, what kind of love did you build there? Wouldn't it be time to call everyone over for a chat? And to show that it is love, that it has to come first? Because when there is love, everyone respects each other.
Think about it. Think about what you have built around you. Is there still no time to change? To show them that there is a person there who is capable of loving? Why not try? Today, at this moment, I want each one of you to do an analysis of what your lives have been, what you have been doing for you, to make yourself happy. What have you been up to? Have you been thinking only of others? And you? Yes, you have responsibilities; you have, you chose to have them, but that’s not why your life is over. Inside there is a human being who needs to be happy, who needs to rejoice, who needs to find ways to make him happy, even if only for a few moments in the day; but ways that make you see that life is worthwhile, that life is not that routine, this daily repetition, where nothing grows, everything is maintained.
想一想。想想你在周圍建立了什麼。依舊沒有時間去改變?沒有時間展示他們有著一個人有能力去愛?為什麼不去試試?今天,在這個時刻,我想要你們每個人去分析一下你的生活,你為自己做了什麼來讓自己開心。你一直在忙什麼?你一直在想著別人嗎?你自己呢?是的,你有責任。你選擇去承擔,但這不是你的生活已經完蛋的原因。內在有著一個人需要開心,需要歡喜,需要找到方式來讓他開心 ,哪怕就幾分鐘。讓你看到生活是值得去生活的,生活不是例行公事,每天重複,沒什麼都可以成長,一切都是維護
So I will ... to conclude, tell you the following: everything you keep in a routine, nothing changes, because it is as if you were creating a machine, in which every day you do the same thing. Now if you break the routine, if you break the paradigms, the machine cannot maintain itself because it is lost; because that day you did it differently, that day you broke the routine. In what way? Changing a path, doing things out of order, changing your way of thinking. Everything is possible. Now for something to happen, you have to make a choice: break the routine. Because as long as you keep your lives exactly the same every day, nothing will change, everything will remain the same. Because that machine will always perform the same functions. Now, the day will come when that machine will rust, because you didn't take care of it, you just left it running. And who is this machine? It's you.
So take good care of yourself, make yourself happy, do it differently, do it differently, break the routine. I guarantee that when that machine is no longer able to perform the task, because it does not know what will come next, because you are constantly changing the routine, the universe itself will show you new paths; the universe itself will show you new ways to do it, because it realizes that you have changed, realizes that you don't want to do the same thing every day. And that is what you will reap. Try it. Do it differently, think differently, and you will see how things will change.
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關於 選擇正確的道路
傳導作者:Anjos e Luz Terapias/ Luce Light
譯者:Nick Chan,於2021年5月15日

Dear Earth brothers! I AM KWAN YIN!
I come here today, to once again spread all the love I have for all the inhabitants of this planet. When I lived incarnate, I went through many lessons, many pains, many sufferings; so I know exactly what it is like to live incarnated in this dimension.
Each of you has a path, guided by your souls, to follow. Each soul defines, elaborates, plans, the walk it will take while it is incarnated. This walk leads to its evolution, as this is the great goal of each soul. All this planning is passed on at the right time, to human consciousness, through the form of intuition. Many times, you believe your intuitions, many times you don't. I can even say that, in the vast majority of times, you don’t. You refuse to admit, that you may know exactly the right way to go, in advance.
Many think this is a great nonsense, many even go so far as to say ... "That this is something of the evil one, that no one is capable of having a true intuition" And in this way you despise all that planning that was done by the soul. You make your own decisions, choose your own paths. These paths that were generally chosen by you, are paths of great tribulation, great suffering, because, they are not those paths chosen by the soul and that it knew would lead you more easily to evolution.
So with these decisions that we call “free will”, most of the time you make mistakes; always choose what you think is right. You often find yourself so lost, so disoriented, that you ask on high to help you choose the right path. Difficult mission for us, because ..., and if all the paths you have to choose, are wrong? What can we answer? Yes, we could choose to choose the one that would bring the least loss. But would it be the path that would bring you more comfort?
Free will is exactly having the power of choice in your hands, having the power to decide, each of you your own life. So, how can we interfere? We can not. Many of you think that when you ask for help to know which choice to make, that we as your Masters, as evolved Beings of Light, have an obligation to show you the best path to be followed, or would I say, the correct path to be followed .
So, I repeat again: what if all paths are wrong? Because they are not the paths of your soul, they were not those paths guided by your soul, they were paths chosen by you. How can we respond? We can not. And then you are extremely disappointed, extremely, often, angry, because we do not answer which way you should go.
It is part of the walk itself, the choice of the path. If you arrived at the point of the crossroads, where you have several road options to follow; who built that crossroad? Who built that series of paths that can be chosen? It wasn't us, it was you. So, how can we give you the guidance you want? Each path of those you have produced has a lesson; some may be easier, others may be more difficult, it will depend on what you have planted along the road, and brought to the crossroads.
這是道路的一部分, 道路的選擇。如果你到達一個十字路口,你有一些道路可以選擇:誰建造了那個十字路口?誰建造了那一連串道路來供你選擇?並不是我們,而是你。所以,我們如何給予你你想要的指引?你創造的每一條道路都有一個課程;一些可能容易些,其它的可能難一點,取決於你一路上種下的東西,帶到十字路口的東西
If you have planted a good path, even if it is not the soul path, we can say that most of the paths that you can choose, will be good, will be easy. Now, if you have not planted any of this, I can say that the vast majority will be extremely difficult, so that you can harvest what you have planted.
I want to bring you here today, the certainty that we love you unconditionally. And that if we could and if it were allowed by Father / Mother God, each one of us would put you on the right path; I could even say, that we would prevent you from creating new paths, keeping you always on the path that your soul determined, for her evolution. But by the wisdom of Father / Mother God, each soul has to follow its own evolution, each soul has to learn its own lessons. And being in this dimension, is the certainty of many lessons to be learned. But all with a single objective: to see everything through the lens of love.
So just staying here saying that we can't help you, that we can't choose the path, that we can't tell you where to go, it doesn't do much for you; you always want to have an answer, you always want to have a way out, a help. For many even despair, for not really knowing, which way to go. So, how to resolve this impasse? You want an answer, we cannot give an answer. And then we end the discussion, we end the game and everything is for that reason? Of course not.
What we can do is always guide you to think with your heart, not your mind. When you think with your heart, the decision will come as close as possible to that soul path, even if it is not the one chosen by the soul. But you will choose the one that will contain more points close to what the soul wanted. And this way, you will be practically going back to the road that the soul has defined.
Many fail to understand, when we say: "Think with your heart". What is it to think with the heart? It is asking yourself, “Will this be good for me? Will this make me happy? Will this make me realize? Will this make me evolve? Will I be taking a step forward, or a step back? ” Realize that the questions are all about you. Because the decision is yours. So any question will have to be inherent to yourself. It is not yet time to think about others. So you asked all the questions about yourself, and all the questions asked you answered yes. Say you seem to be on the right track. Then you start, another succession of questions: “Will it be good for the next one? How will I be helping others by doing this? What will I add to the world by doing this? ”
Do not understand with this, that you have to become famous or important before society. Just understand that that choice will be good for someone, it will be good for the Whole; it will do good to the Whole, it will not harm anyone. This is very important. If all the questions are answered yes, you are even closer to the right decision. So to end this interrogation, ask your Higher Self what he thinks. He is the master of your soul; then he knows exactly the path of his soul, the chosen path. So ask him, what does he think of that decision.
Then, I notice many people asking themselves, "But how am I going to hear the response from the Higher Self?" When you ask this question, you have already limited everything, closed all doors, already placed all possible and impossible barriers, in communication with your Higher Self. So never ask that question. Asking a Being of Light, or a Higher Self, or a Father / Mother God, how you will hear them, is a question that should never be asked, because it automatically puts all possible barriers in communication, and for sure it it won't happen. Why? Because there was no trust, there was no belief that communication will happen.
If you ask with love, rest assured that you will know the answer. The problem is that you want to understand how; and how, is the big key to the process. How ready are you to receive the answer? If you do believe that there will be an answer, just wait, and it may come in so many ways, in so many ways, that you would be perplexed to know it. So just ask the question, whoever it is: to the Higher Self, to the Being of Light, to Father / Mother God it doesn't matter, ask the question and just believe. But it's not the one to believe ... "Ah, I think I'll have the answer" It won't. It has to be a deep belief; it has to be that moment, when you ask the question, just empty your mind and open your heart , to receive the answer, with the certainty that it will come, and I assure each of you that the answer will come.
You often complain, that you cannot communicate with beings of high dimensions; and I tell you, the day that you actually believe, that you actually trust, that you actually believe that this is possible, you will hear, you will see, you will feel, you will be aware, in countless ways. Until this happens, you really won't be able to.
At the present moment, at this moment of transition ... What is important to each of you? To be sure that you are on the right path, that you are following that path that will take you to the Fifth dimension. So, you are already asking exactly: "How to know that we are on this path?" Listen to everything that has been said here, listen again and you will know exactly what to do and if you are on the right path.
All of you are able to have any kind of communication with high beings, anyone. It only takes trust, it takes only belief and an open heart, a happy heart, a joyful heart. For a sad heart, an angry heart, a heart full of hurt, a heart that vibrates low energies, prevents any kind of communication. Nothing is difficult, nothing is impossible. Difficulty and impossibility are created by you.
So change your minds. Think with your heart, don't let the ego speak. And in closing, never forget that the path that brings happiness, a happy heart, is a path of abundance, even if it does not seem so. Because many times, you choose the paths, for the sake of prosperity; and unfortunately, they bury any possibility of happiness.
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