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關於 放下的藝術
傳導作者:Adele Arini
譯者:Nick Chan
#AdeleArini #NickChan

My dearly beloved,


I would like to help you all remember the ancient art of letting go. Now some of you may be wondering why is it so important to let go and let Me take over? So much so that today there’s another message addressing this topic. Sananda had also recently discussed this art of ‘surrendering’ in his last message through this channel. His message had served as a good introduction for me to build and expound on.


It is important that you all realize that today’s message is THE KEY to: shatter and destroy ALL POWERFUL third-dimensional beliefs that are holding you back.


It is a precious, golden key I now give unto you, my beloved children, to unlock the previously-hidden door to where your higher dimensional powers of Creation and Manifestation reside.


It is also a magical key that, when used, will open the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.


What you will do after reading this message, after receiving this key? Will you throw it out and forget it ever existed?


Or are you ready to take that extra step of faith, with courage, bravery and commitment to ‘jump off of the cliff’ NOW and leave behind: your old ways, old beliefs, old habits and all your deeply-entrenched, 3-D way of being, thinking, feeling and doing?


I tell you now solemnly: ‘This task is NOT for the faint-hearted’.


Accepting this key today symbolizes your total surrender, faith and trust in Me, in your Higher Self and in the Universe. Only accept it IF you are ready.


Take a few deep breaths now and visualize Me standing in front of you now, extending my hand and offering this golden key to you. And here comes the key that will unlock the higher-dimensional part of you that has long been forgotten whilst living on 3-D Earth. Will you take it from my hand and make it yours?


I KNOW all of you who are reading this. I know your true readiness levels and your true degree of willingness to change your life. I know exactly how many of you have accepted this key and truly made it yours. I also know some had accepted it but will later forget its existence and return to their old third dimensional ways. Some of you are also not ready to receive this key, and that is completely fine. It does not mean that you will never be ready. It just means that today, you are not. The fact that you have kept reading this message tells me that soon, you will be ready.


There is only ONE reason why someone will eventually forget this key ever existed, or why they are not yet ready to accept it. That reason is FEAR. Fear of change. Fear of the unknowns. Fear of losing the stability and security that you are currently enjoying. Fear that the road less traveled we will be leading you to will be totally different to: where you want to go, what you want to be and what you want to do/have.


Fear is a powerful third-dimensional illusion that keeps you small and complacent. The presence of fear in a particular aspect of your life is a powerful reminder that you need to ‘let this fear go’ to not only move on to better paths, but also to grow as a person; to grow bigger into your Highest Potential.


You now have two options to choose from, in the face of your fear. What will you choose my beloved? Option 1 or 2?


1) F.E.A.R -> Forget Everything And Run,





2) 恐懼->面對一切,提升

For those of you choosing the second option, well done! Listen to, or ‘feel’ the applause the entire company of Heaven is giving you right now. Your very willingness to: not only accept the key but also choose to ‘face everything and rise’ is a strong indication that you are now ready to embrace the Highest Potential of what you can be, do and have in this current lifetime. And your Highest Potential is INFINITE. It is everything that you can currently imagine and yet so much more. You are all GODS and GODDESSES. You are the physical expression of Me.


And now, here comes THE KEY you have all been waiting for:






The process of: Remembering -> Knowing -> Understanding -> Becoming -> and then finally, Embodying this greatest, spiritual truth is THE KEY to unlocking your UNLIMITED Divine Powers of Creation and Manifestation.


The information I just gave you above is the biggest secret to Spiritual Mastery and Enlightenment that all of your Ascended Masters/rel·igious masters had discovered and mastered in the past. This ‘highly-classified’ spiritual knowledge used to be taught only to the select few; the highly devoted and dedicated ‘initiates’, or committed students of Mystery Schools around the globe.


Now please be honest with yourself my beloved. Whereabouts are you located in the above process? Are you in the ‘remembering’ phase; the ‘knowing’ or ‘understanding’ phases; the ‘becoming’ phase or the ’embodying’ phase? 99.99% of you reading this will likely find yourself in the first four phases. That’s because most of you reading this are the ones still in the process of aligning and becoming your Higher Selves.


Those of you who belong to the rare, 0.01% group: you just happened to be reading this message not because you need to know/learn more. You are here just to get a confirmation of what you have now fully become. Not that you actually need this confirmation because all the Wisdom you will ever need, you’d already found within. It is just nice to keep up to date with what’s going on with planetary spiritual growth level.


And for those who belong in the above majority group and have accepted the key, let us now continue with your powerful visualization exercise:


Please go back to where we were earlier. I was offering the key in my hand, and you were accepting it. Now that you know the Higher Truth of what this key is a symbol of, please place your entire FOCUS on this beautiful golden key you are now holding.


Imagine as if the 3 key statements: “I am all that I am. I am Unlimited. I am God.” are actually floating, or, hovering in the air around you/around this golden key. And then, make the intention, or simply give the ‘mental command’ for those 3 statements to enter into the key and be fully integrated with it. Picture the key now glowing with intense, golden white light. Those three powerful statements have now filled and imbued the key with My OMNIPOTENCE.


The last step is the most important. You now need to imagine this beautiful, intensely shining golden key completely MERGING and BECOMING ONE with your hand that’s holding it.


It is then immediately becoming one with you; with your entire physical body and energy field. Once the integration process is complete, just sit still for a minute or two. Feel the super-powerful effects this visualization exercise has on your 3 systems: the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is literally changing you from the inside out.


This beautiful golden key has now merged with all your cells, right down to your very DNA. It is now doing its job to ‘activate’ the previously sleeping ‘God-sequence‘ hidden in your DNA.


What do you need to do next to make sure that after being activated, your Divine powers will not go dormant again? The answer is simple my beloved. Do the above powerful visualization at least once per day. Once you get the hang of it, the process should only take about a minute or two out of your day to complete.


Also, verbally say and mentally think all the words in those 3 highly-potent statements often throughout your day; in your spare moments. In the morning as soon as you awaken and at night right before you fall asleep are two most powerful times of the day to say these ‘affirmations’ and have them sinking deeply into your subconscious. Keep doing these visualization and affirmations for at least 21 days, and see the miraculous effects they have on your entire being/life.


There is one BIG difference between ‘dreamers’ and ‘creators’.


Dreamers are happy just dreaming/fantasizing about: a better life, or a more successful future, or living in a 5D society of Nova Gaia. They are just continuously dreaming and dreaming but not taking any action to make their wishes a physical reality in their lives.


Creators, on the other hand, are visionaries. They ‘envision’ a happier, brighter, more peaceful & abundant future and then actively participate in making this future happen!


My beloved, are you a dreamer? Or a Creator? Are you ready to reclaim your Divine birthright? Are you ready to take your powerful place in the Cosmos as the ‘Movers and Shakers’; as the awakened group of Light Beings who are holding the fate of Humanity and Gaia in their very capable hands?


I am here to request your full commitment and dedication to this cause. I am giving all of my children an open invitation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Will you now accept my invitation? Are you ready to?


You may be wondering why I can’t just pull you out of this 3-D Earth and then ‘chuck’ you straight into 5-D Earth immediately. Why do you all have to go through this sometimes exhausting, often confusing, occasionally painful, chaotic process of Ascension? The answer is simple. Doing so will disempower you.


This is YOUR life journey. You are here to experience, create, manifest, learn and play. You are here on a grand adventure that has never happened before elsewhere in this Universe. The Ascension of a planetary being that is Gaia, your Earth Mother, along with all of Her inhabitants.


Everything that you had gone through in this life (and past lives here on Earth and elsewhere) and everything you are going through now made up the totality of WHO YOU TRULY ARE: ‘a magnificent, multi-dimensional eternal Spirit on a never-ending evolutionary journey to infinite potentials’. So why should I interfere with the soul growth process and the Divine Plan that YOU yourself had made, prior to being born here on Earth? This interference, no matter how well-meaning, will be in direct violation of one of our most Sacred Universal Laws: the Law of Free Will.

你在此生經歷的一切(以及在地球上和其他地方在過去生世所經歷的一切) 以及你正在經歷的一切成就了你真正所是的完整:“一個輝煌的,多維度的永恆精神,在進行一個永無止境的通往無限潛能的進化旅程。”所以我為什麼要干擾靈魂的成長進程和你出生前制訂的神聖計畫?這個干擾,無論多麼地善意,會直接違反我們最神聖的宇宙法則之一:自由意志的法則

So we will always be there to support you every step of your way, within the limits that you have told us would be acceptable to you, before you incarnated here, and that which we are able to offer within the constraints of the Ascension process.


Planet Earth Herself, and most of Her inhabitants are now going through a deep, intense cleansing and detoxification process to release and heal everything that is no longer serving their Higher Self/Purpose. People everywhere are being forced to face all their deeply entrenched issues coming from the past. All who are not currently aligned with their Higher Purpose will find themselves at a major crossroad as a lot of things are shaken up to spiritually awaken and reclaim their Divine power. For example, a lot of people have recently lost their jobs, their marriages, their wealth, their self-confidence and their previously ‘normal’ ways of living. This is not a coincidence. It is all part of the Ascension process.


If you are one of these people currently going through a tough time, please remember you have everything within you to come out of this completely victorious! The future may seem bleak to you at the moment or it may seem like there is no way out. That is just an illusion. It is really just FEAR talking and rearing its ugly head.


My advice to all of you reading this today is simple: LET GO AND LET GOD.


Following this simple advice should be THE RECURRING THEME every moment of every day. Your Ascension process will be so much smoother, easier, more relaxing, fun and abundant if you just let go of all controls and give them to Me/your Higher Self.


Even if you are well ahead in your Ascension journey and have started to become your Higher Self, you will still do well to remember this simple truth. Your movement forward from ‘Becoming’ to fully ‘Embodying’ your Higher Self will be such a breeze if you surrender all controls. Let go of all impatience. Impatience directed at yourself, at the world around you or at the Ascension process itself does not serve you at all.

即使你在揚升旅程中很超前, 並開始成為你更高的自我,記住這個簡單的真理會讓你做得更好。你從“成為”到完全“體現”你更高自我的前進運動會成為一股清風,如果你放下所有的控制。放下所有的急躁。朝向你自己,周圍的世界或揚升進程的急躁並不服務於你

If anything, it adds to all the negativity already prevalent on this beautiful Planet.


The image chosen by this channel to represent my message today is highly symbolic to what I would really love all of you to do from now on. Some Asian cultures have festivals during the year where they release sky lanterns (called ‘kongming’ lanterns in China, or ‘khom loi’ in Thailand) into the air, to symbolize: the presence of hope within their hearts and the release/the art of ‘letting go’ of all their fears, problems and worries.

管道為信息選擇的圖片具有高度的象徵意義,正是我想要你們從現在起去做的。一些亞洲節日中會把燈籠釋放到空中(在中國稱為孔明燈,在泰國稱為khom loi),象徵著:心中存在的希望和“放下”恐懼、問題與擔憂的藝術

Imagine that you are now in possession of a beautiful sky lantern of your own. Visualize holding it in your hands, and grab a pen and write all your major challenges, worries, doubts, concerns and fears across all the sides of the rice paper lantern. Light the flame and then gently release. In your mind, set a powerful intention for this floating lantern to reach Me and your Higher Self. As you watch your sky lantern floating towards the heavens, make the intention to permanently release everything that you had written on it, for good. And mentally ask for our assistance in making this happen.


(Please consider your local laws and the Planet Earth/the environment if you intend to do this exercise for real, and not just in your imaginations. Maybe substitute the sky lantern for a beautiful piece of paper, and then just burn it in a suitable fire-proof container in your backyard. Make into a sacred ritual; let the ‘burning of your fears into ashes’ symbolize the permanent release/disintegration of ALL that are holding you back.)


Here are some examples of powerful, false, 3-D beliefs you can start to let go of today:


1.The only way you’ll get rich is by working hard for your money.


2.You are powerless in the face of your physical disabilities. You must have done something ‘wrong’ in your past life to deserve being born blind, deaf or mute.


3.You are unable to grow back lost limbs; unable to heal unhealthy organs; unable to heal your body of all serious diseases such as cancer. Your bodies age as you get older and then you get sick when it’s time to die. It is impossible for a 60-yr-old to reverse all signs of aging and physically appear like a 30-yr-old.


4.You are unable to instantly travel from one location to another halfway across the globe via the power of your mind.


5.You can only get rich or get ahead in life if you are young and physically attractive, well-educated, wealthy and possess the ‘right’ skin color.


There are many more limiting 3-D beliefs that the Human Collective needs to let go of, in order to reach their Highest Potential. If you cannot ‘think, feel, believe or do’ outside the third dimensional box you had been living in for your entire life, then you will never be able to grow into the powerful, multi-dimensional Light Being that is your true identity. It is time to release ALL that are shackling and keeping you down!


I realize that it is very hard and super challenging to release all the above, lifetime beliefs. After all, you have mostly accepted these beliefs as ‘true’ based on your own observations and societal conditioning in your entire lives. One message from Me saying those are ALL false beliefs is not going to do much in changing such powerful, very long-established mindsets.


But for those of you here who truly believe in the existence of your Divine Powers of Creation and Manifestation, I will now share the secret in overcoming those powerful beliefs/conditioning. Here it is: DON’T EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO OVERCOME THEM. There are too many of them, and all of them are too deeply ingrained into your subconscious. It will take too long to face and release them one by one.


You just need to replace ALL of those deeply-ingrained, third dimensional false beliefs with ONE powerful belief that overrides them all.


And here it is again: I AM ALL THAT I AM. I AM UNLIMITED. I AM GOD.


You have to fully commit to do your best in EMBODYING the above statements. This is THE KEY to your Divinity, your Sovereignty.


Are you up to this challenge? Is your entire being; your mind-body-spirit, now ready to embrace its God-like potential? Are you ready to FINALLY leave behind all feelings of smallness, powerlessness, worthlessness or unworthiness, to then COMPLETELY, once and for all, EMBRACE your Godliness, Divineness and Powerfulness?


If a strong, immediate and decisive YES is your answer, then my beloved, please take both of My hands now. Let go of everything that is holding you back, and trust in Me. Surrender your life completely and turn it over to Me. I will look after you, guide you, protect you every step of the way, and make sure that you will reach the destinations wherever you would like to go. All you have to do now is to: TRUST Me completely.


This is your MISSION should you choose to accept it. The ball is in your court.


With All My Love and Light,


Father God.



關於 成為還是不成為
傳導作者:Adele Arini
譯者:Nick Chan
#AdeleArini #NickChan #Alaine

My beloved children,


Today I would like you to remember another higher dimensional concept that you are now ready to embrace. Every day you are getting closer and closer to Nova Gaia. With every message channeled, we are fulfilling our promise to you. A promise to remind you of the truth of: Who You Are, Where You Came From and What You Can Be.


Every single one of these messages contain Divine Light Codes; meant to awaken you more and more to the wise, powerful, multidimensional Being that is your Higher Self.


These messages are written to help you permanently break, shatter and destroy ALL third-dimensional concepts/beliefs that are very deeply entrenched within you and then, awaken you to the higher dimensional concepts/beliefs that many of you have forgotten ~ after being physically embodied on Earth for so long.


What if I tell you, that you are all Gods? And Goddesses? You are all Infinite Expressions of My Divine Self. Individually, this means you are also of Divine origins, made in the same likeness of Me (i.e. you possess ALL of my powerful Divine attributes). When I created you, I imbued your Inner Essence with My Divinity; with My Godly Attributes and this makes you, my beloved child, the same powerful Creator that I AM.




One of my beloved daughters by the name of Alaine had created a beautiful song ‘You Are Me’ (inspired by…? who else? *laughed*) that perfectly describes your Oneness with Me and with ALL).

我的其中一個女兒 Alaine 創造了一首優美的歌曲“你就是我(you are me)”[靈感來自...?還能有誰?*笑*] 完美地描述了你與我與一切的合一

People who are reading this particular message can perhaps be categorized into three different groups:


Those in group 1 will find my above statements very hard to believe, perhaps due to their own strong feelings of: inadequacy or lack of control in their own lives. These people have truly forgotten their Inner Power ~ their Spiritual Powers of Creation and Manifestation.


Group 2 contains people who have, in the past, been too thoroughly indoc·trinated in the syste·matic, orga·nized beliefs of all Earthly rel·igions. They may find My statements downright sacril·egious/blasph·emous and believe with absolute certainty that ALL information that directly cont·radicts their reli·gious teachings are ‘false’ information intended to steer them off of their holy paths.


Group 3 are all of you who have been spiritually awakened and have chosen to ascend in this lifetime. You are attracted to these messages because they resonate with your heart; your inner barometer of Truth. Your entire being (mind, body, emotion and spirit) is now ready to open up to the Divine, Higher Wisdom that I am always here to remind you of; the Wisdom that has always been deeply buried within you, waiting for the right time to be revealed. And that time is NOW!

第三個團體:你們精神上覺醒,選擇在此生揚升的人。你被這些信息吸引因為它們與你的心共鳴;你內在真理的氣壓計。你的整體存在(頭腦,身體,情緒和精神)已準備好向我總是在提醒你的神聖,更高智慧敞開;一直深埋在你之內的智慧,等待著正確的時機被揭示。 那個時機就是現在

For those of you who belong in Group 1 or 2, this is my message to you all:


“My beloved children, as always, you are FREE to believe or disbelieve the Wisdom I have just reminded you of today. You can choose to continue to feel and/or behave as you yourself, or others have told you to be: inadequate, fearful, out of control, small and powerless, and/or as sinners in the eyes of God. You are free to continue to put yourself down; in a position that is lower than Me and/or lower than any other higher dimensional Light Beings in this Universe.”


“You can continue to put Me and/or certain selected Ascended Masters/reli·gious masters onto a pedestal that is located much higher than where you are. You are free to believe that the place where ‘they are’ is a destination where you can never reach. You are free to believe what they could do (to demonstrate their inner, Divine powers) during their physical incarnations, you can never do. You are also free to continue to believe in the Fear, Separation and Lack consciousness. My children, you will always have the freedom to believe in anything you want.”


“It all comes down to this: Do you want to choose Love or Fear? Lack or Abundance? Do you wish to experience a physical reality where you are One and United with God (and with All in your planet) or, do you wish to experience its polar opposite: living in the illusion of Separation from God and All That is?”


“All of the Ascended Masters whom you have ‘wors·hiped’ and ‘lab·eled’ as Gods/God·desses in your faiths/relig·ions had once walked on Earth EXACTLY like you. They are powerful, divine souls walking around in their ‘human disguise’. They are all My beloved Sons and Daughters, just like you, are my beloved Sons and Daughters. These Ascended Masters are powerful, just like your own Higher Selves are powerful.”


“In their famous physical incarnations as ‘Leaders’ or ‘Founders’ of your reli·gions/faiths, they also had individually gone through the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. They had successfully ‘Ascended’ from their lower, third-dimensional way of thinking/being/behaving. They did that by consciously choosing and making a full commitment to: be the embodiment of the Chr·ist Consciousness in their every day lives and surrender to the Divine Light/God-Spark that is within them; that is within all.”


(C·hr·ist Consciousness is not related to a specific re·ligion; it is a state of Being where one is fully embodying the Divine, Unconditional Love and Unity with ALL).


“The following proverbs perfectly describe the function of all Earth-based reli·gions and/or faiths:


“All roads lead to Rome.” (Alain deLille)

“條條大路通羅馬”(Alain deLille)

“There are many paths to the top of the Mountain, but the view is always the same.” (Chinese proverb)


The first proverb means that there are many different ways of reaching the same goal or conclusion. In the second proverb, the ‘Mountaintop’ is your True HOME with me, or being in a state of perfect Oneness with Me. The ‘view is always the same’ means that no matter which route you took, the result, the outcome, is always the same. You will always find Me there, in perfect union with You.”


“Throughout the ages, countless wars had been fought; countless people had died, fighting to prove the ‘supre·macy’ and ‘do·min·ance/po·wer’ of one belief, one relig·ion over another. They were trying to prove that their path, their rel·igion/belief/faith is The ‘best’ and The ‘only’ path to God, to Me. This is complete and utter madness! And if you think this only happened in your ‘ancient’ past, think again. This is STILL happening now in many parts of your planet. History has a way of repeating itself. It is time for the Human Collective to adopt a new way; a new paradigm; a new way of thinking, being and doing. A way that is based on Love and Unity for all. A way of inclusivity instead of exclusivity.”


“You will always have the freedom, the free will to believe what you want to believe, as long as you give others that very same courtesy and respect that you are giving yourselves. It is NOW time to decide whether you are happy to stay just like you are; just like you have always been, OR, whether you are ready to open up your hearts to the possibility that you are meant to be something greater. There is no judgment; no pressure. You have all, at a Higher level (pre-birth), made your decisions to either spiritually awaken now or, not to awaken now. There is no right or wrong. One decision is NOT better than the other. It all depends on your readiness level (in your own evolution as the eternal spirit that you are) to embrace your higher dimensional selves.”


For the rest of you who find yourselves belonging to Group 3, there are plenty of amazing wonders, to look forward to! You will find that as you grow more spiritually awakened, life will flow with perfect ease, joy, passion, fulfillment and harmony. After you have done your inner cleansing and clearing and, after you have gone through the process of complete realignment and complete surrender of your life to your Higher Self/Path/Purpose; your life will undergo massive, powerful and positive changes.


Abundance in ALL aspects of your life will zoom straight into your life with practically zero, or little effort, as you learn to put yourself in the ‘receiving’ mode, instead of staying in the third dimensional mode/belief of ‘having to work hard’ to live the abundant life that you have been asking for. Every day you will wake up feeling so joyful and grateful for the many blessings you have received, are receiving and will continue to receive in the future.


You always have the complete power to create your life exactly the way you want it to be. It is now time to break down ALL restricting beliefs! Make the intention to: eliminate, once and for all, all third-dimensional ways of being, ways of thinking and ways of behaving. Make the full time commitment to embody your Higher Self, every single moment of every single day. And most of all, make the intention to ’embrace your highest, best potential’ of what you can be, do and have!

你總是有能力去創造你想要的生活。是時候去打破所有限制的信念! 意圖去:消除,一勞永逸地,所有三維的存在方式,思維方式和行為方式。用全部的時間(全職)去體現你更高的自我,時時刻刻。最重要地,意圖去“擁抱你最高的,最好的潛能”關於你可以成為、做以及擁有什麼!

I now tell you solemnly, “Everything that you can imagine to be, do and have, have ALREADY existed in the realm of potential AND, have ALREADY been manifested in your future realities/timelines.” You just need to tune in and align your entire being to ‘what you want to be, do and have’, for them to manifest into your current, physical reality.


Let me give you a few examples of very powerful, third-dimensional beliefs:


1) Most of you believe that as you get older, your bodies also age. You then go through the process of aging, and before long, your 50, or 60-year-old selves no longer look like your 20, or 30-year-old selves. You also believe that it is ‘normal’ for you to get sick when you get older, as you get nearer to the ‘supposed’ end of this life journey.


Now, let me tell you a little secret my child: your bodies are designed to be the physical vessel of your Spirit/your Higher Self/Soul, indefinitely! Your bodies do not have an ‘expiration date’, except for the dates YOU have set for yourselves!


You can choose to live in this physical body you are currently living in, for as long as you would like. All of you have the powers to: heal yourselves of all sickness/diseases and ALL so-called ‘disabilities’.


And here comes the best reminder ever: you also have the power to REVERSE all signs of aging and return to the optimum physical condition that you wish to enjoy!


Whatever physical condition your body currently has, it is your job now to decide, whether you wish to stay as you are, or whether you want to embrace your powerful, Creator abilities and change it to the way you want it to be.


‘To Be or Not To Be, That is TRULY the Question’.


Your powerful Higher Self, your Spirit/Soul are the MASTER of your body, and NOT the other way around.


In all spiritually advanced civilizations out there in this Universe, those who have chosen to incarnate in a physical light-body, lived to, on average, between 300 to 1000 years old. Some beings are way older than that; it all depends on their individual decision. When it is time for them to ‘transition’ to a different form, to a different expression of Self, they will then consciously choose the physical death of their bodies. And move on with perfect ease. There is no suffering, no pain, no sickness/disease. Death is simply a door they walk through, to move on to a different journey in their ‘Great Path Of Light’!


2) Let us now address another BIG, third dimensional concept of money. I am sure after reading my last message through this channel, you are now wondering ‘how on earth’ can you, as a society, live without money. How will people earn a living? You were perhaps even thinking fearful, negative thoughts such as ‘the entire world will crash and burn and stop functioning without the existence of money’.

2) 現在讓我們解決另一個巨大的,三維的概念---金錢。我相信在閱讀完我上則通過這位管道傳遞的信息後,你現在會想“你怎麼能”作為一個社會,沒有金錢地生活。人們如何謀生?你可能會思考可怕的、消極的想法,比如“整個世界會玉石俱焚,停止運行,如果沒有錢”

This is my answer to your third-dimensional reactions: Ascension to the fifth-dimensional paradigm will NOT happen all in the course of one day. Even ‘The Great Event’ that will soon occur is just another wake up call directed more for the souls who are still deeply sleeping. It is NOT the end of the Ascension Process. If anything, it is the BEGINNING of the Ascension process for the people who will be awakened then.


All aspects of human existence will be transformed, and many of these transformative processes will take years to complete ~ not months/weeks/days. We have done massive, extensive preparations. All is almost ready to proceed. The foundations have been set, so that humanity’s path to becoming a fifth dimensional society will: be one with the least amount of chaos and happen with relative ease.


There will be massive wealth distribution to many impoverished parts of the world, and many lightworkers will be given access to the NESARA/GESARA funds. These funds will be used to improve the standards of living of ALL citizens of this planet. And one day, when ALL are finally living in a state of abundance; in a state of ‘having their every need fulfilled’, only then the dependence on money will be greatly reduced. In time, money will become obsolete and cease to exist.


We would like you to now challenge every single belief that you have, on anything in your life right at this very moment. Ask yourself, ‘Is this belief coming from the lower, third dimensional consciousness of: ‘fear, lack, powerlessness and separation’, or from the higher, fifth dimensional consciousness of: ‘love, abundance, powerfulness, and unity’.


Broaden your perceptions. Banish all negativity. Think outside ‘the very restrictive, third-dimensional box’ that you have been living in. Invite your Higher Selves to take control and change your lives into the most wonderful, the most amazing Highest expressions of Yourself for this lifetime.


Have complete faith and trust, that the road less traveled your Higher Selves are taking you to, will lead to a future that is far beyond your wildest dreams; your biggest imaginations! Surrendering to the Divine Love and Wisdom of your Higher Self is really the fastest, and most joyful way to get to the life that you have been dreaming about.


The choice is yours, my beloved child. What will you now choose to be, do and have?


Feel my unconditional love surrounding you at every moment. You are the apple of my eye. You, my beloveds, are always supported, guided and protected in this physical adventure that is your life on Earth.


Sending you all my love,


Father God.



傳導作者:Adele Arini
譯者:Nick Chan
#Metatron #麥達昶 #梅塔特隆 #AdeleArini #NickChan

Greetings, Masters of Light!


I am overjoyed to see the amazing effects; the awakening and embodiment of your Higher Selves have on your planet and galaxy. Everything is intricately connected; what each of you experience daily in your life, we your Guides, Angels and your Galactic Brothers/Sisters, feel it too. We are excited! Everything is going so well, way beyond our more realistic expectations!


More and more of you have begun to live an ‘authentic’ life; staying true to your Self and always following your Inner Guidance and Higher Heart. Releasing everything that is not aligned with your Higher Path/Purpose has gradually become easier for you. You are all becoming a fully grown 5D adult; remembering how truly powerful your Higher Self is and what the Ascension process is truly all about.


Your Higher Self, your great and powerful Soul, was created into being by God in His/Her perfect likeness. All of you, during the many lifetimes you spent in the higher dimensions, had once upon a time created Planets, Suns and Galaxies. You are all children of God/Source/Prime Creator, and yet, you are all Gods/Goddesses in your own right. Each soul was created with the very essence of Holiness and Divinity of Source, the All That Is.


Now, have you ever wondered why God created so many souls, so many children? What was His purpose in doing so? It is really simple my friends. Our Creator longed to experience Himself as the Love that He Is. He created an infinite number of different expressions of Himself, so that He can experience Life through each and every one of you. He gave His ‘Other Selves’, i.e. your Higher Selves, the free will to do whatever you would like to do with the gift of life that He had given you. God also created many different dimensions, galaxies, planets and universes. He created countless number of civilizations, all across the Multiverse.

現在,你有沒有想過為什麼神創造了這麼多的靈魂,這麼多的孩子?他這麼做有什麼目的?這真的很簡單,朋友們。我們的造物主渴望體驗自己為愛。他創造了自身無數不同的表達,這樣他可以通過你們每個人體驗生命。 他給予自己“其他的自我”,也就是,你更高的自我,自由意志去做任何你想要做的,伴隨著他給予你的生命禮物。神還創造了許多不同的維度,銀河系,行星和宇宙。他創造了無數的文明,貫穿多元宇宙

Within the great moment of NOW, all souls can choose for themselves, which dimension, the when and where they would like to go and what they would like to be/do according to their own Higher Purpose.


All of you are exercising that gift of free will, in a way that suits your own Divine Will, your own Soul Path. Some souls decided to spend the majority of their time in the higher dimensional realms. The souls of the human collective belong to the brave, courageous and adventurous group who would like to experience life in one of the lowest of the lower dimensions; on a planet where impeccably strong illusions of Duality, Fear, Separation and Lack exist.


You all came from complete and perfect Union with God/Source/Higher Self, and then chose to begin your ‘Great Descend’ down the proverbial stairs. Each time you took one step downwards you arrived at a dimension that was slightly lower than the one you just left, until you reached your intended destination. This proverbial staircase is your Great Path of Light. This entire process of the lowering of each soul’s vibrations and consciousness; your soul’s movement towards lower dimensions is called Descension.


Every soul who chooses to descend (by lowering its vibrations) must first go through extensive preparations and training, to lower the shock it will experience when immersed in the midst of physical life in the lower dimensions such as third dimensional Earth.


To you, the great soul, living in the third dimension can be likened to living in chains; with great restrictions of your soul power and with extremely limited freedom. You all came to Earth through the veil of forgetfulness ~ it was for your own benefit that in most Earth past lives you did not remember your wonderful, true Home in Heaven and your powerful, Divine Higher Self.


Part of the preparations that you underwent was the stepping down of your vibrations. Your soul’s naturally-high vibrations must first be lowered in frequency to match the frequency of the human body. This is of course for your own safety and the safety of everyone around you at the time of your birth into physicality.


Once living on Earth, you then lived out your life according to your own will (either Lower or Higher Will) depending on whether you were following your lower self: the ‘Ego’ or your Inner Guidance coming from your team of Guides/Angels and Higher Self.


The grand adventures of third-dimensional life on Planet Earth which had been going on for eons, are now about to come to an end. The beautiful, living Light Being that is Gaia: the planet Earth herself had cried out for help to all in the higher dimensional realms. She was more than ready to return to her fifth-dimensional self and she had invited everyone living on her planetary body to come and join her.


Thus our God, the Prime Creator/All That Is, decreed and gave the all-clear that it is now time for Earth and all of its inhabitants to move into a higher dimension of consciousness.


Every single human being currently incarnate on Planet Earth has, at a Higher Level, decided whether or not it is time for them to now ‘Ascend’.


Humanity’s next evolutionary step is to climb the steps, back upwards along your Great Path of Light; past the fourth dimension to eventually arrive at the fifth dimension. We, all the company of Heaven, have great respect for whatever decision each soul makes. To ascend or not to ascend is a deeply personal choice; one that is connected to your current Soul Path & your own Divine Will.


Do not despair if it looks like your loved ones are not ready to ascend in this lifetime.


A famous proverb that was written by the French theologian/poet Alain de Lille: ‘All Roads Lead to Rome‘ perfectly describes this situation.


Respect your loved ones’ Higher Wills and understand that, eventually, all roads, all paths lead to Heaven/God/their Higher Selves. The Divine Timing of that rests in the very capable hands of the souls themselves. There is no right or wrong. There is no judgment. The souls who have decided to ascend now, in this lifetime are not ‘better’ than those who prefer to continue to ‘play’ their third dimensional games.


Remember, all souls return to the perfect state of Oneness with Source, i.e. return to Heaven, at the end of each of their lifetimes/incarnations. After the end of each ‘Life Review’ process, each soul is then given the opportunity to incarnate in whatever dimension it wants. UP or DOWN the soul’s Great, individual, Path of Light. Your unique, Great Path of Light, is completely different to that of another soul’s. Thus no comparison is ever necessary.


All of you who are reading this have decided to Ascend to the fifth dimension, whilst embodied on Earth. You have collectively made up your minds to return to the perfect state of Oneness with All That is/God/Source right now, when you are still physically incarnate on this planet. In other words, you wish to create, manifest and experience Heaven right here, right now in your current physical reality.


Fifth-dimensional Earth or, Nova Gaia is not a location for you all to go to. It is a higher state of consciousness that each and every one of you must constantly attain. It is your entire way of Being; it’s the stepping up of your frequency to live in a constant state of Higher Vibrations. The vibrations of: Unconditional Love, Perfect Peace, Joy, Freedom, Unity and Abundance.


Each and every one of you was born with a built-in GPS. Your way back HOME to the Light and Love of your Higher Selves/God may not be suitable for other people. Always follow the blueprint that your Higher Self has created and revealed to you, as this will always be Your unique way HOME; the brightest, easiest, most joyful and abundant path to Ascension that is just ‘right’ for you.


Use discernment; follow your intuition and higher guidance when following the advice others had given you. There are many books, messages, articles, blogs or information out there that claim to be the ‘Authority’ to Ascension. If the information contained within those ‘highly resonate’ with the Truth that is within you, then follow their advice. You will instinctively know which ones are high-vibrational and created for the Higher Good of everyone reading it. If still in doubt, call out to us (your angels and guides) and we stand ready to provide clarity and assistance when requested.


Trust and have faith, that wherever you are right now, however ready/not ready you feel, and whatever your loved ones’ Higher Decisions are regarding Ascension: All is Well. All is Perfection. All souls will eventually return Home, back to God’s loving embrace, at their own perfect, divine timing. Always.


I am Metatron, one of the Archangels assisting Humanity with the Ascension process. Call on me whenever your road back Home gets a bit too tough and I will be there to strengthen, guide and support you so that you remain focused on your own Great Path of Light.


Loving you all beyond measure,





關於 五維生活的一覽
傳導作者:Adele Arini
譯者:Nick Chan
#AdeleArini #NickChan






































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