

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》有關5維知識與3維信念 (20210501)
《2》發揮影響力的力量 (20210502)
《3》您對世界和宇宙的影響 (20210502)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to appreciate the different challenges that you face there on Earth as beings who have allowed yourselves to be under a certain spell. Now, we see the bigger picture, and we recognize that the spell you have been under was created by you, specifically, to give you certain experiences that you could only have while holding this very limited view of self and reality. What we are now noticing is how many of you feel trapped in a loop, a loop that brings you back around to the same limiting thoughts and beliefs, and even actions.

As awake as you are, you find it difficult, if not impossible to free yourselves from the limitation that you once constructed to give yourselves a third-dimensional experience of reality. Now that you are fourth-dimensional, it is of course time to let go of these limitations and be the version of yourself that understands who you really are as Source Energy Beings. However, these limiting thoughts and beliefs keep coming up, and they are creating an atmosphere for you that is very uncomfortable, especially when you now know better. It is as if you are in a battle of wills between your fifth-dimensional knowing and your third dimensional beliefs.

And you sometimes feel stuck in the middle, trying so hard to be of your higher self and to hold that consciousness, but then the ego still wants to survive and wants to be better than others. The ego still wants to feel separation, and it’s very tempting to go down that road of measuring yourself against others to determine your self worth. And then the fifth-dimensional part of you gets active and realizes that there is no separation and there is no need to survive, or measure yourself. That part of you knows about ascension and your infinite and eternal nature.

You don’t have to spend any of your time and effort trying to destroy thoughts and beliefs. You just need to be aware of when they come up so that you can lovingly let them go and return to the knowing of your fifth-dimensional higher self. Keep making that shift internally until it become second nature, and you will no longer be in a battle. It will be more like a group hug.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121055802 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are elevating the consciousness of humankind with our energetic transmissions. We know this because we can feel, we can sense, when someone’s consciousness is elevated, and when it is not elevated, by what they are receiving. We tune in to you in order to make sure that these transmissions are having the desired effect. They are designed to bring you closer to Source, closer to who you really are.

Now, when we observe humanity, we see people on your world sharing information that is not necessarily designed to elevate the consciousness of the observer, or the receiver, of that information. It is well intentioned; it is meant to inform, but there is very little consideration taken as to whether what is being shared will elevate the consciousness of the people who are in receipt of that post or video, that opinion, that perspective that the person is sharing. This is something that you want to ask yourselves from now on, as you consider whether or not to pass along something that you believe to be true.

Ask yourself whether the person who receives that information will have a higher vibration as a result, or whether it might have the opposite effect. What humanity needs now more than ever is for people to care about vibration. You need to care about your vibration, and you need to care about the vibration of those whose lives you are affecting. There are people who are considered to be influencers there on your world because they have a large following on social media. You are all influencers; you all have the ability to send some positive vibes out, or to send some negative vibes out, or to send some vibes out that might just be neutral.

You have to choose; it is up to you who you are, who you are being in a moment. And when you make that choice consciously, it is so much easier to choose to spread that which is of a high vibration, that which will influence people to feel better and that which will ultimately raise the level of consciousness on your world. Sharing knowledge, sharing information, these are actions to appease a thirsty mind, a mind that is looking for answers, looking for solutions, or what you might call theories about what’s going on there on your world.

We want you to think about sharing energy, sharing love, sharing any post or perspective that might do a lot more than get likes, comments, and shares. Project out into the world that which you want to see more of coming back to you, because as many of you know, that is how this universe works. Exercise your power to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans, and you will not only be closer to us, because that is our intention, but you will also be closer to your true self.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121056168 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




























Your Impact on the World & Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in following the progress of humanity, because it helps us to have that kind of feedback when it comes to our teachings and energetic transmissions. We know who is receiving us and who isn’t. We know that some people receive us consciously and some do not. We know that some are able to absorb the words but not the energetic transmissions. And so, we are able to chart the progress of each of those groups of humans and make adjustments. We have so much fun in watching you grow and progress, because we can see how what we are putting out energetically is having an impact on all of you.

You all don’t have that same ability, and that is unfortunate. It is unfortunate that you cannot see how you are impacting your world all the time, because we know that if everyone could, they would be much more conscious about what it was they were putting out into the world. And those of you who want to be of service but don’t know what to do must trust that you are still having an impact with the thoughts you think, the intentions you hold, the vibrations you offer, the words you speak, and so on.

You must put your faith in a type of ripple effect, and know that everyone out there in the world is affected by everything that’s going on with you, internally and externally. So if you do want to make an impact, please do not hesitate to make those energetic adjustments just because you might not be able to see how they have impacted the world and everyone in it. In fact, here is an even better approach for all of you. Do what you do, think what you think, say what you say, and vibrate how you vibrate because doing so feels good. Let that moment where you are resonating with what you are putting out there be enough.

Let your feelings guide you, and make sure that your feelings matter to you, because they do matter to you and to everyone else; they materialize. They are how you create your reality, and your reality includes the reality of the entire world, of the entire universe. If you cannot see the impact you are having, then just feel for it. Let your feelings be enough, because you are enough. Your existence matters, and you can put out so much more positive energy when you understand that it matters to everyone. And when you know that it is also coming back to you in some way, shape, or form, that’s just a bonus.

The fact that you got to feel good in the moment needs to be enough because that’s all you have in life is a moment. You have a series of moments. It is easier to continue to be in a moment that feels good, a moment where you are offering something that is high vibrational and that is supposed to be of service to others. Remember that. You get to benefit from the momentum that you create, and remember that everyone else benefits as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


