

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》人類避免了非常黑暗的時間線 (20210506)
《2》這是您轉變意識的方式 (20210507)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are celebrating yet another milestone for humanity, as you continue to impress not only ourselves but many other higher-dimensional beings and collectives that we have been communicating with. We have noticed that you have all moved past a point in your history where you could have taken a very sharp left turn as a collective and put yourselves on a much darker timeline. Now that you have passed that point, we are happy to say that the timeline you are on is filled with even more light, more love, more joy, more freedom, and more of what each individual has been waiting for in their own lives.


This is a timeline of abundance, and it exists that you have made choices in the recent weeks and months, choices that involve you rising above the polarizing arguments that have been taking place on your world for quite some time. It is as if the weight of the world has been lifted off so many people’s shoulders that you have this new lease on life. You can live and let live; you can let others believe what they want to believe because enough people understand that you don’t all have to agree on what reality is, or on what reality you’re experiencing.


You cannot force others in your life, nor can you force anyone in a thread on a post, to see the world the way that you do, and more and more people are realizing that every single day. You have felt the futility to name calling and of attempting to change the mind of someone who doesn’t want to have their mind changed at all. In so doing, you have leveled up. You are in a higher plane of consciousness now, and you have co-created better future experiences for everyone, including those with whom you disagree. You let everyone else off the hook when you stop trying to change them, and it is in that moment that they then can change, because you are no longer tied to them energetically.

You hold someone back every time you judge them or resist the, and every time you argue with another person, you keep both of you in a lower-vibrational state. In that lower-vibrational state, how can anyone change? How can anyone level up? So here you are now having made this choice – enough of you have – to be in peace and harmony, and you are in the sweet spot now.

You have tapped in to so many different wonderful potential futures for humanity, and you will take your fellow humans with you. Anyone who wants to come on this journey and complete the mission of the shift in consciousness can come. Everyone is invited; when you let go of trying to change people and trying to change their minds, you also rise up to that higher level of consciousness where you are far more influential. You are far more influential in how you be than you are in what you say or do.

Now is the time to begin pulling it all together, all the fragmented aspects of self and all the factions there on Earth. It’s time to bring about the next changes through peace internally and peace all around you. And you keep proving to us and to everyone else that you as the awakened collective are the ones to bring those changes about, almost effortlessly.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121061102 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




































This is How You Shift Your Consciousness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are going to be letting go of that which weighs us down energetically so that we can ascend to the tenth dimension, where we will be more expansive and where we will know ourselves more as Source Energy than we currently do. The weight that holds you down, that keeps you from being in a higher-dimensional state right now is your heaviness that you feel when you focus in a particular way.

You don’t just have baggage that you bring in from your previous lives, or your past in this current lifetime; you create baggage, heaviness, blockages and so on in a moment that you choose a particular stance. When you choose to judge, to resist, to hold resentment towards someone else or towards an entire group of people. You are weighing yourself down in that moment. You are keeping yourself, unconsciously, from rising up to be more of who you really are.

Many of the reasons why you do these things come from your very survival obsessed ego. Your ego thinks that you must create boundaries, create walls, create prisons to keep you from that which is bad or harmful, that which threatens your very existence, or at the very least, your livelihood. And so, part of this journey is all about relaxing your egoic sense of terror and dread about what could happen again, or what could happen the first time, if you don’t control everything in your life through that process of sectioning things off.

You don’t need to avoid anything or anyone in order to create the reality that you want to create. If someone or something unwanted shows up in your experience, embrace it. Know that they are there for a reason. Know that the event or circumstance happened to give you an opportunity to grow, to expand, to evolve, to become more of your true self. You don’t have to incarcerate everyone or cut them out of your life in order to live the life of your dreams, if that person was someone who hurt you or someone you feel could hurt you.

You give your power away when you live your life by these egoic concepts and ideas. It’s best to let it go; let go of your judgment. Let go of your resentment. Let go of your negative emotions by embracing them. That seems paradoxical, but that’s how it works. You have to embrace it all in order to move past it. You have to experience it all so that you can move on to the next level of this game that you are playing with yourself. Don’t make your lives smaller and smaller, just because your ego has convinced you that it’s necessary in order to live at all, or in order to live the way that you want to live. 

Remember that you are there to serve all of humanity, and you can only do that when you recognize that everyone outside of you is you. And when you recognize that you are there to be love and to bring love to everyone and every situation, that’s when you grow, that’s when you expand. That’s when you lighten the load, because you can’t hold the two at the same time. You can’t hold love and judgment simultaneously. You choose one or the other, and when you choose love, you choose light. You choose to lighten up. You choose to lighten your load, and you choose to go higher and higher than you have previously been, and that’s what this journey is all about.

So please remember that and tune in to how you feel when you focus. Are you feeling lighter, or are you feeling heavier? If you’re feeling lighter, you’re focusing in a way that serves you, and if you’re feeling heavier, you’re focusing in a way that keeps you trapped. You do not want to repeat the same scenarios over and over again, so you need to be the aspect of it all that changes. And when you do, then everything outside of you can change, and you can start to have more fun. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


