

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》對新地球感到興奮 (20210504)
《2》您比您想像中的力量更加強大 (20210504)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very happy to see so many humans coming back to a place within themselves of stability and hope. We notice when there is any type of change there within the human collective consciousness, and we have noticed that many more people have been grounded in their physical bodies of late and accessing excitement about what is to come there on Earth. We know that you have been through a very hard time there on your world, and it has lasted for over a year now, much longer than most people assumed it would be affecting all of you, this pandemic. And we know that you are becoming so much more of who you really are as a result of the adversity you have faced, but we also know that spiritual growth is often not the goal for humankind.

People seek comfort, predictability and joy. People seek love, abundance, and freedom, and a lot of what you had once taken for granted there on your world has been hard to come by of late. It has been much harder for most to pursue their dreams, or even live their lives in the way they had become accustomed to living. Now as you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we see how much the pandemic has actually served humankind. It has gotten people to prioritize, to examine themselves and their relationships, their work, and their choices.

That is why you all co-created it in the first place. You wanted to slow down, and even stop in some cases, to evaluate yourselves and your lives. And now that so many have cleared so much from their root chakras, you are ready to build a new society and a new Earth from the ground floor. You have so much more stability because you have been forced to face issues, trauma, and stuck energy that was in your root chakras.

With that strong foundation, you will move forward as a collective and as individuals within this human collective, and you will create the world that will start to represent what life will be like as fifth-dimensional beings on a fifth-dimensional planet. But this is a time to get excited, right now, because of what you have all been co-creating while awake and while asleep, since all of this began, and you were forced to slow down.

May you all find the ability to slow down on purpose from now on, as you move forward. Make it a conscious choice, and you will benefit so much more than when it is an unconscious choice and feels thrust upon you. Stop and smell the roses, but also look within yourselves, as you have everything that you need to know right now, within you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121058492 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 





















You Are More Powerful Beings Than You Think ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been more and more encouraged with every passing day that we witness on your Earth, as we see how many individuals are letting go of dogmatic teachings of having their own experience of reality. It is true that there are some universal truths, and it is also true that many individuals, groups, and texts have made an attempt take all of those universal truths and fit them into a series of dogmatic teachings that the followers of those teachings then have to scramble to try to live up to. This is not really what you are there to do.

You are there to have a personal experience and to grow from it, and for so many of you, a big part of your personal experience has been to adhere to dogmatic teaching so that you could later on recognize that the truth you were clinging to was not the be all and end all of existence. It was, perhaps, one person’s experience that then became distorted over time, corrupted perhaps, intentionally or unintentionally, but most of humanity has clung at one time or another to something that existed outside of themselves. And now, in this time of great awakening, you are meant to look within for the truth of the moment that you are experiencing. And that truth may be different from what someone else is experiencing in the same moment. And that, believe it or not, is okay. If Source only wanted one perspective on reality, then there would only be one being in the universe. Instead, there are so many beings having so many different types of experiences and making so many different conclusions about reality based on those experiences.

And we want to tell you that even those personal conclusions can be swept away once they are no longer serving you. You are not there to adhere to your own set of dogmatic beliefs and truths either. A lot of it just takes you out of the moment, or makes you trust a prior experience over what is right in front of you, and that wasn’t Source’s intention for creating all of this either. You’re all meant to have your own personal experiences and to create a better version of reality based on those experiences.

Once you truly accept yourself as a creator being, it becomes so much easier to live on your world and to make sense of all of it. So we say to all of you that if you don’t like something about reality, use it. Use that information to create something new, rather than trying to create a new religion to keep that thing from ever happening. You are much more powerful than any of these rules and any of these texts, and you certainly more powerful than any belief, whether it’s held by you or someone else.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


