

傳導作者:朱迪思·庫塞爾(Judith Kusel)



事實上,我們中的許多人在過去幾年裡經歷了徹底瓦解的過程,現在正引領人類進入新的世界。我們不得不失去一切,我們必須去發現,我們無法抓住任何東西,現在已經比以往任何時候出現 更高的意識狀態。我們不再認真的看待物質世界的生活,因為我們會發現,無論我們在更高覺醒的過程中失去什麼,我們的新生活裡都不再需要。


事實是,在接下來的144年中,所有人都將瓦解,不再服務於整個行星的集體乃至人類的集體。我們在這個星球上,是因為地球母親的恩典 - 讓我們記住這一點!


事實上,地球母親從來沒有動搖過任何人。是人類摧毀了亞特蘭提斯和她之前的一切,然後用戰爭中的武器和物品來改造地球,造成了巨大的破壞和陸地下沉。所以,事實上,她已經容忍了,但現在她已經上升到她在第七維度的初始狀態,和銀河系的其餘部分一樣,那些不能與她一起進化到更高維度狀態的人,將只會是鬆散的形式(loose form)。




在我的新書《為什麼我出生在非洲:極樂世界以前未記錄的歷史和獅子王國》《Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom》我詳細介紹了這一點,在我的書中,我記錄了我的發現並重新啟動這個網格上金字塔的整個旅程。



這是非常先進的技術,不被眾所周知的。然而,在這裡我想要大家知道的是,這個過程現在正全面的進行中。 我們不再回到3D世界了。



所有的變化都發生在我們自己身上! 這一切的關鍵在於你,不是別人!











Your future self is now emerging as all of us are going through immense energy upgrades to prepare us for the New Life on planet earth as she has now ascended into the 5D.  What we believe to be the physical reality of life on planet earth, exists no more.

Some will try to cling onto the 3D with all they’ve got and in the process, will find that the more they cling, the more they will find that they are grasping thin air.

The truth is that a lot of us have been through the process of total disintegration in the last few years, and now are leading humanity home into the new World.  We had to lose everything, and find we could hold onto no-thing, and now have emerged in a much higher consciousness state than ever before.  We do not take life in the physical world so seriously anymore, for we have found that whatever we tended to lose in the process of our higher awakening, is not needed in our new life anymore.

We have done it, been through it all, and felt ourselves carried on the wings of angels.  We have learnt not to attach to anything or anyone anymore, only to have preferences.

The truth is that in the next 144 years, all will disintegrate which no longer serves the collective of the planetary whole and therefore humanity.  We are here on this planet but by the grace of Mother Earth – let us remember this!  We are but passengers and crew.  She can at any moment decide to shake us off her, like a dog will shake off flees.  She can choose to allow us to evolve into the 5D and higher WITH her, or she can choose to cause mass destruction and evacuations, like happened in the past.

In truth Mother Earth, never has shaken off anyone.  It was human beings who destroyed Atlantis and what was before her and then literally reshaped the earth, by using weapons and things in war, which caused havoc and the sinking of land masses.  So, in truth she has tolerated that, but now with her rising to her original state in the 7th dimensional state, with the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy, those who cannot evolve into those higher dimensional states with her, will just loose form.

Each dimensional state has vibrational energy frequencies.  The higher the vibrational frequency band, the higher the evolutionary state of all which exist in that frequency band (dimensions are just that, energetic impulses of life existing on that frequency band and holding form.)   The lower life in the lower frequency bands, cannot move into the higher frequency bands, without starting to disintegrate and deteriorate.  This is simple science, so we need heed this.

When you are living in a much higher frequency band, you need a much higher vibratory physical form.  That is why our physical bodies have been steadily upgraded since 1994, with the massive cosmic convergence and Intergalactic Federation decree that life on planet earth must evolve now, as the shackles and bonds of the 3D world has been steadily coming off.

On the 24 May 2017, she has now officially ascended into the 5D, and therefore then the ancient Crystal Pyramids and the crystalline pyramid grids, and Lightning Rod of the Earth have now fully become operational again, and will steadily now be reactivated to their highest potential, as and how life on planet earth can adjust to this.  In my new book “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” I go into details regarding this, and I have recorded my whole journey of discovery and reactivation of this grid plus pyramids plus, in my book.

In this in the last few weeks, massive energy centres have been reactivated.  It is reactivating the 7th dimensional energy grids of the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystal pyramid grids – as said before, in stages.

Once this energy is released, it has a ripple effect on all of life on planet earth.  For these grids are directly linked to the 7th Central sun and the Sun Discs, and therefore the energy frequency IMPULSES of energy from the 7th Central Sun is busy reactivating all which has been dormant for billions of years on planetary scale.

This is highly advanced technology and it is not for the uninitiated to know about.  However, what I am trying to get across here, is that this process now is on full throttle and on track.

We cannot go back into the 3D world anymore.  It has left us, it has gone.

We are now being intensely and utterly upgraded in our physical bodies, including every single cell and DNA strand, the pineal and pituitary glands with the third centre of the small tongue, and then other hidden centres in the bodies (all 12 of them) will start being reactivated so that we will start losing the spoken languages, and the written and will start communicating telepathically again, and energetically.  So, we will start remembering how to use the Super consciousness energy fields and high technology again, with teleportation, bilocation etc.

This is a massive upgrade now going on and therefore we cannot afford anymore to lag.


The Keys to this all lies WITHIN you, more than without!

For the keys and codes of your soul will get activated as you are ready to step up in evolutionary consciousness.  This goes with the upgrading up your physical body and thus then all the other 12 energy bodies.

Each one of us is differently created energetically at SOUL level. Therefore, the upgrading will not be the same for all of us. Remember this.  It will be that 70 people are together in one single room, and three will rise into the 5D and higher and the rest will not be able to.  This is how this works.

This is a type of energy upgrading which goes beyond human mind’s limitations of understanding, into the conscious state, where there is all understanding.  The key to this state lies via the SOUL and the soul groups and the cosmic interconnectedness.

Let those who have inner eyes – see.

Let those who have inner ears – hear.

Let those who inner intuitive knowing – know.

I have spoken.

(Judith Kusel)




