

《1》當你相信內在的聲音,你才會被引導 (20131107)
《2》吸收太陽能量 (20131109)
#SaLuSa #madad #來自天狼星的FRANK #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan


















SaLuSa 5. 11. 2013

Listen to what your feelings are telling you in the language of Love and Light and you will exactly know what you have to do, what will happen as next in the process of your transformation. Your heart is receiving myriads of information, so it is quite busy these days and you might feel pressure in this area of your body. If you ask yourself something, the answer is already there, sometimes sooner than you are able to finish your question, because your heart is connected to the wisdom of All That Is and all the answers you might need for your transformation and movement into the higher reality is available to you. You just need to be aware of the new flow of knowing into your beings that is corresponding with your very own process of Ascension. We remind you that no two beings are having the exact same process, so it is wise to rather listen than trying to compare and doubt if you have made all the necessary steps towards your upliftment. Therefore focus on your inner wisdom, and you will surely not miss anything that is important in your evolution. It is always assured and you are guided to experience all that will help you to always raise yourselves.

We are encouraging you to practice to always ask your heart first, as the answer received is your own and resonates with you very strongly, and it gives you the feeling of trust in your abilities and leaving no place for doubts, which I know none of you want to experience anymore, because this is the time of your awakening to the higher way of existence, that includes everything that you can possibly imagine within the meaning of this word. And know there is so very much more to the existence that you cannot feel right now, but some already experienced the true essence of higher expression of energies that will surround all of you so very soon. It is time to move into these energies for all those that decide to do so and bring them to the others that are about to be awaken or just started their search. Feel the power that is spreading from your heart into the whole being, and do what you feel that is necessary to finish your preparations, as then you will be lifted again and will only feel peace and love flowing to and through you, and you would have absolutely no desire to engage into something of lower vibrations that do not match your own, and people around you will feel your calmness and happiness, and you will inspire those who chose to leave the old even more, to search for all that will help them to do so.

We are always with you, and we know that our presence and energy is helping you to go through all the necessary changes within you. We are experiencing great joy over our connection and it is such a wonderful and powerful influence to our “work” that we came here to do, and we know that this connection will lead us all into fulfillment of our desires. We are not leaving you for a moment alone because as many of you know we are more than just visitors from Stars, that came here to observe evolution of another planet and her beings. We are to unite with you in Love and Light and so many of us will be joined in the same life path and create beautiful experiences everywhere we will be.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I am happy that you feel that your journey is starting to be so peaceful and loving all the time, and this leads to experience of peace and love everywhere and it is that what we all are wishing for.   

Channeller: MADAD

譯者:Nick Chan



當你靜靜地站在陽光下,你可以感到這個純淨的太陽能量,它很溫暖,愛的觸摸被發送給你,幫助你的身體變得可以接收所有更高的頻率(此刻被發送的) 。












SaLuSa 8. 11. 2013

Your Sun is sending you very intense energy patterns that are about to finish your basic transformational process into the beings of Light. Once you have absorbed these energies within, your bodies will be ready to receive and accept all that your consciousness will experience. Sun is the gateway to other dimensions of reality and that what you see as sun flares are powerful energy transfers from higher frequencies sent to your planet and to all of her inhabitants. You can feel this pure energy of the Sun when you stand quietly without movement on the sunshine, it is warm and loving touch of the Love that is sent to you and helps your bodies to change to the ones that are able to receive all the higher frequencies that are being sent at this moment. Do feel the response of your own body to this Light, and welcome these higher energies as all necessary patterns are included within them for your successful transformation.

At this moment, everything old is being swept away and dissolved into the immense Light that is surrounding you, so you might experience some thoughts or memories to be occurring frequently within your mind and it might seem to you that they are not leaving although you have accepted them and let them go. Your mind needs some moments to process all the changes that are happening, and please know these old thoughts are cleared and gone, and you do not need to focus on them anymore, just send them Love and Light and feel that they are not coming from your heart and your mind will also let them go, because your mind was for very long time programmed to function the way of being the “programmer” of your reality and sometimes it still holds onto the things or issues that used to be so attractive to you. Do express love to your Self and your mind and feel the Love spreading all over your being.

Allow the Love to completely heal you, and do not have any doubt that it is not powerful enough to do so. Love is the most powerful creative Force in this Universe, and when you express fearless intention to it, you will experience her immense, yet gentle power flowing into you and carrying you into your own higher reality. Do not hold back these feelings that Love is creating within you as so many people are waiting to feel them and are ready to be also awakened into the higher knowledge of Creation. Share the Love everywhere you go and know that without asking for more, Love will always and endlessly flow through you and will keep you in harmony with all her expressions, no matter which form they are currently carrying.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and also feel the Love so very powerfully being present within my own form that I carry now. Realize that just one thought of Love can give you such intense energy that it will stay with you for the whole day, and this way you can share this beautiful feeling with all others. Feeling of the Love that is ever present all around and within you is what you should focus on. We Love you.   

Channeller: MADAD

Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light


