

#ErenaVelazquez #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings My Children,
I am Father, God, Prime Creator and I am here today to share my experiences on Earth. I have been connected telepathically to this channel 24/7 since March 2020. My goal was and still is to help humanity to move faster to their Ascension.
I spend for 6 months daily interacting with the group through the channel. I was quite surprised, how much resistance the group had towards my teachings. The members were from different parts of the world. In the group they were missing a few elements such as humility, acceptance of the truth and willingness to learn, instead they expressed their opposition by being too attached to their 3D life and their emotions.
My encounter lead to my message of 5 stages of Ascension. Later on, I interviewed new members and postponed the creation of a new group as my channel was exhausted by channeling me daily for 4 hours, some days even 6 hours or more everyday for 6 months. I am going to resume a new group in the future, when the Divine Time comes and new members are ready spiritually.
A lot of work is ahead for the Human Civilization, you are going to need to build a New Society without indoctrination, control and being completely free from poverty, hunger and diseases. First step in creating a beautiful future is the acceptance of yourself without judgment of who you are, then accept others the way they are with Love.
The time is coming in the near future, when all of you are going to need to make a decision to stand up for yourself and not to be afraid to hear the truth and speak the truth. Please, remember that we are all one and connected to each other. I AM, LIGHT and LOVE.
在不久的將來,你們都需要做出一個決定去擁護自己,不要怕聽到真像和述說真像。請記住,我們都是一,我們都與彼此相連。我是(I AM)、光、愛
Never forget that you volunteered to come to Mother Gaia to help with this transition from 3D reality to 5D. Other beings and I are helping humankind with this transformation. The main load of work is coming to all of you, my dear ones. Sorry, your responsibility is to do the ground work. Some of you already are doing the work making it easier for others with the rest of it.
We are all together in this. We just performing different functions and steps to make sure this Ascension is completed, so you would become a Galactic Human with interstellar travel.
So far everything is going according to the Divine Plan, the time acceleration is continuing. It’s very important to stay in high vibrations to help to reach a critical mass for the Human Collective Consciousness. Open your eyes and start observing your surroundings, you are going to notice things you didn’t notice before.
Republic, QFS and funds are ready to be launched in the right time. Please, understand it’s going to happen when most of the Dark Ones are removed from Earth, otherwise they will destroy all of the work that was done. The Galactics with Ashtar in command keep removing them from the planet and sending their souls to be repurposed.
The work continues nonstop, so I am asking of you to do your part starting today spread Love and Light everywhere you go, and leave behind the frustration or anger on why the NESARA GESARA didn’t happen yet. It’s going to take place in Divine Timing, nobody can’t stop it or change my plan, it’s inevitable.
Universes, Galaxies and Planets keep evolving and nothing can’t stop this process. The creations continue their evolution, there is no end or beginning. Same goes for Mother Terra Christa, who already moved to 5D, she is just waiting for all of you to catch up with her.
Be respectful to your surroundings and yourself, stay in meditative state 24 hours a day. Many events are going to surface in the future, some of them will be quite shocking for you and while others will be unexpected, please stay alert.
I am Prime Creator and I was happy to speak to all of you today. I AM, I AM LIGHT AND I AM LOVE.Thank you.

傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones,
A new dimension has become part of your being.
Last week, we, of the Universes, discussed giddiness and unusual life sparkle. Such is so because you are discovering what was once difficult has become easy. And that those you disliked or felt uncomfortable with have little meaning in your life.
This new you is the result of the energies floating about the earth encouraging, even demanding, that you accept you in all your glory.
In 3D, you were not supposed to be too great or grand. And if or when you felt as if you could do anything, someone or something made certain you could not. Your 3D limitations were designed to keep you under control.
Fear is not possible when you have nothing to lose, including your standing in society. The parameters established by 3D society were designed to instill fear. A fear that even the most competent 3D leaders felt.
For without followers, a leader could not maintain his or her outer-directed power. In turn, those controlled by a leader were concerned they would be ostracized or lose their power if that leader no longer protected them or lost their power.
Three-D was a fear-based society.
Fear can only be removed when there is no need to please or follow others; when your inner knowingness is enough to maintain your being in all activities and interactions; when self-love is as important as placating others. When you know without a doubt, you are as capable as any person.
Such attributes were not honored in 3D, for fear does not encourage anyone to think highly of themselves.
You have stepped into the realm of self-love and, therefore, self-activation. No longer do you need to wonder if this action or that activity is socially acceptable.
Given that freedom, creations will be developed by anyone and everyone. No longer are there exceptions to this rule. The new being you birthed expects to be different in both actions and creations.
New will be the word of the eons.
Simultaneously, interventions by those in control will be either ignored if they are of 3D or redirected if they are from those beyond 3D. For new you has no interest in others’ telling you what you can or should do.
This is a time of radicalization, not in terms of harming others, but instead of fully claiming yourself. And by so doing, claiming the skillsets, you developed in other dimensions and frequencies.
You are no longer of 3D – and no one can force you to return to those restrictions. Of course, those fully of 3D will attempt to do so, for how can they be powerful if no one is following or fearful of them?
What is becoming evident to you forerunners is that those fully of 3D are acting more and more like a two-year-old. Stamping their feet and saying, “No” to anything that might disrupt their power expectations.
But just as is true for the two-year-old you interacted with or parented, those tantrums mean little. A two-year-old does not determine when they go to bed or what they eat even though they might want such to be so. You, the adult, perhaps laugh a bit and continue with your day. And if that means the two-year-old must go to bed, he or she will.
So it will be with those enmeshed in 3D. They will test your boundaries, your will. You will respond by smiling or ignoring them as you go about your day. Their temper tantrums mean little in terms of your day or life.
Outer-directed 3D power has ended. Even so, some forerunners will accept 3D fear for a bit until those forerunners realize their inner-power.
So it is you are beginning to realize you are not like most people. The same will be true for each forerunner – maybe not today, but very soon. And for once, you will not be ashamed or feel guilty about that difference, for your time has come.
Allow those of 3D to display their temper tantrums for they are frightened. Not necessarily of your inner-power, but because you do not need them to tell you who you are and what you are capable of. You have walked out of your 3D fear cell, and they have no idea how to bring you back. Their 3D power is as limited as that of a two-year-old.
Some of you may feel the need to pretend you concur with those 3D beings until even that becomes too onerous. Just know that new you is a creative loner without a need for someone telling you what to do, when.
There will be creative pods, if you will, of like-minded people. But those pods will not follow nor accept an overlord. Those days are over.
You are new you in a new world. So be it. Amen.


