

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》點亮通往更好現實與時間線的道路 (20210402)
《2》成為自如自在的自我 (20210402)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are illuminating a path for our ascension because we enjoy creating our reality, even though from your perspective, it must seem incredibly easy to do so when you are a ninth-dimensional, non-physical collective. The truth is, we just enjoy the process. We enjoy bringing something to fruition, because we have no doubt and we have no fear. There is no wondering as to whether we are doing it right, whether we are blocked, whether we are not effective creators. That makes it much more fun.

And, of course, it does make us much more efficient. We want you to feel that way as well; that’s why we are telling you all of this. We want you to let go of your doubts, process your fears, and move forward with your creations confidently, because you are so certain that they will come to fruition and that they will be even better than you can possibly imagine. That’s the type of world you are living in now, because you are surrounded by co-creative energies that are faster and more powerful than anything you have ever worked with before there on Earth.

You can benefit from all the summoning, all the asking that your fellow humans have been doing, and you can light the way for them. You can show them how it’s done, explain to them how you did it, and how you continue to do it, and reassure them that there is plenty more where those energies came from. There really is no shortage, not when you are creating your reality with energy and vibration, not when you know you can shift to a different reality, to a different timeline, whenever you want.

Now is a good time to be focused, to be cleaning up any of those negative thoughts and lower-frequency vibrations so that you can be clear about what it is you are projecting out there into the reality you are moving into next. It is a wonderful time to be alive there on Earth because of all of the not-so-wonderful times that there have been there on Earth. You have all been co-creating a much better reality for everyone to enjoy.

All you have to do is have enough faith in yourselves and in your abilities to bring those realities into your experience, to match them vibrationally. You don’t do it with thought; you do it with vibration. You have to feel what you want to experience first, and all vibrations are available to you because they all exist within you. And you have been the masters who first decided to forget that truth so that you could remember and blow yourselves away once again with what beautiful and amazing creator beings you truly are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








Becoming Your Universal Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are awakening within you the knowing that you have a past in this galaxy that extends beyond your solar system, and at the same time, we are giving you that knowing that you have a future in the higher dimensional realms. You have been ninth dimensional before, and you will be ninth dimensional again. You have been Arcturian before, and you will visit our star system again. If that weren’t true, then you wouldn’t resonate with us in the way that you do.

The truth of your existence is that you’re expanding out in all directions at once, and that includes all points in time, or to put it another way, all points in space/time. You are becoming one with the entire universe, step by step, moment by moment. And now is the time you are becoming one with your higher selves. That is very exciting. For a while, it’s also exciting and interesting to pretend that we are all separate. Why is that exciting and interesting? Well, you get to know us and other beings, and as you do, you get to know yourselves. You get to know more of what makes you up, and it’s a fun way that Source devised to get to know Source.

We are all just playing our roles in this magical tour of the universe. The universe is not even our whole selves; we are all more than this universe. Certainly, we are more than this galaxy, each individual star system and the planets and moons on which beings dwell. Therefore, we invite you to feel how significant you are when you look up at the stars. We invite you to feel how big and powerful you are when you extend your consciousness out to include all other beings.

We are all doing this together, and it can be a lot more fun if you allow it to be. It is similar to the concept that you have of meeting a soulmate. When you are desperate to meet your soulmate and feel that time is running out on you, it’s not that fun. So when you are looking to connect with beings like us, or fifth-dimensional Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, or whomever, you want to do so because it’s fun. You want to do so because you want to know more of yourself. And you have many different facets, many aspects.

Again, you are really spread out across this entire universe, and through beings like us, you are connecting the dots. You are becoming whole again, and we are just playing our part. We are one collective. There are many more that you haven’t even heard of yet. So let’s make this a fun and enjoyable ride to meeting more of who we are, and let’s do it together, consciously.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


