

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》光之工作者:改變世界 (20210413)
《2》覺醒的集體:與地球網格合作 (20210413)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


We are always in pursuit of the next angle, the next hidden opportunity, to reveal to someone there on Earth the truth about who they are and what they are capable of. We love so much the opportunity to send light through our energetic transmissions and to have that light be received by someone else. It is such a lovely experience. This is something that all of you can do as well as lightworkers.

You are there to anchor in the light, to be the light, and also to spread it around. You want more light on your world, and most people realize that, but they think the way to have more light is to eliminate darkness. That is not the case; the way to have more light is to be it, to spread it, and then the darkness is overshadowed by the light. Suddenly there seems to be less darkness, and everyone feels better.

We invite you to set your sights on where more light is needed in the world, and send it there. Send light to those places instead of trying to figure out who is to blame for all the darkness that is present so that you can round that person, or those people, up and lock them away. If you be the light and share the light often enough, you will find that those same people start to come around and reflect back to you that which you have been offering. This is a very simple way to create your reality, a very simple way to manifest a different world. You do it by changing what you are offering and focusing on what you can do to be a positive force on your world.

And you can’t do it while simultaneously finger-pointing. You can’t do it while seeking to root out the darkness or to snuff it out. Those two intentions and actions are not compatible. You must be focused on the light, as we have trained ourselves to be in order to see and experience more light there on planet Earth. It’s not always easy and it’s not always fun, but if you set the intention when you get up in the morning to have the universe bring you opportunities to be the light, and then you agree that you will be the light in those scenarios, it will happen a lot more easily.

We don’t think that you can spread more light while simultaneously struggling either. So you want it to be easy and fun and something that you do while going about your day-to-day activities looking for those opportunities. You are essentially saying to the universe that you want to change the world, and you are willing to change the world, and you’re also acknowledging that you can in fact change the world. And when you do, you will start a trend.

People will notice you and ask you, ‘Why are you always smiling? Why are you always so happy? What is your secret?’ And you will tell them, and they will get on board, because you’re not selling them a religion or even a philosophy. You are just explaining what you have done and how it has worked for you, and that is the best way to go about leading humanity into the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
























Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving ourselves every possible opportunity to observe what it is that is happening there on Earth because you are in such a time of need. You need help, and we are helpers. We know that you have been making the most of a pretty bad situation there on Earth. We also know that you have summoned so much help, so much healing, so many solutions, that there is a sort of logjam of energies that have been coming your way but that not enough people are open to receive.

Imagine being there on Earth and not realizing that all your prayers were being answered. Many think that perhaps they are not worthy of receiving help from above. Still others believe that some deserve that help because they pray to the right God but others do not, as they are heathens, unworthy of assistance from the Heavens. This is once again where you step in as the healers, the leaders, the wayshowers, the ones who are there to set the example. You step in because you want everyone to receive what it is they have been asking for, and you know that everyone there on Earth with you is a being of light and love, an aspect of Source.

And so, you can hold space for all of humanity to get what they need at this time. You can offer yourselves up to the universe as conduits of all of the assistance that is coming. You can be the answer, the solution, the ones that humanity has been waiting for, and that means rising above all of the debating that goes on there on your world. That means helping those who don’t want your help or don’t think that they need it. You are not there to judge anyone because of their beliefs, their words, their thoughts or their actions. You are just there to be love incarnate and to help whenever you can.

And now is one of those times when you can absolutely help by making yourselves available to the universe, by being the conduits of light, love, and healing energy that you were born to be, and by holding space for all of your fellow humans to get what they are asking for, what they need. Some don’t even know what they need and don’t know what to ask for, but you can still help them. You can still see all others as parts of a whole that you are also a part of and that you are there to make whole, to bring together, to integrate.

As we have said, now is the time, and you are the ones, because you are not discriminating; you are not holding back your love for only those who deserve it, and this is your time to shine. We encourage you as the awakened collective to open yourselves up to all that humanity has been asking for, ground it into your physical bodies and down into Mother Earth, and let the wonderful energy grids beneath your feet do the rest.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


