

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》你的思想與情感 (20210410)
《2》撤消社會編程並變得更強大 (20210411)
《3》即將發生在地球上的大型美麗事件 (20210411)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are completely fascinated by humanity’s ability to complicate something that is inherently simple. It is not the whole of you that makes something complicated. It is only your mind that does such things. Why would your mind make something more complicated than it actually is? Well, quite simply, your mind is usually protecting your ego.

Your mind is protecting the part of you that feels emotion, and it is protecting you from having to feel that emotion. Your emotions are, after all, at times quite crippling, and the ego is all about survival. So the ego will use its tool, the mind, to protect itself, often without even realizing it is doing so, from feeling an emotion. Those lower-frequency emotions can result in you feeling so bad that you find yourself in a ball, on the floor, unable to function. And if you’re unable to function, you might not do what it takes to survive. And the ego is all about survival.

That’s why you all have that aspect of self and why it has been so necessary to keep you in the reality that you have been experiencing. If you didn’t care so much about survival, then you might not feel things the way that you do. And your higher self and your oversoul both want you to feel. They know that the purpose of having an experience is to get to you feel something, anything. But the ego and the mind are more focused on survival, so the mind will make something complicated, which keeps you in your mental body. And if you’re in your mental body, you’re less likely to be grounded in your physical body, and you’re less likely to feel what’s going on in your emotional body.

Anytime you feel yourself participating in mental gymnastics, trying to figure out what these numbers over here mean, for example, you might want to check in with your chakras. You might want to pay more attention to what you are not allowing yourself to feel, what you are afraid to feel. When something hurts, it hurts. And when you don’t want to deal with something, you will usually do anything and everything in your power to not deal with it. Some people turn to repetitive action or any type of action that they can focus on to not feel what’s going on inside.

Pay attention to your thoughts, and your actions, and even your words, because more often than not they are the clues that let you know what’s going on inside of you that needs addressing. Your emotions need to be felt at some point, and the longer you put off feeling them, the more intense they will become. This is why we prescribe regular check-ins. We want you to know what’s going on inside of you so that you can feel your emotions, get past them, and get to the good stuff. There are always good-feeling vibrations inside of you, also waiting to be felt and experienced.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the beings in the non-physical who look for opportunities to connect with anyone or any collective because we are so curious by our nature and so unconditionally loving. We want to understand who we are as Source Energy Beings, as all-that-is, and so getting to know any component within all-that-is will always be one of our many pursuits. We look at the commonalities as proof that we are all one, and we see the differences as our power.

We are so much more powerful as a universal collective because of our diversity. Diversity allows us to clash, to disagree, and to experience unconditional love, which is who and what we really are. We also appreciate the way that the diversity in this universe has created such a beautiful tapestry, such a powerful kaleidoscope. In fact, we are waiting for the opportunity to explore other universes, because we know we will experience even more of ourselves.

You all have an opportunity right now to accept unconditionally that difference that you experience between you and another person. You can embrace a diversity within the human collective as what makes you strong, powerful, and interesting. But for far too long, people on Earth have sought sameness, and people have sought to defeat those who disagree with them. But you too are curious beings by your nature, and your fellow humans give you an opportunity to know yourselves more fully and completely.

If you treasure each and every aspect of humanity, each and every particle on your world, each and every perspective that exists, you will be more powerful. You are not more powerful in your ability to defeat even that which is, from your perspective, pure darkness. You are more powerful in your willingness to accept that whatever you see outside of you is also a part of you, and all that you see will become more of its Source Energy Self when you are reflecting back to it your unconditional love.

Undoing societal programming takes time, and it takes a willingness to do so. So when you see yourself or feel yourself resisting something or someone know that you were programmed to resist, rather than to be who you really are as a being of unconditional love. Step by step, situation by situation, and moment by moment, you can undo societal programming and be who you really are, and you will make yourself and all of humankind more powerful while also increasing your readiness for e.t. contact.

The world you are living in right now is as it is for a reason, and that reason is your expansion, your growth, and everything that you have yet to accept and embrace. It all serves you, but it does take effort on your part in order for that service to take effect.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




















Big & Beautiful Events to Come on Planet Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are establishing very strong bonds, very strong connections, with those of you who have taken an interest in us while in your waking state. But even those who are unaware of our existence while in their waking state do sometimes come and visit us in the astral plane. That means we are establishing connections with billions of humans at this time, most of which are unaware that the connection has been established and that there is a strong bond between us. They are unaware when they are awake and very aware when they are asleep at night.

What this means for humankind is that you are getting closer and closer every day to being ready for full and open extra-terrestrial contact. It does take the human mind time to catch up to what is going on energetically, and these individuals who do not know about their conversations with us in the astral plane are still carrying the positive effects of their conversations in their energy fields. And in the exact perfect timing, they will receive in their waking state what they have already received while in their sleep state.

These are complex times that you are living in there on planet Earth, and those of us who are helpers, who have agreed to be that for you, have to do everything that we can. Now, those of you who receive our transmissions and connect with us while you are in your waking state also connect with other beings and other collectives while you travel the astral plane, and some of you remember those interactions, but most of you don’t. Most of you are also waiting for that moment when what’s in your energy field seeps in to your waking consciousness.

These are also very exciting times there on planet Earth, as you have all of that to look forward to and so much more. There is so much more to uncover for humanity, and everything there on Earth will get easier as you let the big and beautiful events that are to come find their way to you. In the meantime, we know that you sometimes fail to find the purpose of being there, or you struggle to be in your joy with the monotony of day-to-day life there on planet Earth. Believe us when we say that with everything that is happening while human beings are asleep, you are in for some giant leaps forward there on planet Earth, and they are coming soon.

All you have to do is live your lives, and from time to time reflect upon them, and then when you drift off to sleep, put forth the intention that you remember what occurs as you leave your physical bodies behind and go off into other star systems and dimensions. The fun that you have and the stories that you will tell someday will absolutely blow your minds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


