

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》關於2021年五月份的能量 (20210429)
《2》你可能是英雄 (20210429)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

The May 2021 Energies & What They’re About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been explaining to our colleagues here in the ninth dimension what we have witnessed of humanity and your spiritual evolution since we began taking a greater interest in you, and we have been able to recruit new collectives, new councils, new groups of non-physical beings based on the stories we have told about you. There are new groups from the Lyran system, the Orion system, the Antarian system, and the Andromedan system, all of whom now are completely enthralled by you. They are very interested in your journeys and in discovering how they can help.

And so, we come together as a sort of super collective, and we exchange ideas about what would be of greatest service to you. We are very happy with the injection of new ideas, new energies, new perspectives, and we expect to be delivering that to you in your month of May. The May 2021 energies will be multi-cultural. You will be receiving from all across the galaxy, from beings who now consider you to be a part of their galactic family. We have noticed that what brings up the most compassion in our fellow ninth-dimensional collectives is the truth that many of you have never known unconditional love from another human being.
因此,我們作為一個超級集體聚集在一起,就可以為你提供最大服務的內容交換意見。我們對新想法,新能量,新觀點的注入感到非常滿意,我們希望在你的5月份為你提供這些服務。 2021年5月的能量將是多元文化的。你將收到來自整個銀河系的信息,這些人現在已經將你視為他們銀河系的一員。我們已經注意到,在我們的第九維集體中引起最大同情的是一個事實,你們中的許多人從未聽說過來自另一個人的無條件的愛。

That truth makes all of the collectives want to shower you with their unconditional love, and it also inspires them to want to come up with some way of un-blocking the hearts of those humans who have never offered unconditional love themselves. There is something so very satisfying about doing it because you open up more to the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. And as close to Source as we exist now, we still enjoy that feeling of sending transmissions of unconditional love to wherever they are needed. We look for opportunities within humankind. We look for those who are most in need, and then we strategize as to how to get to those people and those groups.

We are creating realities with all of you; we are co-creating them. We work with your guides. We work with your higher selves. We come up with scenarios that will spark that flame, that eternal flame that burns inside of each and every one of you. It’s the part of you that wants to love more than your mind wants to hate. It’s always there; it just needs someone or something to poke at it with a stick, to stoke the flames of the fire. And that’s what the May energies will be all about for all of you there. Get ready for a real lovefest.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




























You Could Be Heroes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuously amazed by human beings because you have a capacity within you to do so much good, to care so much, to love so much, and to give so much of yourselves that you can change the world when just a handful of you decide that you want to work towards something positive, something that will benefit everyone. First, however, a need for that has to arise. So when people wonder, ‘Why are there these horrible natural disasters?’ or ‘Why do these people exist who are so dark that they would be willing to do harm to so many?’ and the answer is that if you didn’t have all of those negative people and negative circumstances, you could not know what it was like to be a hero. You could not know how good it felt to be there for someone who has just been hurt in some way.

You could never know how much compassion you could feel if the possibility didn’t exist for some things to go very badly for one or more people. Now, we are not justifying the acts of those who are operating in the dark, not by any stretch of the imagination.
What we are saying here is that you all knew you needed to co-create various circumstances in order to show yourselves just how beautiful you could be in a moment. You all want to experience yourselves as Source Energy in a physical body, whether you realize it or not, and what is Source if not unconditional love? Unconditional love means that you will be love under any and all conditions that you are confronted with in your life.

That is why there are so many horrific conditions to confront. Otherwise, there would not exist that opportunity to be more of who you really are and to be it in more than just theory, to be it in action. Now you can all take action to demonstrate to yourselves that you are unconditional love in the flesh. You can speak words to that effect; you can forgive others. You can send transmissions of healing and love if there is no action to take on your part, and that is what we see more and more of you doing all the time there on Earth.

The unsung heroes are living amongst you right now. There are many, many individuals who do heroic things every single day and don’t ask for any compensation. They don’t need to make a big deal about it on social media; they don’t need to tell a single soul, because they know. They got the chance to be more of who they really are, that was its own reward. That is why bad things happen and bad things exist on your world. They are not there to tempt you or test you, and they are certainly not there to punish you. They all exist so that you have the opportunity to rise up and be love in the face of whatever is thrown at you.

Now, we understand how hard that is, and so we just want to remind you that you are the ones who came up with this idea. You chose to be there whether you realize it or not, and the reason you chose to be there is because you knew you were up to the task, but you also wanted to experience it in action, in the flesh. And once again, we think you are doing a wonderful job, even though you don’t do it every single time, even though you still slip and fall. Even the desire, even the intention to be that which you truly are is an enormous step forward for the human collective consciousness, and we are seeing those steps taken every single day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


