
【猶大Judas Iskariot】《1》內在的世界;《2》一切都在改變(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【猶大Judas Iskariot】
譯者:Nick Chan
#AnnDahlberg #JudasIskariot #NickChan #Judas

猶大Judas Iskariot信息:
傳導:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I’m Judas and today I would like to talk about a few other things. Part of it concerns yourself, part of it concerns the world you live in. The world that you yourself have created as a human collective. You also have a world within you, a whole world that lives and moves within you. They work according to the conditions they have depending on the energy they get through food, thoughts and emotions. Your outer well-being is reflected in your inner well-being. It can give a clue to how you should take care of yourself. This applies on the physical level, as well as on the mental, emotional and mental levels. Everything belongs together and forms a unit and they affect each other in a positive or negative way. If you are happy and harmonious, it affects the other planes within yourself and a healing can occur physically or mentally. Proper nutrition can provide the same results. The body needs energy to function optimally. You can only get clean energy from “clean” food, which can be difficult to get on Earth today. Toxins have escalated all over the planet today, in the air, in the water and in the earth. Some places are more vulnerable than others, but there is no place that is completely free of toxins. The body can free itself from a lot but not as much as it wants, and it requires that you opt out of food that is contaminated. The same can apply to your thoughts and feelings.
The earth is now seeking to free itself from these toxins that also affect your bodies. It may be time to review your vegetation, water, soil and air that you breathe in, and develop methods that benefit yourself and the earth in the best way. This in turn will strengthen your immune system which now has to work extra hard to get all the toxins out of your body. This can be important to keep in mind in the times you are in right now. Your immune system works for you and not against you, but it must have the conditions to be able to keep you healthy and well. Those conditions exist in your living environment, in the inner as well as in the outer. If you change the inner, you change the outer. It’s all about being aware of oneself. Ask yourself .. What is good for me? It can be on the physical, emotional, mental or the astral plane. What’s good for me? What steps should I take to get there? Start with something small, something that you feel and may have felt for a long time that you want / need to do to feel good. Step by step you can heal yourself and become more aware of your inner abilities.
Start now, dear Earthlings, the time is now, to heal yourself and your Earth. Everything belongs together, you can not do one thing without affecting the other. Wake up to who you are and give yourself what you need. It is important to think about now and think a little about what it is that you need, what it is that is really important in your life. It is by giving yourself the best you can get that you help not only yourself but also humanity and the Earth. The little consciousness goes into the big consciousness and becomes a cog in the wheel of the big consciousness. The more cogs…. yes the rest you understand yourself.
I believe in you, I see how you have evolved and I see the light grow in your hearts.
Great love

猶大Judas Iskariot信息:
傳導:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and I wish you all a calm and peaceful spring. Now it is the case that it will be a little different, depending on where you live and what burdens you have taken on in this life. You all knew that you were going through a difficult time on Earth. Difficult because you are in a culmination of the old and the beginning of a new era on Earth. Darkness and light are released alternately and there is a tumult of emotions moving in all directions. It is very good if you can be an observer of your own feelings and see and understand that it is part of what is happening on Earth now.
Your world is being dissolved and it cannot be governed in the same way as it has been governed so far. Everything is changing at a fast pace and it is no longer possible to assume what will happen in your world. This is because people are not as predictable, they can change from one day to the next. Their thoughts and feelings change all the time and with all the information flowing in, they do not really know which foot they should stand on, what is true or not true. The time to go in and feel for what may be true for me can be difficult to find, but is still one of the most important things that you should devote your time to now. It does not have to take that long, most of you have a gut feeling for what it is that is true. If you can then see things with a little logic or a little common sense, then you understand how it really should be.
What is important to me and all the people who live here on Earth? Is this for our best? Our wishes and needs are taken into account. Have we been allowed to express our opinion and desire about how things should happen? Is it fair and loving? Do I feel confident in those who make decisions? These can be important questions to ask yourself if you feel hesitant about something. Feel free to listen to yourself before you make a decision about something that concerns yourself. That’s why it’s so important that you try to take that time now. It is only within you that you can get the true answers that you are looking for. In the information chaos that prevails, it can only be with your own gut feeling that you can get it right, to get exactly the information you need, to take the steps that you just have to take. Your friend may need to take a completely different step and if you follow that step, it may be a detour for you with experiences you already have or may not have needed at all.
We may seem a little annoying, but it is a time when it is extremely important to try to obey their inner guidance. The more people who follow their inner guidance, the faster the ship can straighten up and sail towards port. It is to the realm of light and love that you sail dear children, so please listen, listen and obey your inner loving voice that now so sincerely wishes to guide you home, home to the light and love again.
Yes, it takes many to bring your whole world to light, but it only takes one if you want to do it today. Start now, dear Earthlings, and become the straw that grows to give nourishment and power to your world. An entire field of straw will then soon grow and provide more nourishment and power to change what needs to be changed so that everyone can develop to their optimal ability.
Be a straw, be a light to the world, be compassionate and loving and see that everything changes before your loving eyes.
Great love


