

關於 此刻分享的重要性和孩子們的天賦
傳導作者:Celia Fenn

最親愛的光之孩子們,當你正進入另一個被祝福的變化週期和更高的意識時,我們帶給你這篇優雅的資訊幫助你們前進。這篇資訊是關於分享 — 作為你們現居的第五和第六維度中創造平衡的方式(a way of Creating Balance) — 的重要性。
分享 — 你自己和你的天賦才能以及你的物質富足 — 是在更高維意識中找到平衡和穩定的關鍵。


這樣的小孩就是“有天賦”的,“聰明”的小孩,而其餘的就會被認為是“差一點”的了。他們的天賦和才能在比較中暗淡下去了,直到他們對自己失去自信並自甘平庸和厭倦。這不正是現在你們很多人的狀態嗎?沮喪、浮躁,想展現自己的天賦但不知道如何,甚至不知道它們(自己的天賦)可能是什麼?如果你去觀察你們的孩子,你會發現他們在進入學校之前,在他們自己身上有一種自然的自信和快樂。他們是頑皮的有創造力的和開朗的。但是在學校,他們在為了“最好”和“成功”的狹隘競爭中失去了這些。最親愛的,在新地球社會中,你們將再一次理解集體和個人的準則。那就是你們只有在作為一個集體的時候才能過得很好,集體的強大程度取決於其中最弱的個體。如果在集體中有弱者,那麼該集體作為一個整體就會軟弱。只有當集體中的每一個成員都能感到充滿自信的去施展自己的才能時,整個集體才會強大。為了“集體”強大,“個人”必須強大。同樣“集體”必須運作以保證集體中的“個體”同樣強大和有施展空間。這個過程的關鍵就是分享的互惠能量。因為分享惠及雙方,是一個創造平衡和快樂的給與 — 接受互惠過程。如果一些人一直給與而另一些人一直接受,那就會有不平衡和不和諧。







Dearest Children of Light, as you enter into another cycle of blessed change and higher consciousness, we bring you this gentle message to assist you on your path forward. It is a message about the importance of Sharing as a way of Creating Balance in the Fifth and Sixth Dimensional Realities that you now inhabit.

Sharing - of yourself and of your Gifts and Talents as well as your Material Abundance - is the key to finding balance and stability in the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness.

The One and the Many: The Principle of Fifth and Sixth Dimensional Life
In the Third Dimensional Reality that you inhabited previously, you were taught as children to focus on yourself and your gifts as a matter of survival. At school you were taught to compete with others for "grades", and the person who was the "best" come out top. This was the "gifted" child, the intelligent child, and the rest were seen as "lesser" somehow. Their gifts and talents were dimmed in the comparison, until they lost all confidence in themselves and settled for mediocrity and boredom.

Is that not where many of you are now? Frustrated ands bored, wanting to express your gifts but not knowing how or even what they might be? If you watch your children, you will see that before they go to school they have a natural confidence and joy in themselves. They are playful and creative and outgoing. But at school, they lose that in the competition to be the "best" and to "succeed" in very narrow terms.

In the New Earth society, dearest ones, you will once again understand the principle of the Many and the One. That you can only live well as a Group, and that this Group will only be as strong as its weakest members. If there are disempowered individuals within the Group, then the Group will be weak as a whole. It is only when each member of the Group is empowered by feeling confident to express their gifts, then the whole Group will be strong.

The "One" must be Strong, for the "Many" to be strong. And the "Many" must work to ensure that the "One" within the Group is also strong and empowered. And the key to the process of empowerment is the Reciprocal Energy of Sharing. For Sharing empowers both parties, for it is a reciprocal process of giving and receiving that creates balance and joy. If some are always giving and others always receiving, then there is imbalance and disharmony.

Sharing, Creativity and Manifestation
Each of you has a gift to offer to others. Each of you is a powerful Creator and Manifester. But it is only when you share your gifts with the Group, that you enter into the flow of manifestation. For manifestation is a shared activity, it is the transmission and sharing of energies in co-creative activities. For you cannot manifest a house unless you have a builder to build it. And the builder cannot build unless he has bricks or timber, and so it goes....Each one contributes of their gifts and talents to the final product.

For, dearest ones, sharing is expressing love. Sharing is a major part of your work on the Planet at this time. As you break through the last veils of the illusions created by the Third Dimension, you will see that you cannot just focus on yourself and on your own well-being. For your well-being is connected to that of all others. The more you share with and support others, the more support and love will flow to you.

And, dearest ones, sharing does not mean sharing your problems and your fears. These are illusions that you spin within the veil and they have no substance as such. Sharing means sharing of what is real, your essence and your "god-self", your creativity, your imagination, your joy, your encouragement and your material blessings, if appropriate.

The Gifts of Your Children at this Time
Dearest beings of light, the Gift of Sharing will be the gift that your children will bring to you at this time. As the radiant and blessed Crystal Children grow older, they will refuse to conform to the system of competition and grades. They will continue to believe in themselves and their gifts and talents, and they will refuse to compromise. Nor will they let you.

They will teach you that each individual is unique and beautiful, and they will show you how to receive this uniqueness and beauty as a gift. For indeed, being open to receive is the key to the process of creative manifestation. If you understand that each and every being has a gift to offer, and you are open to receiving that gift, then you will see the riches that life offers you. These are riches beyond material goods, but, as your children will teach you, your material survival is assured in the Higher Dimensions, and you are able to focus on the abundance of creativity and joy that is your "playground" on the Planet.

So, dearest ones, we urge you to add to your practice of gratitude, the practice of sharing as a way of demonstrating that gratitude. Allow your heart to lead you and to show you how to share, for each of you has that gift within your being.

Finding your Gift
The need to share is important in your New Earth Higher Consciousness, for if you do not you become locked into the illusion of separation and the creative energies cannot flow. If this happens, you become "stuck" and you cannot move forward. If you cannot move forward you will start to slide backwards, and your creativity will be played out in negative dramas of separation and isolation and lack.

So, how do you find your gift? Listen to your heart and look at your life. Where is your abundance at this time? What is it that you have more of than you need for yourself? If it is love, then share that with others. If it is money, then share that with others. If it is time, then give that to others.

What are your talents? Not everyone is a healer or a teacher, but everyone has something to share with others. Be proud of what you have to share, and share it with joy and confidence, knowing your gift is worthy and valuable.

And then, be open to receive the gifts of others. For the process of sharing is both giving and receiving. It is not only what you give and how you give it, but also how you receive. Can you receive with the joy and innocence of a child?

For you need only watch a child receive a gift to know the pleasure and joy that a gift can bring. So, dearest ones, follow your children and share your gifts with one another in this wonderful new cycle of New Earth energy that is emerging.

I am with you. I share with you.
Quan Yin



