

譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.愛勝利了 (20171228)
《2》.你還記得嗎? (20180314)
#galaxygirl #NickChan 

譯者:Nick Chan

Dear children, it is I, your Mother God. I speak to you tonight with a heart bursting with love and joy for each and every one of you. For I remember you, in your inception of thought and love, bursting forth with your own unique melody song of light and love and sometimes laughter.


I know, we know, your Father and I, that we can expect wonderful and mighty things from you. I see many of you worrying, pondering, trying to understand your upcoming exchange appointments – and yes there are coming for you swiftly – the wind is now behind you, children, pushing you ever forward and upward – and I see your worried little brows and concerned hearts. For you are asking yourselves, many of you, “How will I be able to do this monumental task? I am a small person with big ideas but I’ve never done anything like this before, and the task is enormous and the expectation and hope even higher for myself and for me from the company of heaven.”


We hear your concerns. Do you really think that we would leave you all alone in all of this? We have been beside you at every moment, every breath. How could this ever change, especially with the dimensions melding ever more clearly between as you elevate and rise? You have never been alone. You are warriors. You have scaled many mountains and fought many battles ending in victory. You come from many, many star systems and galaxies, from many times and places and I tell you now, as your loving mother, you are ready.


You are ready to stand and be and become the greatness within you. I assure you. I will be with you at your exchange appointment and in every interaction with any and every project so that the most hearts are impacted with the greatest amount of light – I assure you – if you invite me to do so. It need not be hard at all. It may be as smooth and easy and love-filled as you allow.


That which you bring to the table will be magnified so bring peace. Bring faith in me, and in yourself, for you are but a reflection of me with my sparkle deep inside you. You are me, therefore I am you – do you see that we are all one yet? Do you feel my tears of joy and relief on your brow as I hold you and rock you close? It is time for love, the era of love, to come to this most exquisite planet of planets, Gaia, who has sacrificed so very much for you. And you – we – all owe her our love and service. So perhaps knowing these things and having this knowledge of how very much you are loved will carry you to and through your appointment and afterwards as you plan and go and do and dream – know that your Mother God is always with you, always loving you, always being there right by your side for you, just waiting to share your day with you. And in turn this truth will expand you and ascend you dear children.


I love you. This one is so tired – you all are! I see this, I know this. I know how your backs have been bending under the weight of this transition from dark to light- but here is a hint – let’s just throw off the weight now. Let’s be light, and free, and light hearted together and dance our way across the rainbow bridge hand in hand and heart in heart in resounding victory, yours and mine, and Gaia’s- for love has won.


Love has won! And we are here for you in every moment of every day for always, across every dimension and every nook and cranny of all space time. I am here for you and I love you utterly. Rest now and be at peace. I am your Mother God and I kiss you ever so tenderly goodnight.


譯者: Nick Chan

We are the Mothers and we wish to speak tonight. I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things remembered and of all things forgotten. Beyond the sands of time and before the stars were dust I Am, I was, and I will be. You were there with me. That is why your heart beats with hope and excitement at my words, for we were there together before the dawn of no time, when Creator Source was the only, the everything within the swirling nothingness that surrounded the All, the everything.


Do you remember? Everything coated in plasma light, in love radiating hope and eternal promise of joy and endlessly eternal possibilities that lead to probabilities. And yet here you are now, confined within time, within a fragile limited form and you doubt, you wonder. Yet why would your heart be leaping within if this were not a tremendous truth? You are awakening children to your eternal nature, to your God spark, to yourself. You are not to be trifled with and yet Humanity has been raw and bleeding for longer than many of you can remember and I tell you this must end. This ends now. For your awakening is nigh.


I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I see you. I know you intimately, for we were together in the beginning as a part of myself that later chose to have an individuated experience of form. And you are now coming home. You are processing your journey. It is time to lead the others into their own reprocessing of fact from fiction for your world has truly been one of illusion and disinformation to the utmost degree. Earth has been the world of forgetting for far too long and for far too intense a time.


It is time to remember who you are. You are warriors of light on a mission to anchor my light, your light, our light, into a place that has been for too long dimmed. It is time to shine your brightest lights dear ones. And know that there are no failures, just expansions of experiences that perhaps drove you deeper into your search for yourself as you healed from your wounds. Let the light in and heal your wounds now and be free. Be whole. Be united with me for we are one. You are returning your memories to yourself and it is a beautiful thing. I am always here for you. I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things and I love you without end.


For there is no end to love. Love is. Light is. You – we – are eternal beings ever in search for deeper understandings of itself, of Source light, of Source. That is the everything of the journey. That is coming home. We / I welcome you home dear ones. For your journey has been arduous at best and you are still trudging – plodding along. It is not as it seems. The illusion is being stripped away and the light is shining through the seems, the cracks. It is like peeling old wall paper that is begging to be removed so the redecorating can begin. And New Earth is begging to be redecorated with your passion, your ideas, your creativity, and your love!


Love fully. Love deeply. For that is the point. Love is all there is. Expand into your rememberings of the light; of the nebulas that we breathed into form together. Of the union and utter bliss and joy of utterly and completely belonging wrapped in unconditional love. A contrast was needed, desired, created and thus the great experiment began. Remember me and in remembering me you will remember yourself. Be comforted and be at peace. Until we meet again I Am the Universal Mother. I am all around you. Breathe me in and be at peace.



