

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.目前你們缺乏的隱私和數據收集 (20210203)
《2》.這是真正生活的唯一途徑 (20210204)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




當你們保持清楚易懂時(you are transparent),你們是在告訴同伴你們自己沒有批判自己,因此,他們可以得出結論,你們不會根據他們的所作所為,對他們感興趣或相信的事情來對他們進行批判。那是你們可以送給地球上同伴的禮物。你們可以尋求擺脫自己的恥辱,批判力,甚至是害怕因為別人對你們的了解而被剝削。請注意並與你們的直覺,內在的指導上師保持聯繫,並且你們不會輕易被邪惡的人類所利用。

現在是伸展你們的洞察力(stretching your discernment muscles)的好時機,因為世界上有很多人提出很多主張,並且你們需要能夠感受到一個人是否對你們誠實,以及即使一個人是否正在經歷與你們完全不同的現實。當你們什麼都沒有隱藏起來並且對自己一直都是個很好的感受時,你們可以放心,提高了你們感知別人不真實時的能力。因此,這肯定是你們生活中必不可少的東西。



Your Lack of Privacy & Data Collected ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been collecting data on humanity for a while now, and we utilize the information that we collect to be of greater service to you. We want you to know that the lack of privacy that you have is in many ways a very good thing. We also know that many of you are very angry about the lack of privacy that you have from other humans, and that lack of privacy is due in large part to your technology. There is a trade-off for having a computer, a phone, and Internet access, but you learn to live with it. You learn how to help yourself have a little bit more privacy than you would if you were completely oblivious to all the ways that you can be spied upon there on Earth.

But when we tell you that we are observing you and collecting data, you know that we are doing it for your greatest and highest good. It is also a good idea for you to strive for a certain amount of transparency. It’s a good idea for you to be more open with your fellow humans about everything, just as it is a not-so-good idea for you to feel ashamed of anything or any aspect of who you are.

When you are transparent, you are telling your fellow humans that you do not judge yourself, and therefore, they can conclude that you do not judge them for what they do or what they are interested in or believe. That’s a gift that you can give to your fellow humans there on Earth. You can seek to rid yourselves of shame, judgment, and even fear that you are going to be exploited because of what someone knows about you. Be aware, and be in touch with your intuition, your inner guidance, and you won’t be so susceptible to being taken advantage of by malevolent human beings.

Now is a very good time to be stretching your discernment muscles, as there are a lot of people out there in the world making a lot of claims, and you need to be able to feel into whether a person is being honest with you, and even whether a person is just experiencing an entirely different reality than yours. When you have nothing to hide and you feel very good about who you are all the time, you can rest assured that your ability to sense when someone else is being inauthentic is heightened. And so, that is certainly something to be reaching for in your lives.

And we also want you to know that we never judge you, and we do not feel that you need to be ashamed or judge any aspect of who you are, and we will always feel that way about you, no matter what.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .


我們一直在提高意識,就像我們一直在鼓勵地球上的所有人都這樣做一樣。我們知道這種做法有多有價值, 讓更高頻率的能量接管和提升自己的振動。我們非常感謝每一位願意抽出寶貴時間來提高自己的意識並增強振動的人。








This is the Only Way to Truly Live ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been elevating our consciousness, just as we have been encouraging all of you there on Earth to do the same. We know how valuable the practice is of letting go of what is weighing oneself down and allowing the higher-frequency energies to take over and raise one’s vibration. We so appreciate each and every one of you who is willing to take the time out of your busy day to elevate your consciousness and raise your vibration.

Now, there was a time in your history as awakening souls that you would participate in an activity for the joy of it and not make any connection between the joy that you were feeling while doing the thing you love to do and what would follow in your reality. You had no idea that you were putting out a vibration that would bring you more joyous experiences and people. And now, here you are, with your awakened consciousness, knowing that every time you offer a vibration, you are sending out a signal to the universe, and you know that the universe will bring back to you something that represents the vibration you were emanating.

Now, you could take that knowledge and decide that you’re going to do something that brings you joy, because now you know that there will be even more joy to come if you participate in that activity. And that’s fine; you certainly can live your life in that way. But when you are doing something purely for the joy that you experience while doing it, that’s when you are living as a spiritual master. That’s when you are being completely present in the moment, with no expectation about what will come next and no attachment to whether anything does come next in your experience.

Now that being said, you can sit quietly in a dark room and just activate joy within yourselves. But again if you do it because you simply recognize that you can and you like the way that you feel when you are in a state of joy, that is a much better way to go about living your life than if you are doing it because you hope to attract something or someone into your life that will put you in a state of ‘joy cruise control.’

You see, you are always going to be responsible for your own vibration, regardless of who or what is in your life, regardless of how much money you have in the bank or how many toys you have purchased with that money. It will still be up to you to be joyous for no good reason at all. And that’s why we encourage you to raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness; it is not because we know the universe will reward you if you do. And it is not even because we want you to do it so that you will be of service to the human collective by adding that positive energy to the collective consciousness. We want you to raise your vibration and elevate your consciousness because we love you and we want you to feel good.

We want you to demonstrate to yourselves that you are in control of how you feel when you focus on how you feel and you make how you feel a priority. And all the other good things that come from you sitting in that dark, quiet room, raising your vibration will be like the cherry on top of the sundae. You are joy, love, peace, and all of the other good-feeling vibrations rolled into one, and we are here to invite you to return home to your true selves, because it’s the only way to truly live.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


