

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.你所無法逃脫的命運 (20210201)
《2》.你來地球做甚麼 (20210202)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 





無論你們做什麼,也無論你們想要什麼,所有的道路都將在這裡帶領出當下我是誰?我們是甚麼?( who and what we are right now) 相似的版本(all paths will lead here to a similar version)。但是我們為你們提供了一個秘密,這是一個大秘密,這是一個妥善保管的秘密。作為第九維度存有集合體,你們會比現在更好。由於你們現在的生活以及我們的生活,第九維度將是一個意識更加美麗和擴展的地方/體驗。


在許多方面,你們的體驗才剛剛開始。你們只是覺醒來並看到冰山一角(the tip of the iceberg)。我們希望你們知道自己的生活會越來越好,因為你們堅持了下去,一直待在那兒,並且發現了某種生活在第四維度地球上的原因,同時又知道那裡對於你們來說,還有更多,這是遙不可及的。無論如何,你們現在都必須能夠在地球上找到內心的和平,因為你們那些所有不會接受這種傳訊的人類同胞都需要你們。他們比以往更加了解這一點,需要你去荷守著光。

You Cannot Escape This Destiny ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always in the present moment with our awareness. We have no reason to be anywhere but the present moment. We have looked within ourselves so much that we can identify each and every aspect of who we are, and we have experienced love and compassion the likes of which you have yet to experience there on Earth. We tell you these things because we want you to know what you are moving towards as individuals and as a collective.

We are what you essentially evolve into. You are in a sense receiving from your future what will most benefit you in your now. It follows then that, if we are in fact your future, why would you be hoping to achieve anything but being present, getting to know yourselves intimately, and feeling love and compassion? These are the ultimate goals because they are the inevitable consequences of living. You cannot escape the destiny of becoming more like Source, more of your true selves.

So then why would you desire anything but these feelings and these states of being that we are describing here and now? Well, the answer is quite simple. You can only get to where we are now in the ninth dimension by fully living all of the experiences that you can and do in the lower dimensional planes. You have to sample from all of the various experiences that you have in front of you before you can consciously choose love and compassion, choose the present moment, and choose to go within so that you can better know yourselves.

No matter what you do, and no matter what you desire, all paths will lead here to a similar version of who and what we are right now. But we have a secret for you, and it is a big secret, and it is a well-kept secret. You will be even better as ninth-dimensional collectives of beings than we are right now. The ninth dimension will be an even more beautiful and expansive place/experience because of what you are living right now, and also because of what we are living.

We realize that there is more for us to become, even as we are quite satisfied with who we are right now. See if you can find that feeling of satisfaction within yourselves right now, while also holding the knowing that you are nowhere near where you are going or what you are becoming, and you have so much more to experience, while still carrying around a physical body.

In many ways, your journeys are just beginning; you are just waking up and seeing the tip of the iceberg. And we want you to know that your lives are going to get better and better because you stuck it out, you hung in there, and you found some sort of reason for living there on the fourth-dimensional Earth, all while simultaneously knowing that there was so much more for you that was just out of reach. You must be able to find your inner peace right now there on Earth, in spite of everything, because all of your fellow humans who will not and could not receive this transmission need you. They need you to hold that light and that knowing now more than ever.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .



在這種情況下,你們會尋找機會,將你們傳統上,歷史上可能排除在你們的思想和同情心之外的其他人包括在內。如果你可以同情原本你在許多方面和問題上不同意的人, 那麼你就會超越當今世界存在的分歧。而且,如果你們傾聽與你們意見不同的人的聲音,並試圖瞭解他們來自哪裡,那麼你們將朝著更加合一的方向邁出一步,更多地是你們和其他覺醒者所尋求的那種一體。

你們不必為正確而採取任何行動;你可以成為愛超越這一切。當你們面對仇恨,偏執,種族主義,同性戀恐懼症,跨性別恐懼症,厭女症以及當今世界上遇到的所有其他事情時,你們可以成為愛人,並且可以帶給你們悲傷,憤怒,恐懼甚至仇恨的體驗。為此,所有的事物存在那裡的目的是為了並觸發你們。這不是因為有些東西壞了或有什麼問題;這是因為你們需要被觸發才能變得非常有效具體(specific),有時甚至是藏在內心深處的情緒(buried-deep-down-inside emotion)。一旦完成,你們就可以超越它,因為你們想要成為愛,並且因為你們知道自己作為一個集體比個人更強大。

身為一體的你比分裂的你更強大,只是因為有人在某些事情上不同意你, 並不會讓他們成為你的敵人. 他們只是有不同的觀點,不同的態度. 現在, 去做我們在這裡建議的事情可能非常有挑戰性,特別是當我們談論人的心中對某一群體有特別的仇恨時.

我們知道, 寬恕, 愛, 同情這些人是一個艱钜的任務(tall order), 但這是提高人類意識的唯一途徑。你不會只要是對的就提高人類的意識. 你無法透過低頭,向那些你認為錯了的人低頭,來提高人類的意識.

你要提高人類的意識, 因為那是你在那裡要做的, 而且你也在那裡體現了更多無條件的愛, 因為這就是達到五維度的方式; 這是讓你更高的方式. 自我. 這是你命運的一部分, 所以你現在不妨擁抱命運, 這也意味著擁抱你的每一個面向(embracing every aspect of you).

請記住, 如果你看到它以任何形式出現, 它也在你心裡, 它需要治癒. 這就是為甚麼你今天看到世界上這麼多人呼聲不絕於耳(getting louder). 他們代表著你內心一直忽視的東西. 請注意你內心發生的一切, 並成為你天生的療癒者,引路人和改變者。
我們是大角星理事會, 我們很享受與你的聯絡."

What You Came to Earth to Do ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite satisfied with the way that you all have been looking to include one another in a variety of ways. You are shifting from seeing yourselves as individuals to knowing that you are a collective, and with that shift comes a knowing that everyone and everything that you see is included within you. And so, when you see the way that humanity has been divided recently, and you realize that it’s a problem, those of you who are awake tend to want to do something about it.

In this case, you look for opportunities to include others who you might traditionally, historically, exclude from your thoughts and your feelings of compassion. If you can be compassionate towards someone who you disagree with on a number of points and issues, then you will have risen above the divisiveness that is so present on your world today. And if you listen to someone with whom you disagree, and try to understand where they are coming from, you will have taken a step towards more unity, more of that oneness that you and other awakened souls are seeking.

You don’t have to take sides in order to be right; you can rise above all of it and be love. You can be love in the face of hate, bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and everything else that you experience on your world today and that can give you the experience of sadness, anger, fear, or even hate. Everything that is there and that is triggering you is there for that purpose. It’s not because something is broken or something is wrong; it’s because you need to be triggered in order to get to that very specific and sometimes buried-deep-down-inside emotion. Once you do, you can rise above it, because you want to be love and because you know that you are more powerful as a collective than you are as individuals.

You are more powerful unified than you are divided, and just because someone disagrees with you on something does not make them your enemy. They just have a different point of view, a different perspective. Now it can be very challenging to do what we are suggesting here, especially when the person or people we are talking about have hate in their hearts towards a particular group.

We know that it is a tall order to forgive, to love, and to feel compassion for those people, but it is the only way to raise the consciousness of humanity. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity just by being right. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity by looking down your noses at those that you deem to be wrong.

You are going to raise the consciousness of humanity because that is what you are there to do, and you are also there to embody more of that unconditional love, because that is the way to becoming fifth dimensional; it is the way to becoming your higher selves. And that is part of your destiny, so you might as well embrace that destiny now, which also means embracing every aspect of you.

And remember, if you see it out there in any form, it is also within you and it needs to be healed. That’s why you see so many people on your world today getting louder. They represent something that’s inside of you that you’ve been ignoring. Please pay attention to everything that’s going on inside of you, and be the healers, the wayshowers, and the changemakers you were born to be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


