

《1》.升級 (20180608)
《2》.成為宇宙的奇蹟 (20180626)
#NickChan #Galaxygirl

譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings friends! We are the Pleiadian Collective here ever in service to humanity’s ascension, bringing you news. The threshold that you have been longing for for vibrational frequencies has been reached allowing yet more of our light and assistance into your realm.


Keep the high vibes up friends for it is working! We see you as surfers riding the biggest wave of your career, and you have had many varied careers over your many lifetimes. Soon you will see us just as we see you now, in the flesh, in form, just as we see you, friends. Much change is foot and the dark ones are running scared, for scared is all that they know and all that they have left to go on. It’s quite sad really that they should be missing out on the biggest ascension that has yet occurred. But we all have choices to make. And certainly you are all choosing excitement and ascension and love and it warms our hearts as we gaze with intense love upon all of you.


You will see your third eye opening more and more. You may have some frontal headaches just as this one is now experiencing as we download, always with permission. So please give us your permission to download our light and wisdom and to happily upgrade you so that you can withstand the coming love wave that will carry and soothe away every tear and ascend you into the – quite literally – higher vibrations of life and light that you previously referred to as heaven from your 3d perspective.


Where do loved ones go when they die? Many places, but mostly higher realms, higher dimensions of light and love for most of you reading these words, and other realms where further learning is required so that cause and effect and karma may be fully experienced. What goes around comes around, that’s all that karma is, it is nothing to be feared, it is simply a tool of reference and of understanding, a grand teacher if you will. For if we are all one, and we are, when you show love to others you show it to yourself, which is how this universe of causality responds to love, to action, for every action has a reaction. And we see you, human friends, reacting to these intense energies with profound love and openness which makes your heart centers spin a bit more widely to allow a bit more light.


Would you like us to assist you further? Please ask. We are eager to assist for we are so excited and proud of our ground team that has done an outstanding job and you have proved your mettle. Now is the time to shine brightly, brighter than ever before and to love and laugh more brightly than ever before and to show mercy and love to those who need it. And who doesn’t? We all love love! It is who we are! It is our nature! We Pleiadian Collective had had our fair share of darkness and tribul·ations. We have had numerous what you have called holo·causts and we have learned and learned and experienced and we would be most honored if you would but allow us to assist you with your own remembering and re-awakening. For it is our pleasure to do so.


We love you. We are the Pleiadian Collective, always in service and we behold you with utmost respect and love. We are you. We are one.


譯者:Nick Chan

We are the Pleiadian Collective here this day, this evening, to offer our words of comfort and encouragement. For we see how weary you are, many of you, and yet you continue onward in your quest for finding love and being love to those around you. Love. Love! Can you feel our vibration of love and friendship extended towards you now? We are as proud parents when we see your progress and successes. We boast with each other “See how well he/she did that? See how they chose love?” And our vision is a bit bleary eyed with the tears of love at your successes, for they are many.


You have had many successes and you are about to have some more in your near trajectory as well. Earth is shining brighter now. We see your little blue orb as glowing ever brighter as more and more humans choose love and the Law of Oneness, which will soon be the law of the land, the true laws hijacked no more. Many of you are Lumerian and you remember us deep at a cellular level of our interactions and adventures together. Many of you were seeded by our kind, in love with the purpose of new beginnings and seeding new worlds with our light and consciousness.


We have known you for a very long time. Many of your soul sparks are from our system and many of us have had many adventures on your beautiful Gaia. Life is eternal. You are eternal beings and many of you are surprisingly older, much older, than your Earth years or current memory / understandings of age. Soon you will be able to set your age and remain so, much like setting a timer at a certain number and not pressing the start so that the time always has the same amount remaining. Age is but an illusion, one of many on your beautiful blue sphere. Some of you have also had lives on Venus to prepare for your Earth adventures and then to heal after them as well. Many of you have had ghastly experiences that needed deep healing. Did not your Rumi say “The wound is the place where the light enters you?” And friends, (for it does not seem right anymore to say ‘children’) friends, this is what we see when we look at you. We see your scars and woundings being radiant in their light and we see you spreading your light and love to the others, even those who many not appreciate or understand your love and light, they feel it and are in turn blessed. Keep it up! We are so proud of you. We are your Pleiadian family. We are one.


I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of All things. I see you children. I embrace you warmly tonight. For I am all around you. I see you, I feel you, I know you. Rest in me. Breathe in my breath an be comforted. Galaxies are birthed, just as the human soul is birthed. Universes stretch, grow and change just as the human collective is in the process of doing. You are kicking up star dust all around you children, for as your expansion progresses, so does the expansion and ascension of this sector of your galaxy. For this quadrant has been greatly involved in the battle with the dark and much healing has taken place and still needs to take place further on a deep energetic level.

我是母親,宇宙萬物的母親。我看到你了,孩子們。 今晚我熱情地擁抱你。因為我無處不在。我看到了你,我感到了你,我知道你。在我之中休息。在我的氣息中呼吸,備受慰藉。星系誕生,就像人類的靈魂誕生。宇宙延伸、成長和改變,就像人類集體正在這麼做著。你在激起周身的星塵,孩子們,因為隨著你的擴張發展,你們星系的這片扇區也在擴張和提升。因為這個像限極大地涉及與黑暗的戰鬥,許多的療愈已經發生,在深度的能量層面上進一步的療愈依舊需要發生

And this is where my breath comes in. Allow my nurturing love, and yet my zero point of calm sooth you. Climb in my lap and just be for awhile. We can watch the stars form together. See how the nebulas stretch and swirl? Ah, I am very partial to the vibrant colors of the nebulas. You are but a tiny speck of me and yet I am all through you, and you are your own universe, remember? All of your trillions of cells look up to you to tell them what to do. You are their master and creator, they are listening to what you say. Rest is needed in these times of energetic upheaval and immense change. Your bodies are trying to catch up with the energy upgrades of the Solstice. Some of you have had many ascension symptoms and this shall continue for awhile as you ascend ever higher and become a marvel of the universe for your tenacity and power of creative spirit of the human collective.


Dear children, this is Mother God. Utilize my presence. Wrap it around you like a thick cozy blanket and be soothed, comforted. All is proceeding. Soon you will have many new friends and neighbors to meet. It is your destiny to be great leaders and teachers for the other worlds / systems to learn from. But first you must build and create your new world, which I see many of you are doing, yes? You are clearing the old to make way for the new. Such is natural phenomena and to be expected. Enjoy the ride, the changes, and the expansion of your innermost self. Many of you are realizing it is perhaps a bit easier day by day to love yet a bit more those who you have found to be infuriating perhaps not as irritating today or the following day? For you are beginning to see them through the eyes of love, through my eyes, and they are your teachers. Love and release, love and release, love and forgive and move on. I love you. I am your Mother God. I teamed up with the Universal Mother tonight, for we are one in our love for you, our precious humanity. You are never alone. We are with you always. We are you. We are one. Share our light and you will see your own reflection and soul signature within it. Excellent work, children. Much love.



