

傳導:Galaxygirl、Valerie Donner 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.你有我們的協助 (20181119)
《3》.不穩定的時期 (20190208)
#Galaxygirl #ValerieDonner #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

We are the Pleiadian Collective. We greet you humankind today with warm wishes and arms extended in service. We see much turmoil on your planet in this most rigorous now, but simultaneously we see the light unfolding and literally piercing the darkness…


Greetings, this is Mira of the Pleiadian Collective. I offer my voice and observations this day. We see how hard you ground crew are pressing on. We see your weariness and the effect molecularly the energies are having on your bodies as they are rewoven with more light daily. We applaud you. This has been a most arduous task for you and for all involved. We too are working nonstop for your ascension efforts, it is true. You are supported from above as from below. Many of us have already landed and are incognito serving you ground crew, balancing the energies of the seas, the skies and assisting in healing the waters of your sphere. It is time for you all to know and to feel the great love that we have for you and profound appreciation we have for this dedicated team of light warriors. And in the process of this gathering for the ascension support of our dear Gaia, we have built further alliances within our intergalactic - now brimming over - team that has forged some new and exciting relationships. For the alliances for the light are ever growing, ever expanding and all eyes are on you now, ground crew.


You have all of our support from all corners of the ever expansive, ever expanding universe. For the grand experiment has been a profoundly painful one and we are all eager to get this done, completed, and to send the blessing of your success to the others across time and space. For your skill of ascension prowess will be most surely needed, coveted, and we see you as sharing your grit, your mettle again and again and again. But for now, in this most sacred space where you are receiving these energies of love within my words, know that I am like you. Do not worship us. Do not esteem us too highly for we are you in another time space, for we are outside of it. Remember your multi-dimensionality and embrace the foreknowledge that there are many, many aspects of you out there to enjoy meeting and reuniting with. But perhaps at this time it is enough to feel our love. To feel the love of Mother Earth under your feet and see our smiling ships dance in greeting under the cloak of clouds or dancing lights in the night sky. It is enough. The light is more than enough. Allow it to permeate you friends and be at peace. Accept this healing light and be comforted.


I am Mira. We are very busy up here tending to the variety of requests and commands, ushering in the energies of the new age delicately, toning them down somewhat so as to cause more ease on your fragile morphing bodies. You feel different because you are. Embrace this growth, this difference, and see all is unfolding as perfectly as the Divine Mother, the All has decreed that it should and will. That is all for now from me. I am Mira, I have another meeting to attend to. I wrap my arms around you. Feel my peace. I share it with you. I am Mira. Blessings this day.


傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings I am Mira.


I greet you today from the Earth Council where I have been working for over six of your earth years. My job is to assist the earth’s Ascension process. I am here to assist you as you move into higher consciousness.


At this time, I would like to assist you with several different matters. This is in preparation for your Ascension. It should serve you well and I trust that you will take these matters into consideration.


Number one. What is your stamina level? You are running the last lap of the final race. Are you breathing? Are you keeping your eye on the prize? Are you continuing to raise your vibration? Are you letting go of what no longer serves you? Are you trusting the process? Are you reminding yourselves of your part in the divine plan?


Number two. What is your most important area of focus right now? Are you prioritizing your spiritual work and healing? Are you taking care of first things first? What matters the most? Are you trusting yourself? Are you believing in yourself? Can you envision a new future for yourself and a new planet?


Number three. Are you building greater faith and trust in the process at hand? Are you managing to stay positive and when something negative comes do you let it go and not let it affect you as it would have in the past? Do you feel that you are capable of maneuvering over any hurdles that might come your way?


Number four. As you approach the end of these lower dimensions do you feel yourself becoming less burdened? Does the material world have less impact your daily life? Are you beginning to get a sense of what it feels like from time to time to feel some bliss, joy and happiness? Do you want more of these positive feelings?


Number five. Are you getting ready to have contact with us, the Galactic’s? Are you open to meeting some of your Galactic brothers and sisters who are already on the planet? Are you aware that you will recognize us when you see us? Can you begin to imagine how joyful and heartfelt your reunions will be? Are you ready to share and learn from each other?


Number six. What is your preparation level for stepping into new work assignments? What is the burning desire and passion within for greater service to the earth and life on the earth? Are you willing to learn with others and to share what you know? Are you willing to amplify your creativity and to part with the old way of doing things?


Number seven. Right now, it is can you think about getting the best that you can get from these final days in the third dimension? Can you make the best of it? Can you put it all together so that you can see the big picture and get the value from that? Can you remind yourself that you chose to be here at this time for this very special purpose? Can each of you realize how important your contribution is, and that the value of your energy and love is enough?


These are my thoughts right now. I hope that they will be helpful. I cannot wait to see your reactions.


We are in full swing with everything that is occurring right now. Our total focus is on you and the earth. We continue to participate in doing our part in relieving the earth from the contamination of the dark forces and for the illumination of the light.


I am Mira with love.


譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings ground team, this is Mira of the Pleiadian Council of Team Ascension Earth. Please feel our Pleiadian embrace extended towards you, arms outstretched in service. We assure you we are working full time on behalf of you, humanity, and we feel great responsibility and excitement for this project of Team Earth to come into fruition. For in may ways it already has, and many celebrations are being prepared.

問候,地麵糰隊,我是來自昴宿星議會 - 地球揚升團隊的米拉。請感受我們昴宿星的擁抱,敞開雙臂的服務。我們向你保證,我們為了你,人類的利益,日以夜繼地在工作,我們對完成這個地球項目感到了巨大的責任和興奮。因為在許多方面它已經完成,許多的慶祝活動已經準備好了

We wish that we are were at liberty to disclose more, but suffice it to say, now the time is ripe for planetary change, for ascension, for upheaval, for growth. For in order to prepare the new, the old must be swept away, which is precisely what is happening currently in your geopolitical arena. The environment must be protected. True, we have advanced technology that will greatly assist you, but we must partner with you. We cannot and will not do it all, for that would be a violation of your free will and deny you of the opportunity to serve your own planetary Mother Gaia, who has been ever so patient and loving toward humanity for eons. We salute her for her service and we honor you ground team for your tireless acts of service as well. This has been a tremendous project with an enormous goal and we are excited and pleased to announce that indeed much is progressing that we cannot yet speak of, but that does not mean that it is not happening. Much is happening! Your reality TV shows, your news, is not reality! Hold no credence to it. Learn to see with the eyes of your heart, your ever growing heart space that is developing nicely, much less closed, much more open even than last year.

我們希望我們可以揭示更多,但我只想說,現在行星改變、揚升、劇變、成長的時機已經成熟。為了為新事物做好準備,舊的必須一掃而空,這正是此刻在你們地緣正治舞台上發生的。 環境必須被保護。確實,我們有先進的技術,能夠極大地協助你,但我們必須與你合作。我們無法也不會去做一切,因為這會是對你自由意志的侵犯並否認了你去服務蓋亞母親(她一直對人類保有耐心和愛)的機遇。我們因她的服務向她致敬,我們因你不知疲倦的服務榮耀你。這是一個巨大的項目,伴隨著一個巨大的目標,我們很興奮和高興來宣佈有著許多我們還無法談論的東西在取得進展,但這並不意味著它沒有在發生。很多東西正在發生!你們的真人秀、新聞,都不是真的!不要相信它。學會伴隨著心眼去看 --- 你不斷成長的心之空間,非常漂亮地在發展,不怎麼封閉了,比去年更多地敞開

We are pleased to be partnering up with the Arcturian councils as well regarding the development and advancement of your precious species’ growth, for that is one of their specialties and they are quite good at lovingly guiding. We Pleiadians are quite good at lovingly delivering. Together we make and excellent team, just as we are a most excellent team with our grounded crew as well. All is well. All is progressing. We eagerly anticipate our reunions with you, for you our family, our friends, and we have long histories with many of you. Each of you are treasured, special, unique, and precious Source fractals that will be bursting forth with opportunities for serving the All in new and glorious, exciting ways!


Great avenues of change are here. They are being unveiled as we speak. I am Mira of the Pleiadian Council for Gaia’s ascension. It is true that much change is about to begin and we hope that our grounded ones are ready for this and will hold the light, hold the love, hold the space for the others who may flounder quite a bit. We see this as a likely volatile time for earth, for humanity, but also a great opportunity for more love and expansion. For trials create strength, strength of resolve creates purpose, and purpose when coupled with love is unstoppable. It is true. We all hold you in high esteem. I am Mira. I have another meeting to attend to but we did want to reach out through this channel however briefly and reassure you that your success is assured, your strength we are counting upon and we know we will not be disappointed. You are stronger than you realize. It is time to realize it, friends. Be that strength for your time of heavy lifting is here now. I am Mira. I depart in peace.



