

傳導:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan
《4》.讓你的蠟燭燃燒 (20201222)
#AnnDahlberg #Judas #NickChan


I am Judas and today is a day of many other days, yet it is a new day with a new promise, a promise that you can give to yourself. What do you want to give to yourself this day that is today. Do you want to give yesterday’s worries or do you want to reverently hold your breath, to let something new come into your life. Hold your breath for a moment and feel how anticipation flows through your body. The anticipation for what is to come, the anticipation for what is to happen in your life. Then continue your day with this expectation in your body and be open to everything you see and experience during the day. When you feel that you have returned to your old ruts, it is time to take a new breath and once again feel the anticipation and joy of everything you see and encounter this day. This day will then feel different and your perspective may differ slightly from what you “normally” usually see. This can help you stay focused in the present moment. In today’s troubled world, it can be a great help to yourself and others you meet, you are in the land of opportunity and allow others to participate in the same spirit as you. It can open up for something new and exciting that can affect on several levels both individually and collectively.
我是猶大,今天是普通的一天,但它是伴隨著一個新的保證的新的一天,一個你可以給予你自己的保證。你想要在今天給予自己什麼。你想給予昨天的擔憂還是你想虔誠地屏住呼吸,讓新的事物進入你的生活。 屏住呼吸一會兒並且感受期望是如何流經你的身體的。對什麼會到來的期望,對什麼會發生在你生活中的期望。然後伴隨著你身體中的這份期望繼續你的一天並且對一天中你看到的和經歷的一切敞開。當你感到你返回了舊的模式,就重吸一口氣並且再一次感受期望以及對你在這一天看到和遭遇的一切感到的喜悅。這一天就會感覺不一樣,而且你的視角可能會與你“平常”看到的略微不同。這可以幫助你專注於當下時刻。在今天混亂的世界中,它會是對你自己和其他你遇到的人的一個很大的幫助。你正處於機遇之地,允許其他人參與到相同的精神中。這會開啟新的和令人興奮的東西,會在個人和集體層面上產生影響。
There are great opportunities for radical change in your world today. A greater awareness is emerging in the silence that is now taking place on Earth. New voices are beginning to be heard for justice and compassion among people. It is a great suffering on Earth but it is also a great growth. If it can lead to you meeting in a true brotherhood and sisterhood, then you have created peace on Earth, which so many have wanted and worked for. You can only solve all the Earth’s problems with peaceful means and there are many who work for the good of the Earth and people. They have done research and they have invented tools of various kinds that would be of great benefit to humanity but also to the Earth.
今天,在你們的世界中,有著許多激烈改變的機會。 一個更大的意識正在地球上發生的寂靜中出現。新的聲音正在開始被聽到,為了正義和同情心。這是地球上的一個巨大痛苦但也是一個巨大的成長。如果它可以帶領你認識到真正的兄弟情和姐妹情,那你就已經創造了地球上的和平,這是許多人一直想要的和奮鬥的。你只能用和平的方式解決所有地球上的問題,同時有著許多人為了地球和人類的美好在工作。他們做了研究,發明了多種多樣的工具來惠利於人類還有地球。
Hold your breath and let the new take place, be open to change and welcome the joy into your life. Do not focus on difficulties, but instead see the opportunities that are available. Through your presence you will let in something new and in that way change your future. You can not know what role you play in this game, it is only in your presence that you can see the possibilities that open up for you. It can be something new that comes into your life, it can also be something that grows in you, a greater awareness that gives your life a completely different meaning. This in turn can lead to other changes, your way of looking at yourself and the world from a completely different dimension. A step towards a reality other than the one you are used to seeing has suddenly been taken, and you slowly begin to adapt to your newfound reality.
There are a large number of people who have now taken a step up the stairs. It creates opportunities, dear…. it creates opportunities for you as a collective to grow at an ever-increasing rate, because you help and support each other every now and then. The more you are, the bigger waves you achieve, waves of a higher vibration that have a greater ability to manifest in your mental and physical life. These are waves that wave back and forth on Earth today and they manifest themselves where a large number of people receive them and let them flow into their consciousness. A thought, a feeling, a word, which becomes form, it is possible in the higher vibration in a faster sequence, than where it is in the lower vibration which encounters a greater resistance and takes a long time to manifest itself about it can be done at all.
許多人現在已經向上走了一個階梯。這創造了機會,親愛的...... 這為你們集體創造了一個在前所未有的速度中成長的機會,因為你們時不時地互相助和支持。你越多地去做,你會造成越大的波浪,一個更高振動的波浪,會有更大的能力在你們的精神和物質生活中顯化。這是在今天的地球來回波動的波浪,它們在許多人接收它們並讓它們流入他們意識的地方顯化自身。 一個想法,一個感覺、一個話語擁有了形態,在更高的振動中會更快發生,比起在較低的振動中(會遭遇更大的阻力,需要很長的時間顯化)
Be steadfast now, dear Earthlings, stay focused and be present, see the opportunities that are revealed to you.They will be revealed to you, so it is said and so it is written. Your path is inviolable and it manifests itself piece by piece in your heart and in your mind, to be further seen with clear and beautiful eyes.
I go with you, you are all equally dear to me. You are beautiful, beloved souls like walks on a beloved Earth whose soul is as beautiful and beloved as yours.
Great Love


Hallelujah, Earth begins in the final version against the dark demons that are contained within each being in the lower energy of being. However, the light has sanded away the darkest edges and through the fog many can now glimpse a light of the most beautiful rainbow colors. It is also within each one. All living things have a divine light within them and it is when we seek this light that it grows stronger and gradually displaces everything that darkens our mind.
Where, then, is humanity today? Yes, as a collective you have begun to discern the light and see that there is another world, another opportunity to relate to the life you live. Individually, you are on many different levels. Some of you have taken the step into the light, others have sought and found it, but have not really taken the step fully and surrendered to it. Still others may feel confused by everything that divides in and around them and try to hold on to what was. Slowly but surely, however, the light opens up for new insights and even the most hardened heart can begin to weaken before what divides within them.
今天,人類在哪裡?是的,作為一個集體,你已經開始看到光並看到有著另一個世界,另一個機會。個體上,你處於許多不同的層面。你們一些人已經步入光,其他人尋找並發現了它,但還未真正邁出步伐並臣服於它。另外一些人會被內在和周圍的一切弄暈並試圖緊抓曾經的。 慢慢地,無論如何,光會開啟新的洞見,即使最堅硬的心會開始軟化
It is time for humanity to wake up from its deep sleep and see reality for what it is. The reality that is contained within is all and which now calls for an awakening. Each of is going through its own awakening. You have the help within is, a voice, an intuition that urges you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world you live in. Difficulties can arise both difficult and easy, but for every difficulty you take is through, so have a new insight has emerged. They know this well, those who have trampled on this road for a while. There is help to be had both I am the outer world as well as I am the inner world. Once you have taken the first steps towards the light, the steps continue by themselves. You can not go back to what it once was, once you have taken your first step. Depending on where you stood energetically when you took the step determines how fast you can reach a higher understanding of yourself, a higher understanding of life and the higher meaning that can be seen and understood by every living being.
It is important that you fight now, dear Earthlings, fight for the light within yourself, let love and compassion be the light that guides is now. It is an important time, where the onset of darkness is currently affecting the entire Earth at all its levels of life. Be focused and let love shine through in everything you think, say and do. The Earth needs all the light and all the acts of love that you can give, so that they can light up their light a little everywhere on Earth.
Be in silence, be grounded in yourselves, seek the love and the light within you. Send it out and let it come back tenfold and send it out again and again …There is such a beautiful image of the Earth in people’s hearts, let it shine forth and strengthen it further. Let it follow you in your steps and see what divides, miracles can happen where you least expect it. Things that make you happy, happy and content with life. Be strong in your love and happiness will stand by you. The world is changing in your change of self. Your invisible eyes become seeing and the light of clarity reaches your sight. You can now live to your full potential and influence the ascension of humanity to the light that lives in themselves.
Yes, there are great events happening on Earth today and you dear humanity are a part of them. We all surround ourselves with all the universal love that stands for buds. We follow and lead your steps so that you may walk the fastest path to the gate of light and love. Inside that gate there is a realm of light and love that you have so long sought. It is to that light that many have now begun to direct their steps.
Great love


I am Judas and to your dear humanity I just want to say: Persevere! When it is darkest, a large light can occur. There are revolutionary things happening on Earth, some of which you can clearly see, while others are more subtle. The most important thing you can do now is to go within yourself and follow the advice you get there. If you are unsure of what advice you are getting, follow what feels best for you to follow. If you feel a great doubt, wait and see what happens. Everything does not fall from the same tree, sometimes you need a little ice in the stomach and a greater confidence that everything will be just as it should be. There is a meaning to everything. From a higher vision, one can see and understand that all the pieces fall into place. One by one, the Earth’s population is now waking up and there is a constant change as all the pieces of the puzzle end up in the right place. Only you know where you belong and what the meaning of your life is. The development you are in can no one but yourself understand and follow. You have different experiences and different understandings of the life you live. You can neither judge nor correct anyone else. One way is as holy as another way, for all paths lead to the same goal. The goal Heavenly Father has already set for you. Follow your inner call and take the steps that you are meant to take, that is the way you get the fastest in your own development.
What you get out of you can be both right and misleading. It is in your heart that you may seek the answer if it is right or wrong for you. What is right for you can be completely wrong for someone else and vice versa. With all that is available today, it can be difficult to find the right one. If you feel a happy expectation of doing something, then it is certainly right. If, on the contrary, you experience strong opposition to doing something, then it is probably safest to wait a bit. You do not have to be afraid of missing something, there are always new opportunities, and those opportunities can lead to a much better choice than the ones you temporarily missed. You are all in such a hurry today so you have a hard time stopping and knowing if the choices you make feel right or wrong. It can cause some detours, roads you might want to avoid. At best, it may be that you needed that experience and that it gave your development a boost. Do not blame yourself for making the wrong choice, it may be the choice that gave you a completely different insight and understanding of yourself and the patterns you wear.
Let us now be honest with ourselves, “honesty be the longest” as it is so beautifully called. It is when you are honest with yourself that you can begin to see clearly for yourself, others and life in general. A new understanding takes place and your reality becomes clearer and easier to handle. Honesty is a virtue that you should all cherish today. It raises the light both inside and outside you. It leaves great traces on the path you walk, so let honesty shine with a clear glow and your world will have a completely different shimmer over it. If all words came from the origin of honesty, then a great change would take place on Earth, for no evil can come from a pure and honest heart.
Dear people on Earth. Be honest with yourself and each other and see what happens next. In a deeper perspective, it may be the solution you have all been waiting for. In a time of tumult and chaos, it is even more important that you are honest with yourself, so that you can find the truth that rests within you.

《4》.關於:讓你的蠟燭燃燒 .

I’m Judas, and I came today because I want to talk to you about some things. Things that you may need to think about right now in the times that are now approaching on Earth. The energies on Earth vary greatly and right now it is low energies that abound across the Earth. It can make it difficult for you to be in balance, and keep the higher energies in your consciousness.
You may need strategies to regain balance within yourself. Think a little about what it is that makes you feel good. How you can give feedback to the peace and joy within you. What it is that makes you calm and harmonious. It can e.g. be listening to music, taking a walk in nature, painting, drawing, dancing, baking, yes, it can be anything that makes you feel good.
The main thing is that you use these strategies when you feel that it is starting to get a little heavy within you. It is important these days to go inside and find the peace and quiet that carries you forward, while also helping others maintain their peace. That is what the Earth and humanity need most right now, because based on this calm and the acceptance that comes with it, in the face of everything that happens and stands at the door, very positive things can happen. There can be a consensus and an understanding that we all belong together and that we need to help each other now. A solidarity for life as such, regardless of where that life is. People who begin to come together and see each other for what they really are, they are equal to each other and their hands meet in a greater understanding and love than they have previously understood or experienced.
Out of chaos and darkness a great light can arise and it is the light of consciousness. It is the light that is now beginning to appear more and more on Earth. This is what is now causing the tumult and chaos that is taking place on Earth, as the darkness is now being pushed up to the surface, where it will then dissolve and give more space for the light. In order not to be drawn into the chaos and low energies that are now swirling around the Earth, you need strategies that return you to the peace and harmony within you. Try to look beyond the chaos and find the joy and love in the little things that are around you. Know what is best for you to do right now. Is this good for me? Is it good for others? Is it good for the Earth? Listen to your answer and then act. Today it is important to stop and take the time to feel what is best for me to do at this very moment.
These are important things to keep in mind today. You need to keep up your energy so as not to fall into the trap of suffering. You can only do this by staying calm, having an acceptance of everything that happens and doing things that make you feel good. Every time a certain melancholy appears within you due to what is happening around you, try to give feedback as soon as possible to something that makes you feel good.
That is what I wanted to convey to you today. It is important that you try to preserve the light within you. It helps and assists you in whatever circumstances you are in. We believe in you and strengthen your efforts to achieve your goals. Your most important goal right now is to maintain the light within yourself. The time is approaching when you experience that it shines completely by itself without the slightest effort on your part.
Now let your candle burn and let it shine brightly!


I am Judas and there are many energies that are now dancing around the Earth and within yourself. It is a great confusion that now prevails on Earth, due to the fact that many senses feel a little confused and lost today. They do not know what to think about what is happening on Earth, what is true and what is false. Are there different truths for different people? Where do I stand and what should I really believe, who or what can I trust? Yes, dear people, you can go on your own gut feeling. What is right for you may not be right for your neighbor. You can never influence someone else who does not want to be influenced. They may see everything from a completely different perspective, and that is what makes everything so confusing today. Nothing is so obvious anymore, there are those who no longer follow the shock but go their own ways. They follow their own truth and that makes it for those who want to keep the old and the “security” that it provides.
It can be difficult to go outside the box and meet the unknown, yet it is there inside you. Once you have found it, it gives you the security and peace that you have longed for, but not found in the world you live in now. It is within you that you have your whole world, all possibilities, all creativity and all creative ability that is infinite. It is a time of inner contemplation, a time to awaken your creative ability, to then let its creativity radiate into the world. You who have found it can now show the way by letting it find expression in the physical world. It gives new energy waves that stimulate an increasing creativity among the people who perceive and allow themselves to be inspired by what you have achieved.
走出盒子,遭遇未知是艱難的, 但它就在你之內。一旦你找到它,它會給予你你渴望的安全與平和,但無法在你生活的世上找到。你之內有著整個世界,所有的可能性,所有的創造性,所有的創新能力。這是內在沉思的時刻,喚醒你創造能力的時刻,然後讓它的創造性散發到世界中。你,已經找到它的人現在可以展示道路,通過讓它在物質世界表達。這會產生新的能量波,增加感知到你所實現的並讓自己被你啟發的人的創造力
Yes the waves will wave back and forth towards the shore. Some will gain a foothold while others will break. What works in the service of light and love will have a greater durability and be more resilient than that which is led for egocentric and powerful reasons. It is a new time a new beginning and it is time to think new. It is time to start seeing the whole, that everything belongs together and that we should protect each other and the Earth we live on. All ideas that do not benefit the Earth and humans are not good ideas to try to implement on Earth today. All Ideas that instead are good and help the Earth and the people will have a different tailwind and a greater sustainability. It is a new thinking that is needed in the world. A new way, a new perspective to look at the world you all live in. This may take some time but you are walking on a new path now, dear Jordbor, a path with completely different possibilities than those you are used to. It is you who hold the threads and it is you who weaves them together into a durable thread that withstands the various trials of the winds. Here it is important for you as an individual to remain in your own truth, the truth that is already revealed to you within you.
Listen inwardly, dear Earthlings, it is more important today than ever to follow your own heart and stand still in what you feel is true and best for you to do. Everything that happens today takes place at different levels, individual level, group level and global level. However, it is only within yourself that you can change anything. It is then with like-minded people at group level that you can have a greater impact on a global level. But it starts with you, dear Jordbo, it starts within yourself. It can only begin within yourself, from there the energy spreads further and you are brought together with others who have similar energies and ideas. That is why it is so important that you go within yourself… go within and find the truth and love that lives there.
The world is waiting for you and I wish you all the best on the journey.
Great love,Judas!


