
【大天使加百利】20210115~20210122溫柔的人會繼承地球;關於 繼續保持平和與平靜的空間,你會成為地球上的一個穩定力量

譯者:Nick Chan

It takes a while to adjust fully into the energy of a new year. You often won’t get a true feel for the prevalent energies and supported traits of a year until you reach the spring equinox. You may find yourself clearing up old energies from the previous year in the first bit of any new year. This is perfectly normal and not an indicator that the new year will be more of the old. Every single year has its own unique energetic stamp.
So be gentle with yourselves. Feel into your truth. Trust the flow and your own intuition. Move with what is being supported and practice good self care. You are still shifting quite profoundly yourselves and that takes precedence over all other things. You are just getting started. There will be plenty of time to explore and discover what is now possible once you acclimate to the energies of 2021. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your main focus at this time is empowerment. What this means is you will be focusing more on staying in your alignment, presence, and conscious awareness. It is a state of authenticity and self responsibility.
When you are dependant upon others acting a certain way for your comfort, you are giving your power away. When you are dependant upon circumstances looking or feeling a certain way, you are giving your power away. Right now you are shifting into your empowerment by recognizing you are ultimately responsible for your own healing and satisfaction. Your happiness and comfort is an inside job that is supported by your surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, and allowing. These elements open the door to your patience and peace and take you out of the old cycle of codependency.
You are all familiar with the expression, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” Do not mistake the word meek for weak. This refers to those who are in their embodiment process, who are leading by their sacred hearts and beingness, and lovingly anchor the energies of peace on your planet. Settling into those traits now will allow you to connect with others in far more meaningful and empowering ways as you continue to move forward in the great shift on your planet that you are both driving and participating in so beautifully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, we love you for your dedication and diligence but we wish for you to know that if there is something you need to address it will come into your awareness naturally if you are working with the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. It is safe to come out of the never ending cycle of looking for what is wrong with you and step forward in your beingness with confidence. Is it time for you to shift out of constantly looking for what needs healing and simply allow yourself to be healed? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There are so many of you who are well along your embodiment process who are anchoring higher vibrational energies on your planet. While you may find yourself in a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much light, it does not mean for a second that the light doesn’t exist or that there aren’t enough of you to collectively create a shift.
You might think of it as you are scattered around the world creating a new foundation that is sustainable in the new energies and ready to be built upon. You are the construction workers who have tirelessly, with your faith, trust, and diligence, been in service preparing for the times you are in right now. You have been serving both your earth and humanity.
While it may seem chaotic right now, that firmer foundation is what will stabilize those who are no longer sustained by the old energies and are seeking support to shift into the new. Your efforts are what will make the awakening process much faster and easier for those who become ready to begin their own enlightenment process. Much more rapid shifts will be possible due to the groundwork you have done.
We point out that the vast majority of you had to go through your own dark nights of the soul in order to evolve. You understand that process, that when it becomes too painful to stay the same, people embrace change. This is where so many are at this time. It can be painful, and confusing, and disorienting. Letting go of the old is necessary in order to embrace the new, and for many it involves discovering how the old simply does not serve them any longer despite how committed they may have been to it.
Disillusionment can be a bitter pill to swallow and it can take some time to come to a level of acceptance with it. This can be a very painful process as it is normal for humans to want to cling to the old and familiar. You have all gone through periods of deconstruction in order to begin new construction, and even though it always ends up being a great improvement, it can be incredibly scary to be in the throes of transformation. Be kind and compassionate as you may have been in similar places yourselves not that long ago.
So trust the process and lead with your wise and loving hearts. These are the exact times you hoped you would have an opportunity to experience. Staying grounded in your presence and knowingness is exactly how you create stabilization points for yourselves and for others. You are doing a magnificent job! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

A lot of you spend an inordinate amount of time feeling bad due to the judgements of others who simply cannot see you in your truth. Hear us when we say they are not qualified to judge you. How do we know? If they had the ability to see your heart, your truth, and your soul’s agenda, they would only see you in your divine perfection, exactly as you are, with complete love and acceptance.
Do you see? The simple fact that someone judges you lets you know they are not qualified to judge you, for if they were they would have no interest in judging you at all. And perhaps, just perhaps, as you let this truth settle into you, you will remember it the next time you are tempted to judge another, and will shift into choosing love and acceptance instead. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, there are no missed opportunities. If someone doesn’t wish to continue with you, be it in relationship, business, friendship, or spiritual evolution, the universe will absolutely honour that person’s free will and lovingly replace them with someone who can offer you just as much as that person/opportunity did if not more. You will always be matched and supported in your growth and expansion! Your path can never be derailed by another’s lack of cooperation, ever, so trust if something or someone has left your life the universe will always immediately respond to that void in ways that will only support you and your life expression. Allow yourself the curiosity to discover and welcome what is now possible and be open to the continual evolution that is inherently yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Shifting from trying to do everything for others to encouraging them to explore what they are capable of doing for themselves allows you to move from the never-ending role of fixer into being a facilitator of wellness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, having your belief systems challenged and needing to reevaluate what is your truth is a natural part of your evolutionary process. This can be a difficult time for people, as their old systems crumble and new, more energetically supportive beliefs are yet to be discovered and fully assimilated. Discernment is an essential part of the enlightenment process but it cannot be properly used until a person is clear about their own truth. This must come from within, and is often facilitated by the experience of disillusionment.
Be gentle with those who are in the throes of this right now on your planet, as this stage can be very painful to navigate until they can settle into a new alignment that allows a much firmer foundation for them to build upon. You have all been there at one stage or another of your journey. It is a rite of passage and an opportunity for redirection. Understand they will need time to mourn the old until they can accept and settle more comfortably into the new. Continue to hold the space of peace and calm and you will be a stabilizing force on your planet as others try to work through their disappointment and adjust to their new reality. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



