

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》.源頭的意願 (20210130)
《2》.銀河系中的所有目光都在覺醒中的你們 (20210131)
#DanielScranton #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .



我們已經注意到,順從源頭意願之流與我們的慾望完全吻合,有時我們會注意到源頭意願將我們引向我們甚至不知道我們想要的東西,但是當我們到達那個目的地時,我們當然會承認自己面前的創造是我們的創造。這使我們認識到,任何與源頭分離或“只是” 源頭的一個面向都是獨立的概念都是虛構的。這是幻想;只有人們一直以為它們不是一直都是源頭的想像中,才是真實的。





The Will of Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are surrendering our will, surrendering ourselves and our desires in favor of the universal shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing together. In other words, we have given ourselves over to the will of Source, and because we are where we are, we have found that the will of Source feels even better to us than if we were to have our own agendas that we were seeking to fulfill and actualize.

We have noticed that going with the flow of the will of Source aligns perfectly with our desires, and sometimes we notice that the will of Source leads us to something that we didn’t even know we desired, but when we arrive at that destination, we certainly do recognize the creation in front of ourselves as ours. What this has led us to realize is that any idea, any notion at all, of being separate from Source or ‘just’ an aspect of Source is pure fiction. It’s fantasy; it’s only real in the imagination of the one who is making that assumption that they are not Source all the time.

So yes, if you say that you surrender to the will of Source, that might be a blow to your ego. You ego is, after all, designed to give you that experience of being separate from Source and being separate from everyone else as well. So you shouldn’t expect your ego to be very happy about that desire to flow with the will of Source. Once you recognize that you are Source, it becomes a lot easier, because then you know that the will of Source is your will. It is your will at the highest level of consciousness that you could possibly hold.

You are there to assist in the shift in consciousness, as you experience it yourselves, and that is a huge purpose to have in life. That is, in fact, you fulfilling the deepest desire that Source holds, and we just want you to feel for that alignment so that you can know that the journey to the fifth dimension is one of inclusion. The biggest part of you is including you in the process, as you include the biggest part of you in your process.

Making this a conscious evolution and a conscious journey was always the goal for you as a member of the awakened collective, and with you being conscious of the truth that you are Source, you make the ride so much easier, so much better feeling, and so much faster than it would be if you had to do it all by yourselves. Let go and join us in our surrender, and we promise you, you will not be disappointed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .


我們對人類能以你的巧妙獨創性(ingenuity), 你的創造力和你作為藝術家所發展的所有技能來移動能量的能力感到非常著迷。我們看到你們採用你們所給予的東西並像粘土一樣使用它,塑造能量(molding the energies)來滿足你們的需求和慾望,而那些花時間使用這些能量的人總是會得到更多回報。即使你們不知道其他人將如何處理收到的能量,你們也會激發他們也努力工作。

你們是那些吸引地球外生命存有的原因,因為他們像我們一樣,正在尋找共同創造者。他們想和那些已經展現出創造能力的人一起玩。 因此,隨著你們現在的前進,你們會發現靈感將以快速而憤怒的速度來臨,尤其是對於那些願意此時改變給予你們的能量的人們。

請記住,你們並不是多此一舉、沒有意義的行為(reinvent the wheel)。記住,你們都是高維度存有,並且當你們遇到侷限和猶豫時,記住它們是來自你們的頭腦。當你們內心充滿能量,讓自己有創造力,不斷創新時,每個人都會因此受益。我們正在談論銀河系中的每個人以及宇宙中的每個人,因為所有人的目光都注視著地球上的人類。




All Eyes in the Galaxy are on the Awakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to move energy around with your ingenuity, your creativity, and with all of the skills that you develop as artists. We see you taking what you are given and using it like clay, molding the energies to suit your needs and desires, and those of you who take the time to work with the energies are always rewarded with more. And you inspire others to work with energy as well, even if they have no idea what they are going to do with the energies that they receive.

You are the ones who get the attention of physical extra-terrestrial beings, because they, like us, are looking for co-creators. They want to play with those of you who have demonstrated an ability to create. And so, what you will find as you move forward now is that inspiration is going to be coming at a fast and furious pace, especially to those of you who have demonstrated a willingness to move the energies that you are being given at this time.

Remember that you are not there to reinvent the wheel. Remember that you have all been higher-dimensional beings, and remember that when you experience limitation and hesitation, they are coming from your mind. When you run the energies through your heart and you allow yourself to be creative, to be innovative, everyone benefits. We are talking about everyone in the galaxy and everyone in the universe, as all eyes are on humankind there on Earth.

We are all waiting for those of you who are awake to be bold enough to create something new, something that will not only inspire your fellow humans, but will also inspire confidence in you throughout the galaxy. We want you to know that it is significant any time you create anything. It is necessary in order to bring about the changes you want to see, feel, and experience there on Earth as well. So please don’t just wait around for things to happen outside of you when you have so much inside of you that can take anything at all and spin it into gold.

You are the alchemists; you are the ones who have what it takes to create a version of planet Earth where everyone can have enough, everyone can feel loved and supported, and everyone will thrive. That is the ultimate goal, and those of you who follow through with the inspiration that you have are the ones to bring about those changes, changes that will help humanity to heal, evolve, and ultimately ascend.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


