

傳導:Valerie Donner 譯者:Nick Chan、荷光*凯
《1》.地球正在釋放被困住的能量 (20180106)
《2》.為愛和統一做好準備 (20180311)
#ValerieDonner #NickChan 

傳導:Valerie Donner

Greetings I am Mira. I amat your service focusing full-time on the Ascension process that you and yourplanet are going through. It is quite remarkable. You have made progress withadapting to and assimilating to rapid change. We marvel at humanity’sadaptability and willingness to move through the requirements that arenecessary.

We understand humanitiesreluctance to change for their own good. Yet at the core of life and the heartof the earth life seems to realize that it has to go with the flow. You mayhave noticed how unpredictable the flow can be during these chaotic times. Theturbulence pushes openings wherever they are ready. Although sometimes thesecan be painful they are important for growth and understanding.



We report to you today thatthe earth is in a fluid state. This means that one must pay close attention towhat is occurring around them as well as what is happening inside. All is notas it seems. The earth is unleashing trapped forces that must be removed beforethe Ascension can be completed. Perhaps you can imagine what these forces havebeen doing on your planet. Their presence is getting expunged in a myriad ofways. They have been hazardous and detrimental to life.

We assure you that what youneed to know will be revealed to you at the perfect time. Your job is to beready to respond in any way where you feel you could be helpful. Your materialworld is falling apart. Just look around. Feel what your sensations are for theday. Some of you might feel that you are masquerading and wondering what willcome next. You are between worlds. Although you are in the physical form of thethird dimension you are bouncing from the fourth to the fifth dimension andhigher. This can appear as surreal. It is and will continue to be. Your job isto be as grounded as possible while filtering in the influx of light and whilealtering your consciousness.



You are adaptable beings,ground crew, stewards of love and kindness. We are working with you and amyriad of Galactic’s and many other beings of light to free life and the earth.Soon you will begin to see a parade of beings leaving this planet. They haveheld you back for far too long. They simply cannot match the resonance of thenew earth.

Please remember that youare being assisted by all of creation. All you have to do is follow your pathby listening to your heart. You are loved greatly and respected throughoutcreation. Keep flowing. Allow everyone their own choices. Know that even whenthings are challenging you will be able to move easily and quickly to come backinto balance.

We are with you in love andlight.

I am Mira.





傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. My full focus now is on the earth’s Ascension and with my work and the Earth Council.


On the Earth Council we observe all that is going on with your planet, around your planet and within your planet. We are determined to see you and the earth through your Ascension. There is much at stake and we want to reassure you that you are doing an excellent job. If you could only see the extent of the beautiful work that you are doing you would be astounded. Much of your work is done in the dream state as well as throughout the day even if you are unaware of it. You are such higher dimensional beings that you are present only to a small extent in your physical form. This is perfectly acceptable and necessary for this is a big project to rearrange everything on the earth.


Your lives are valuable beyond measure. Your hearts are prepared and open for new whole way of life. Your souls are finely tuned to what is most necessary for you to do every single day. For many of you your primary focus is on the Ascension. You are primed to want to know as much as you can about the progress that is being made. Unfortunately, you cannot receive this information from your mainstream media. We have already discussed this. It is often important to simply allow your own knowingness to show you where to go for up to the date important truthful information. Most of you are pretty good at this by using your intuition. More information is forthcoming from those divine communicators who receive excellent input from the higher realms.


Right now, it is important for you to take excellent care of yourselves and to love your selves. What you think and do matters. You are at the apex of the final decline of the dark forces. Their demise is accelerating like a snowball rolling down a mountain. The dragon’s tail of karma is whipping around wherever necessary and there is no stopping it. In other words, there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide for these evil ones. Their time is complete. You will begin to recognize how much lighter the planet is feeling as the percentage of light grows stronger.


More of humanity are beginning to awaken. For some this awareness is earth shattering for it means that their lives have been lived in fantasy, some of which has been more like a nightmare. They are beginning to see through the deceit of the mainstream media. They are questioning everything and are looking deeper for truth. Little by little all will be revealed until it becomes an explosion of truth and light. From there it will only be forward movement. The light beings left on the planet will have important big bold new assignments.


For most of you the third dimension has lost its luster. It can be challenging having to be going through your third dimensional paces acting as if everything is normal, like the way it used to be. You already know this is not true. Some of you are anxious to begin living your fifth dimensional lives. You are ready for love and unity, peace, abundance and joy. Please be a reassured that you are being directed in your appropriate spiritual path.


This is an exciting time of chaos and change. It precedes evolution. It is about beautiful new creation. You are microcosms of the macrocosm so in your lives know that as you transcend whatever challenge that is set before you, you are doing it for everyone. You must be strong and courageous. Stand up to the challenges whether it is dark attacks, old patterns within that need to cleared, health issues, lack, or fear. Change is the norm now. Go with the flow and you will be quickly stepping up the Ascension ladder.


I love and respect all of you. I am Mira.



