

譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.真正的謙卑 (20210128)
《2》.多樣性中的樂趣 (20210131)

譯者:Nick Chan

“What way is my expansion supported today?” is an excellent question to ask yourself every day. This will allow you to move with and accept whatever the energies are focusing on, whether it be tangible forward movement or internal expansion which will later be reflected outwardly. You see, you are always supported in expansion because it is what your soul is always seeking, it just may show up in different ways. And we wish for you to understand that giving your soul the room to honour and explore that expansion in whatever direction it wishes to take will keep you far more comfortable than resisting change ever could. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There is a false belief system that believes that as long as everything stays the same you will be comfortable. The goal of the universe, of your soul, is continued growth and expansion. To deny this would be trying to resist the natural process of evolution.
Think of insisting upon continually wearing an outfit even though it is too small because you have outgrown it. Trying to stay in the same clothing would only make you more and more uncomfortable.
Allowing your expansion is giving yourself permission to take off clothes that are too small and to feel the relief that comes from embracing who you are now and where your soul, with its wisdom, is trying to lead you. Celebrate your growth and embrace the process, for your unfoldment is a glorious thing and is what allows you the joy and freedom that comes from expressing your ever-evolving self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your body and your life expression always seeking to find their way back into a state of balance. This tells you that balance is your natural state of being, and that there is a natural process that will always seek to bring you back to that state. Your job is to be non-resistant to doing that. So how do you become non-resistant? Flow and be willing to receive guidance and support.
Listen to what your body is asking for. Be your own loving parent, guide, and best friend. Drink more water. Rest if you need it. Eat food that supports your vibrancy. Slow down if you need to or get more active if that is what your body would like. Take yourself for a walk in the sunshine!
聆聽你的身體在請求的。成為自己有愛的父母、指導、好朋友。多喝水。如果需要就休息。吃支持你充滿活力的食物。如果需要就慢下來,如果你的身體喜歡就動起來。在 陽光下散散步
Get into a meditation and ask your body what it needs and then give it to it. Take an observational view of the energetics of your life and assess what areas have too much or too little of one thing and use your wisdom to add or subtract whatever is required to bring you back into balance. Where is your soul trying to guide you?
The flow is always serving you, in your life, and in your wellness. The surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the divine combination will always lead you right to what you need, at any given time. By consciously working with the flow you will be allow yourself to be served by the ebb and flow of the universe, which is a greater system of balance that is designed to provide exactly what you need to thrive in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
It is so easy to slip into resistance during times that feel chaotic, unpredictable, and undefined. You are in a period of profound transformation, and that can be difficult to navigate. If you are in a space where you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure what to do, we highly recommend you start to look for things you can say yes to.
很容易滑入抗拒,在感覺混亂、不可預測、不明確的時期。 你處於深刻的轉變時期,這會難以駕馭。如果你處於感到不知所措或不確定要做什麼的空間,我們高度建議你開始尋找你可以對其說yes的東西
Resistance is a refusal to go with where the flow is trying to take you. It is choosing to stay and push against what is unwanted, rather than exploring above and beyond it. The simplest way to shift out of resistance is to start to identify anything and everything you can say yes to in this right now moment.
Finding what you can say yes to disengages you from the unwanted and shifts your focus to identifying and embracing what is working for you, and what you prefer. A yes is an act of acceptance and also a willingness to flow in a new direction. Your yes is using your focus to create a timeline shift. It is also the precursor to greater discoveries, wonder, and gratitude. It is deciding what you wish to water and grow with your power of your attention.
Moving out of resistance doesn’t have to be a difficult process, Dear Ones. All you have to do is recognize when you are digging in against the universe and decide to find the things you can accept with ease, instead. From there you will flow forward with far more comfort and satisfaction because you are using the power of your focus for what it has always been intended for – the declaration of your energetic preferences and the discovery of your perfect matches. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, boastfulness is not an indicator of greatness, but rather a sign of being out of alignment with who one truly wishes to be. The truly humble man feels no need to talk of his humility. One who loves from the heart has no need to speak of how loving they are. Those actions are taken as heartfelt expressions of who they really are, not for any praise or acknowledgment.
People often talk about who they would like to become. It is showing a desire to one day shift into the embodiment of those goals. If it is just talk and no action, they are simply not there yet.
Do you see? It is your beingness that emanates who you authentically are. That energy is your truth. Are you ready to shift from talking about a goal into the becoming of it? Are you ready to shift into your true beingness for no other reason than it brings you joy to know and express yourself that way? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, I AM Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One, Spokes-being for this Council of Love. And yes, I welcome you, sweetest angels throughout the universe, most determined, valiant, stubborn, courageous, holy.
Child, there is no coincidence that you are upon this planet at this time and that you are holding the center of change, creating and co-creating the change, standing back from the center of the melee. There is no room in love for lies; there is no room for distortion; there is no room for separation; there is no room for hatred; there is no room for greed; there is only room for sweet kindness. Yes, I have repeatedly said, and I am quoting the Mother when I say, “Fierce kindness, gentle strength.”
This is not about your becoming. This is about the embrace, the total, full embrace of the magnificence of who you are… in/out of body, it matters not. But you have chosen to be in body, on this beautiful planet of Gaia at this time. Yes, Gaia, GiAnna, is a planet of love, but one of her most determining features, and how that love is expressed, and how the Mother and GiAnna have created and co-created is through diversity.
How many types of grass are there? How many trees? How many minerals? How many birds? The joy is in the diversity, and this is also true in every which way of this collective that you, and we, will call the human race. And far too long this human race has been racing to nowhere. That time comes to an end, and it comes to an end, yes, because Mother decrees it, but it also comes to an end because of your heartfelt pleads for change, for ascension, for becoming, to exist in a reality where the Universal Laws of love are, in fact, practiced, and are part of the fabric of the construction and reconstruction of the entire planet
And so, you have black, and brown, and yellow, and red, and beige people. You have males and females, and everything in-between. It is the diversity, and the diversity of experience…not simple opinions, yes, belief, truths. You have chosen, each and every one of you upon this planet, and there is not a single being who has not chosen to be here as part of this incredible opening… the great awakening. Yes, we did not forget that term, we did not forget the term of the New You, we did not forget the term of Nova Being or Nova Gaian. Those who have chosen to incarnate in India are following a different diverse path than you. And those in South Africa are following a different path, and South America, and Europe… it is the beauty. You have been given so much star technology… this is an example. So that, in fact, you are becoming one community, not just one circle but one community of beings… heart speaking, and heart listening, in discernment, never judgement, and in the sweetness of appreciation for what others bring.
所以,你們有黑色、棕色、黃色、紅色、米色的人。你們有男性和女性以及中間的一切。這是多樣性,體驗的多樣性,不單單是觀點,是的,信念,真理。你選擇,地球上的每個人,沒有一個人沒有選擇來到這裡作為這個令人難以置信敞開的一部分---偉大的覺醒。是的,我們沒有忘記這個詞,我們沒有忘記“新的你”這個詞,我們沒有忘記新星蓋亞人這個詞。那些選擇化身在印度的人跟隨著一條和你不一樣的道路。那些在南非的人跟隨著一條不同的道路,還有南美以及歐洲等等,這是美麗的。你們被給予了很多星星工藝,這是一個例子。 所以,事實上,你們在成為一個社區,不只是一個圓圈,而是一個存在的社區...用心說話,用心聆聽,洞察力,永不評判,甜蜜地欣賞他人所帶來的東西
Yes, there are many who have gone on scenic detours. If it is not the Mother’s place to judge, then I would suggest it is not yours either. Yes, as Micki has reminded this channel this morning… Yeshua was an ardent revolutionary! But the revolution was love. There is no room for anything else. You have the gift of clarity. You have the gift of your infinite divine authority, of your divine knowing. It is time, sweet angels, to bring this to the forefront.
When we have, for decades, and decades, and decades, and a few thousand eons, have said to you, “You are pathfinders. You are gatherers. You are stewards. You are showers of the way.” That can only transpire when you are anchored in clarity, in truth, in purity, in grace, and the love within your being.
This is not an exclusive transformation; this is an inclusive transformation whereby all beings upon your beautiful planet are being welcomed equally. Yes, it does mean shedding, letting go, surrendering, allowing, what does not fit, what is not of love. It is that simple. It is no longer the question of ‘does it feel like love?’ It is the answer that ‘you are the love, you are the freedom, you are the liberators, and you do this in gentleness, in compassion, and completely in peace’.
Use your tools, beloved. Write across the planet in the sky ‘love’. St. Germaine is with you, as is Michael, as am I, as is Sanat Kumara. We are not simply the observers of what is transpiring. No, we are not interfering, we are participating. So, turn to us… we are right next to you.
Go with my love, and go, sweet angels, in the truth of peace, and the clarity of love, with the Mother’s infinite grace. Accept, allow, surrender… this is not about struggle, this is about new beginnings. Farewell.


