

傳導:Valerie Donner 譯者:荷光*凯
《1》.一切正在向前推進 (20180409)
《2》.你們會有一張畢業證書 (20180512)
《3》.地球在揚升的快車道上 (20180605)

傳導:Valerie Donner

Greetings,I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council currently serving the Earth Council.


Igreet you today with all of the love in my heart. We are so impressed with thework that you are doing on the behalf of the ascension process. You are at yourbest.


Every day progress is being made. With your help, the darkforces are being rooted out of hiding and taking off of the planet wherethey can do no more harm. This process is huge and a couple of days ago wecompleted one of our biggest operations yet. It was carefully planned andskillfully executed much to their surprise. This success will allowfor increasingly complex operations to fully rid the planet of these beingsthat have well overstayed their welcome.


Theseoperations are happening with expedited regularity. It is untenable for thedark ones to be allowed on the planet much longer. They have done horrificthings that will no longer be tolerated. They will pay the price for what theyhave done. This we guarantee.


Aswe clear out this dark debris the planet will begin to feel more relaxed andpeaceful. You will notice the feeling of happiness and like the atmosphere haschanged. The fearful and anxious feelings that many have will evaporate. Thisis making way for the Day of Revelation (the Event).


Yourfinances will begin improve and you will learn to fully manifest what you need.Your faith will flower and your loving hearts will expand. You will be ready tolearn to live in love and unity the way the planet was originally designed tobe. No more intruders. The earth will be returned to the sacred planet that shewas in the beginning.


Likeyou, the earth has learned to set boundaries and not to tolerate disrespect orabuse. She is awakening to her new higher consciousness self. Isn’t itwonderful that you can join her in this journey? You are both honored to be inthis growth and learning cycle together.


Learnfrom the earth. Pay attention to what she is doing and showing you. She ispowerful beyond measure and so are you. Believe in yourselves and stand up forwhat is right. Know that you will get through the finals stages of removal ofthe darkness so you can live in the fifth dimension and progress with yourevolution.


Weare busy in the Earth Council monitoring all that is happening. The responseteams are well trained and are working diligently. We have your best interestsat heart.


Lovefrom all of us. I am Mira.


傳導:Valerie Donner


I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work fulltime with the Earth Council and am focused on the ascension process.



You are proceeding rapidly with your Ascension Process.We are with you every step of the way. You are pulling your energies away fromthe third dimension. You are focusing on moving through the fourth dimension andinto the fifth dimension.


Some of you are still quite attached to the materialworld. You are beginning to understand the lessons that you came to learn fromthe third dimension. We know that you would like to retreat from some of theselessons, yet they still require your completion. If you look at what you aregoing through you will see that you are putting the finishing touches on thekarma so that you can be free to ascend. You will not have to go through theselessons again. Then you will be able to pat your self onthe back. If you like, we will even give you a diploma so that youcan put it on your resume when you apply for other planetary service.


You are reaching new levels of understanding of yourselfand the world in which you have been living. It is likenone other. You are a special needs planet due to extreme diversity and theenergy vampires who have settled on your planet. Their energy scavenging isnearly over. Their reign of terror will no longer be allowed. You will bedancing in the streets perhaps singing “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Then youwill be singing “Let the good times roll” and the streets will be paved withgold.


Please mark my words. They are filled with love andtruth. They are a predictor of what lies ahead. Do not let these challengesoverwhelm you. You are spiritual warriors filled with light, power and truth.

I proclaim that the time is now. You are ready for theGolden Age. Change is at hand.

I am Mira saying good bye today with bountiful love.


傳導:Valerie Donner.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, I am Mira. I am in full service to the earth on theEarth Council, to assist with the ascension of the planet.


I greet you today in a new gateway that was just opened for theascension process. It will allow more expeditious travel between planetarysystems, by giving us more access to strategic locations where our help isneeded. We will be installing some more of these as time progresses. We arecoming from a place of strength and competency, and so are you. There areincreasing numbers of us, because we are on a rapid trajectory to assist theearth’s ascension.


Therehas been too much outside interference with dark ones going where they do notbelong. This is being remedied and will soon be complete. We have numerous waysto purge what needs to be taken care of. We have them running. We are makinghuge progress and there is still much that we cannot tell you. In the end, youwill be made aware of all of it. Right now is not the appropriate time. We haveto keep certain information to ourselves.


Ican tell you there is a lot going on with your governments. It is behind thescenes. It is election time in the United States. Much change is afoot. Manynew people have been called to action. The old system of service to self willbe slipping away. You will have better cross representation of the populace.Make the best of the choices at hand. You need to be heard.


Itis important that you take a stand on what is most important to you. This isthe main way that you will be able to change the planet. Follow your heart andput your energy in to projects of great value. Begin to envision your future.Picture a clean earth. Feel into the abundance that is coming to all of you.See a planet free in all ways. Stay centered and calm. Find new power andstrength. Move into the oneness of life with every being on the planet.


Weare finding our way to be with you again. Many of us are on the planet already.The truth about us cannot be suppressed. Right now your U.S. government isclearing the deck for full disclosure because they have been told by us that itcannot be stopped. They are trying to save face from anger and distrust whenyou all know the truth. It could happen sooner than you think. It could shakeup many people but it needs to happen. We do nothave time for spoon feeding the populace or yourgovernment’s control. It is nearly over.


We know that for some of you it brightens your day (or yournight) when you see us in the skies. We delight in these maneuvers. Wecommunicate telepathically and enjoy your excitement when we connect. You willbegin to see much more of us. Welcome us and this makes it even more favorable.


These are exciting time for all of us. We love and supportyou.  I am Mira.



