
【大角星】《1》公開邀請你們加入銀河社區;《2》如何成為更高的自我;《3》華盛頓 D.C. 的暴力行為(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.公開邀請你們加入銀河社區 (20210105)
《2》.如何成為更高的自我 (20210106)
《3》.華盛頓 D.C.的暴力行為 (20210107)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:公開邀請你們加入銀河社區 .









Your Official Invite to Join the Galactic Community ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are taking on so much for the rest of this galaxy that we share, and as a result, there are so many beings throughout the galaxy who owe humankind. As you get closer and closer to becoming a unified collective there on Earth, you become the solution to issues that are billions of years old.

You have taken on more than your fair share as a collective because you wanted to be at the center of the unification of the Milky Way galaxy. You wanted to be the first domino to fall, and you wanted to let that moment be the same exact moment when you were invited to be a part of our galactic community, officially and with much fanfare.

This journey that you are on is all about being the microcosm of the galaxy and the universe. You get to be that representative of all the various star systems in our galaxy, and you get to contain all the different energies and all the DNA from the various systems.

And as you sort out your internal issues, you as an individual put out a vibration that demonstrates to the rest of humankind that it can be done. You can become a unified whole as an individual, and that will be the spark that ignites the flame that spreads throughout the human collective consciousness, so that everyone knows what is possible when you focus and apply yourself.

And when you become that unified collective of humans, all the various disputes that have ever existed throughout this galaxy will be settled, because again, you will have demonstrated to everyone in the galaxy what is possible. If the humans of Earth can unite and become a collective in more than just name, then so can all the star systems in the galaxy and all the different races of beings come together as a unified whole, and that’s what the shift in consciousness is really all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:如何成為更高的自我 .




現在是你們開放和接受更多東西的時候了,這樣你們就可以透過幫助他人來成為更多你們真正的人。這就是你們擴展意識的方式;這就是你們在精神上和意識上發展的方式。你們在那裡超越了通常的人類經驗和就是人類的一生。你們可以在那裡擴展意識並成為更高的自我,而做到這一點的最佳方法是尋找某個人或某個團體來提供幫助。而且不必一定是一個人或一群人。你們可以幫助一種或一群動物, 一棵樹或一片森林, 一片土地或整個星球。



How to Become Your Higher Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking for even more avenues through which we can deliver to you what it is that you ask for from us and from the universe. We are always in search of opportunities to connect with you while you are in your waking state of consciousness. We want you to know that we are always around as a nonphysical collective consciousness, and we also want you to realize that you are not taking our attention away from anything or anyone else by calling upon us and seeking that connection. Even though that is the case for an individual in a human physical body, it is not the case for us.

We are not diminished in any way by giving our attention to more than one person or more than one situation at the same time. In fact, you cause us to expand by asking for our assistance. You help us to become more of who we really are in the process of helping you, and we know that you are all there to be of service to humankind, whether you know it or not. And those of you who do know it, you are being of service whether you acknowledge it or not.

It is your time to open up and receive more so that you can become more of who you really are by helping others. It’s how you expand; it’s how you evolve spiritually and as a consciousness. You are there to go beyond the usual human experience, the usual human lifetime. You are there to expand into and become your higher selves, and the best way to do that is to look for someone or some group to help. And it doesn’t have to be a human or a group of humans. You can be helping an animal or a group of animals, a tree or a forest, a patch of land or the entire planet.

There are so many ways for you to experience that expansion that is available to you in every moment, but the easiest way is to make yourself available to those in need. This is a time where there is a lot of suffering happening there on Earth, and instead of complaining about what the governments are doing or not doing, you can reach out to someone in need and help them, and in so doing you get to become more of your true self. And even though for you it might mean taking time and attention away from something else, we guarantee you that it will be rewarding, and you will feel a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. And you will be taking one step closer to becoming your higher self, which is who you will be as a fifth-dimensional being.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:華盛頓 D.C.的暴力行為 .










The Violence in Washington, D.C. ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested to see how you are all going to respond to the violence that took place today in Washington, D.C. Many people would like to just blame something or someone outside of themselves for everything that they experience, but those who are truly awake have an opportunity, and hopefully will seize the opportunity, to look within themselves for the extremist, for the chaos, and for the violent thoughts that sometimes arise.

Everyone looks outside of themselves and quickly makes an evaluation, or a judgment, when they see something that is so hard to not pay attention to, and it is rare for a human being to see what’s happening outside of themselves as a mirror to what’s going on inside of themselves. But once again, we look to those of you who are truly awake to take pause and look within for your part in the co-creation of the mayhem. And we are not just talking about the mayhem in Washington, D.C. We are talking about the mayhem that is all across your world.

If the awakened collective is not going to be able to look within for responsibility, to see how you could co-create violence, wars, bombings, and so on, then who will? Who among the human collective is willing to stop pointing fingers and start looking within? Now, of course, there are people on your world who do this, but most of them have sequestered themselves away from society. These individuals are not keeping up with current events, because they know it is easier to meditate, chant, and pray for humankind without that awareness of the chaos and the calamity that takes place on your world all the time.

But for those of you who are paying attention, and who do have your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the world, we call upon you to look within yourselves for peace. Create peace. Be peace. And spread peace if that’s what you want to see more of outside of you. But as we said, also take the time to look within for where you might have some radical thoughts and beliefs, where you might have some feelings that nudge you towards a violent act.

We implore the awakened collective to lead the way to a more peaceful society, a more peaceful planet, and to be that and do that you must have peace in your hearts. You must exude peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness. It starts with you, and you will be the ones who lead humankind into the fifth dimension. We know this has been a long journey, and that you’ve had your own stuff, your own issues to deal with, but humanity needs you now more than ever to step up and to add a higher-vibrational element to everything that is happening on your world at this time.

You are the ones to bring the love, to bring the peace, and to bring the compassion without needing to be rewarded in any way. You don’t need to be famous to make a difference on your world because you are all part of the same whole; we all are. And we are all in this together. Let us come together as those who truly want there to be peace on Earth, and let’s make that happen right now. Peace be with you, and let peace be in your hearts, in your minds, in your words, and in your actions.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


