

傳導:Jennifer Crokaert 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.12月21日冬至 (20201121)
《2》.化身的秘訣 (20201216)
#JenniferCrokaert #NickChan

《1》.關於 12月21日冬至.

Ashian: We are grateful for this wise question about the Schumann Resonance. You may understand the Schumann Resonance as the degree to which individuals and society are receptive to love or blocking love.
Yes, it is true that the vast majority of humanity’s population is uncomfortable a certain frequency (8Hz) this is because the wounds and scaring that they carry within them, from this life and previous lives as well as ancestral wounding carried forward, limits their ability to feel love. Love is uncomfortable to them. There is a certain quality of love, mixed with anger, fear, manipulation, suspicion and many other forms of wounded love that they are comfortable with, simply because they are familiar with that pattern of love, it has been – almost – hardwired into them.
Those of you on the spiritual path, who have been working on healing your inner wounds, releasing you limited ideas of who you are and what you are capable of, have a far greater capacity to experience a more refined, less distorted, vibration of love. It is for this reason that your friend is more comfortable when the Schumann Resonance increases.
In response to her question about raising the frequency on and after December 21st, let us clarify that the resonance is constantly being raised, otherwise it would not be capable of peaking in the way it currently is, from time to time. Those moments of emotional cohesion are created by group meditations, pure intent and a predisposition within Gaia’s space time particularities that lends more to quantum physics (which in itself is truly only an exponentially rarefied resonance of love) than can be conveyed through our channel.
J: That’s interesting and a lovely way of framing it, that I’m not sure I had heard of before. I want to flag that I have some fear about where you are going next and this channel’s ability to not distort predictions of the future.
A: Why don’t you relax and just let it flow. Then see assess how you feel when you have traveled through the words instead of fearing the visions you are currently receiving.
J: Excellent idea. Very grounded of you!
A: We try! The Harmonic Convergence of December 21st will bring together a quantum energy ‘bubble’ around Gaia herself and all who live in and upon her. It will be the collapsing of space time continuum that is on its last legs as we speak. This moment will be held in loving consciousness by all the Galactics charged with Gaia’s Ascension, which will naturally add a great deal of loving harmonic resonance to the event.
The result of this will be a spike in the Schumann Resonance, and thereafter a fall as the harmonic resonance or vibration that it will create within each person can be experienced as a ‘love orgasm’ which then shatters the sense of self as you previously understood yourself, as well as all the scars that were holding your emotional suit of armour together. For that reason, you are likely to see great variation in the field of resonance. It is our intention that this will stabilise at a higher average frequency than previously.
Now, was that so bad?
J: I’ll let you know on Dec 22nd! Issuing predictions is very risky business.
A: It will take longer than a day for this to play out. It will take closer to a decade for what is about to happen to stabilise on your planet. That does not mean that there will be a decade of chaos, but it does mean that there will be a decade of soul-searching, re-visioning and re-creating. It cannot be otherwise, you have traveled as far as you can down the path you are on, without mass destruction.
J: There’s a cheery thought!
A: Truly, Jennifer,embrace this decade. It is like the first decade in a child’s life; there is never so much exploration, creativity and change in life as there is in that exhilarating first decade. Truly it is an hour to be in form during this period, it is an unimaginable honour.
J: Thanks Ashian, I think we will leave it there for today, on a wonderfully high-love note!
A: Yes, it is our pleasure.
Jennifer’s note: I have personally thought that, like December 21st 2012, most of the experience will seem to bypass us physically. Ashian would beg to differ! He seems to see it as vital that it is felt, but what is not clear is whether that is felt by a higher or more subtle version of ourselves and then trickles down to our mental, emotional and physical bodies, or whether we really do physically feel it. And as for whether or not it’s on December 21st, 2020… well, I personally won’t even go there!

《2》.關於 化身的秘訣.

I wish to make your journey as simple as possible and as clear as possible, so I offer you a Recipe for Embodiment. You may think of this as Ascension, Enlightenment, Heart Opening, Sahaja… The destination you imagine does not matter, it is the process, the journey that is of merit and importance, for if you do not journey, you never arrive.
The Recipe for Embodiment
Just for today, Forgive yourself for EVERYthing, and then, Forgive everyone around you – just for today.
Just for today, pour your love into everything you do and shower love on everyone you encounter – just for today.
That is a very simple recipe, is it not?! But do not be deceived by its simplicity. Simplicity can only be practiced by Masters. If something is complex, there are many layers behind which little mistakes may be hidden. If something is simple, there is nowhere to hide; this is why it requires mastery, self-mastery, to incorporate this recipe into your life.
Be very aware: You do not have to get it right! Not at all. What matters is that you practice with an open heart, every day. What matters is that commit to practicing opening in kindness, compassion, love, laughter, peace, patience, joy, and forgiveness. Of course, there will be moments that baffle you, that overwhelm you. That is the process. Be gentle with your wonderous self and, when you feel ready, recommit to your practice.
I wish to note the three aspects of this recipe, to break them down for you so that you may truly understand the ingredients you are using.
Just for today – long practices can feel overwhelming, impossible even. ‘Just for today’ asks you to focus on a short spell of time that is quickly past. ‘Just for today’ asks you to focus on the present now, the eternal now, by only taking in bite-size pieces. This you can do, you are more than able for the discipline, the expansion into ‘Just for today’, just for now.
Forgiveness matters so much that it is a foundation stone in spiritual practice. This is because it requires you to look at the most painful, the most haunting, the deepest shadow moments in your life and bring them to peace, transform them into the light, by forgiving yourself and forgiving the other.
Truly, all error occurs due to a misunderstanding, a misalignment… as you progress, that misalignment is corrected and you err no more.
Your shadow is your alchemist, it allows you to turn pain into love, darkness into light. Embrace the mastery you now hold within you by forgiving yourself and others copiously, generously, expansively, repeatedly. Then watch your life transform; you have gone through an important initiation when you choose forgiveness, when you can stand in your pain, honour it and lavishly forgive. Forgiveness cleanses the channels through which love flows, expanding and purifying them so that your love may course through you stronger, brighter and more glorious than before.
你的陰影是你的煉金術士,它讓你把痛苦轉變成愛,把黑暗轉變成光。通過充分地、慷慨地、廣闊地、重複地寬恕自己和他人來擁抱你現在所掌握的精通。然後看著你的生活轉變;當你選擇寬恕,當你可以處於自己的痛苦中,榮耀它並大方地寬恕, 你就經歷了一個重要的開始。寬恕清理管道讓愛流動,擴張並淨化管道,這樣你的愛可以更加強力、明亮、輝煌地流經你
Love, as all of you reading this know, is not a Valentine’s Day card! Love is an expression of divinity. Consider love to be white light, which can then break down into many different colours (some of which you see, and others which are not yet visible to your human eyes). Those colours are all aspects of love: kindness, compassion, laughter, joy, patience, endurance, integrity… the list is long. There is an entire menu of love from which you may choose in any now moment. At one time, patience will be the aspect of love best employed; in another moment, laughter will be the divinely appropriate characteristic of love to bring forward.
You are Masters, you are more than capable of the task at hand. When you waiver, when you feel as though you can’t go on, or you need help, call upon us and wait for inspiration, for a nudge, for an idea: it will come.
We love you and we are here for you, in service to you.


