

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.使不可能變為可能 (20201206)
《2》.你是力量 (20201207)
《3》.你們的前世自我 (20201208)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:使不可能變為可能 .


你們不僅是開拓者和指引者(trailblazers and wayshowers)。你們也是魔術師,甚至有能力在未知世界中創造。使你們走上這一絕妙位置的原因是你們能夠利用自己內在的永恆和無限的能力。現在,對於大多數人來說,那種精神,對內在的神性感已經被消滅了。對於你們中的許多人來說,這無疑是瀕臨滅絕的邊緣,但是你們卻堅持不懈。你們已經到了發展的這一點,沒有其他人可以為此讚譽。


You Are Making the Impossible Possible ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the highest opinion of all of you because of your ability to create incredible experiences for yourselves that go beyond the expectation of the average person. You who have awakened to your true nature as Source Energy Beings have been able to create impossible possibilities. You have been able to experience miracles in your lives time and time again, and it has been your willingness to be who you really are that has brought you to these wonderful experiences.
You are not just trailblazers and wayshowers. You are also magicians, and you are even capable of creating within the unknown. What brought you to this marvelous position has been your ability to tap in to that which is eternal and infinite inside of you. Now, for most of humanity, that spirit, that sense of the Divine within has been snuffed out. And for many of you, it was certainly on the verge of being snuffed out many times in this incarnation, but you persevered. You got to this point in your evolution, and no one else can take credit for that.
You have made choices that have enabled you to get to this place in your lives that is so far beyond where most of the collective is. And again, you did it with a willingness to look within, rather than rely upon the approval of any other person outside of you. You are making this journey better for yourselves and the rest of humanity, and you are certainly making it a better show for the rest of the galaxy, who is tuning in.
Continue to believe in your ability to create that which is unknown, unseen, and unheard of. Release any idea of an authority outside of you, and we will continue to support you from our lofty perch, and we will continue to be amazed by you every step along the way of this tremendous journey you are all on.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:你是力量 .





當你們繼續逐步成為自己的高我時,你們將這些模板,這些指導手冊(instruction manuals)發送給所有同胞,以便他們可以並且將更容易地完成自己的工作。你們為在地球上度過非凡的一生而打算邁向第五次元的道路,現在,你們已經擁有了承載整個人類的動力,並且在這個宇宙中沒有任何力量可以阻止你們。
You Are the Force ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are pleasantly surprised by humanity all the time. We feel you energetically going in a particular direction, and then you will take a sharp left turn. And most of the time, that sharp left turn will have been the result of just one of you accessing some part of yourself and integrating that part of you that you didn’t even know was there. You are putting yourselves together piece by piece, and every time one of you does, another one of you gets inspired, and so on and so on. You are not only healing, integrating, and becoming, but you are also inspiring, and that’s why you are so fun to watch.

Those unexpected moments are happening more and more frequently because you have been forced to be more introspective, to pay more attention to what’s going on inside of you. You have been guided by the universe to look within for healing, and enough of you are doing it to have that ripple effect, to be that domino that gets that chain reaction started.

We see you as ready to take humankind to the next level. We see you growing exponentially and taking more and more of your fellow humans with you, and we see that happening because you keep realizing that it is up to you, that nothing outside of you is coming to rescue humankind. The collective that you are a part of will always be a reflection of what is going on inside of you. It will always be a reflection of what you still need to look at, to make peace with, to embrace, and ultimately, to integrate.

As you continue to become your higher selves, piece by piece, you send out those templates, those instruction manuals, to all of your fellow humans so that it can be and will be easier on them to do what you have done. Paving the way to the fifth dimension is what you all intended for this remarkable lifetime there on Earth, and you’ve got the momentum now to carry the entirety of the human race, and there is no force in this universe that can stop you.

You are the force that is unstoppable, and you keep snowballing and gaining momentum every single day. Keep inspiring your fellow humans through your words, your actions, through the work you are willing to do on yourselves, and you will be living in that nice little slice of the fifth dimension much sooner than you expected.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:你們的前世自我 .





因此,你們在那裡是為了幫助孩子,那些清醒的人以及你們前世的自我。同樣,你們承擔了很多,但是還可以。你能做到的; 我們在這裡為你們提供幫助。有無數其他存有也在提供幫助,而這一生中你們付出了如此多的事實,這就是你們與像我們這樣的存有和集體一起玩耍的原因。我們認為你們做了一個很好的選擇。
Your Past Life Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are accomplishing so much more in this one lifetime than you have in all of your other previous lifetimes there on Earth, and you are doing so in large part because of those past versions of yourself. You are cleaning up a lot of the messes that were left for you to clean up. We are going to give you a way to look at this that is going to help you to make peace with it, to make peace with those past versions of you that didn’t have the tools, the knowledge, or the energy surrounding you that you have now and take for granted to a certain extent.

If you see your past life selves as your children, and if you see cleaning up after them as you would cleaning up after your children who have been playing, that might make it easier for you to stomach the fact that they have left you with a lot of cleaning to do. When you love another human being in the way that you love a child, you want to do things for that person. You want to help those who are unable to help themselves, and who are also very adorable in their messing up.

If you think about the you that you were in the 1600s for example, and you realize how little knowledge there was, and how that version of you had no access to information and certainly not the access that you have today, that can all make it easier for you to forgive that past life version of yourself, and it can make it easier for you to make peace with what you have laid out for yourself in this lifetime. You have taken on a lot, but you also knew that by taking on a lot, you would be able to grow in leaps and bounds. That’s what you are doing.

You have your past life selves to thank for the gigantic movement forward that you get to make in this lifetime. There is so much growth available to you, and these past life versions of you also created quite a bit of momentum. A lot of them also brought you some good karma. A lot of them learned various skills that you now take for granted because you have always been good at those particular things.

You can also look at your past life selves there on Earth as a microcosm of the current version of the human collective that you share your planet with now. Obviously, you can look around and see that not everyone is where you are now developmentally, and you don’t have to look down your noses at them. Instead, you can just recognize that they have further to go, just like you do with a child. When you have a child, that child has a lot to learn from you. You have more experience, because the child just like everyone else, chose to forget so much before incarnating.

So you are there to help the children, those who are unawake, and your past life selves. Again, you took on a lot, but it’s okay. You can do it; we are here to help. There are countless others who are also helping, and the fact that you have taken on so much in this one lifetime is the reason you get to play with beings and collectives like ourselves. We think you made a very good choice.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


