

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.與外星人完全接觸的時代 (20201209)
《2》.個人化下載,升級和觸發 (20201211)
《3》.仙女座聯盟 (20201211)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於 與外星人完全接觸的時代 .





一旦覺醒,就永遠無法返回。你不能退縮。你們不能將牙膏放回管中(put the toothpaste back in the tube./ That ship has sailed. 木已成舟)。你們必須是能夠引導人類意識擴展和揚升的人,並願意探索什麼會使大多數人類擺脫害怕吃驚(right out of their skin)。這就是你們為世界帶來巨大變化的方式。這不是等待事情發生。這並不是要相信別人關於現實以及幕後發生的事情的真相。

The Age of Full Extra-Terrestrial Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are convinced that you are ready for more contact with extra-terrestrial beings. Now, when we say that, we want to be perfectly clear that we are talking about those of you who are awake. You are ready for more extra-terrestrial contact, even though the vast majority of humans are not. You are allowed to have experiences that other people are not for one reason or another. You don’t have to wait for everyone to be ready in order for you to go on a spaceship, to meet with e.t.s, and to travel around the galaxy with them. The galaxy is yours to explore, and your reality is yours to create and align with.

No one else is doing that for you. No one else gets to decide what you experience and what you do not experience. That is your domain. We want to encourage you to be the big dreamers that you really are. Be the creators that you were born to be, and be the ones who lead humanity into the age of full extra-terrestrial contact for the humans of Earth.

You get to be trailblazers in so many ways. You get to break free from enslavement. You get to break free from fear of your mortality, and you get to break free from the limitations that you took on as third-dimensional humans. Now is not the time to wait around for something to happen outside of you, not now when you’ve been given the ability to create outside of any sort of blueprint, any sort of contracts that you may have had at one time.

You are awake, and you are aware, and you are able to move past the limitations of the third and fourth dimensions, because humanity needs more of that fifth-dimensional energy to be present on Earth, and you are the ones to anchor it in. If not you, then who? That’s what we want to know.

Once you have awakened, you can never go back. You cannot regress. You cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube. You’ve got to be the ones who guide humanity’s expansion and ascension with your willingness to explore what would frighten most humans right out of their skin. This is how you bring about great changes on your world; it’s not by waiting for something to happen. It’s not about believing in someone else’s truth about reality and what’s going on behind the scenes.

Big changes start with you, the big souls in those somewhat dense and somewhat fragile human bodies, because you are ready to lead. You are ready to take humanity into the age of full extra-terrestrial contact, and we are here to help. And we are not alone. There are many other beings and collectives who want to guide you into this most fruitful era of human history.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於 個人化下載,升級和觸發 .






Personalized Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking for the easiest pathways to get through to each of you as individuals. We seek to reach you because we know that you want to be reached. We know that you want to be comforted. We know that you want to receive downloads, activations, and upgrades, and we want to give them to you because we love you and because somebody has to. We enjoy looking for the cracks, looking for the openings to get something that you want and need into your energy fields.

We want you to look for moments in your day where you are feeling tired, stressed out, overwhelmed, or filled with a sense of hopelessness, and in those moments, we want you to imagine yourselves opening up to receive. Use your imagination. Use your hands and your arms. You can even tilt your head back and open your mouth. Do something that symbolizes the opening, or just feel yourself opening up because you have given yourself permission to let go of all of that tension and all of that anxiety for a moment. You can always go back to it if you want to, but you need to know that there is help, and you need to know that you can receive that help with your intention, with your awareness, and your willingness to open up.

If you are receiving this transmission, then you are tuned to us, and that means we are tuned to you as well. We already have a partnership. We already have made agreements in the astral plane. We know what it is that will serve you best, and we just need you to let go of your tight grip of control long enough to relax, to unclench, and to let in the upgrades, the downloads, and the activations that are meant specifically for you.

You sometimes get downloads that are meant for all of humankind, but you have your own as well that are specific to you, your journey, and your needs. We are here to help. You need to see us as your partners, your colleagues, and your equals. We cannot rescue you, but we can help you and teach you in the same way that a parent teaches a child how to tie their shoe. You already know everything you need to know, but you have not yet begun to receive all that you have coming to you, and that’s why we keep pounding this type of message home.

You need to realize that you have done enough, that the action journey is over, and now is the time of feeling for what’s next. And we have it; it’s giftwrapped, and it has your name on it. Just remember that when you are at that low point, you can always let go, open up, and let in the downloads, the upgrades, the activations, and so much more of what you have been determining through the living of your life is just right for you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:仙女座聯盟 .




自從我們開始通過這一管道以來,我們認為你們的意識呈指數級增長,並且我們知道你們意識的增長和擴展將繼續,因為它必定如此,但是我們也知道,我們正在幫助你們使你們的增長經歷變得更加自覺和審慎,少掙扎(kicking and screaming)。我們知道你們中的許多人感覺與仙女座星系和銀河系有聯繫,並且我們知道它們將對你們的意識產生影響,從而使你們進入更高的振動狀態。

An Andromedan Alliance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been making progress with a lot of the goals that we have set for ourselves in your recent past. We have wanted and still want to make more direct connections with you, and we see that potential as lighting up and becoming more of a high probability for a large number of humans there on Earth. We also have wanted and still want to have an impact on as many humans as we possibly can with our energetic transmissions.

And another goal of ours that we get closer and closer to achieving is making more and more alliances with other collectives, other councils, with other beings from other star systems, even if they exist in other dimensions. We are continuing to seek alliances that will give you all the best possible experience of your ascension, and we also seek to make this time that you are in now one that is more joyous, more fruitful, more creative, more of everything that you have been wanting.

We are on the verge of creating an alliance with a group of beings from the Andromedan system that have had much more of a hands-off approach to humankind. They are similar to how we used to be, as we observed more than we commented on or sought to help humanity there on Earth. We are very close to convincing this Andromedan group that they are needed, and one of the ways that we have been able to steer them in that direction is by showing them how much success we have had with you.

We see you as having grown exponentially since we have started to come through this channel, and we know that your growth and expansion will continue because it must, but we also know that we are helping you to make your growth experiences more conscious and deliberate, with less kicking and screaming. We know that many of you feel connected to the Andromedan star system, and the Andromedan Galaxy, and we know that they will have an impact on your consciousness that will propel you into a higher vibrational state.

We also know that humanity is looking to the stars for assistance, for connection, and for confirmation, and you will definitely get all of the above and more when these Andromedans come on board and share in our enthusiasm for helping you to grow with ease and grace. You have so much to look forward to there on Earth, so please do not get discouraged by what you’re seeing right now. It is going to get better there because so many beings and collectives out here and up here are turning to Earth at this time and wondering how they can help.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


