

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.覺醒靈魂之路障 (20201216)
《2》.12月的能量,揚昇症狀和內在自我的批評  (20201217)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:覺醒靈魂之路障 .


我們正在放下(letting go)這個時候讓我們感到沮喪(weighs us down)的東西,因為我們也像人類一樣在揚昇。我們知道某種東西存在於我們的意識中,使我們無法處於第十,十一或十二維度狀態中,並且我們知道揚昇我們的過程涉及放開意識中足夠稠密(dense enough)的能量,以阻止我們從現在開始揚昇。

那是保證你在揚昇的狀態中。但是,如果你們希望對揚昇有更美好的體驗,你們將尋找意識中所隱藏的濃密事物,並且你們將有意識地,故意地(deliberately)釋放它。你們可能需要放開恩怨 (grudge),批判和某些憤恨(resentment),並且肯定會有一些沉重稠密的信念和體係要邁向第五維度。現在的問題仍然是:“你是要放手,還是必須從牢牢地抓住這些東西?”

你們不想強迫自己提高意識水平。你們想要選擇如此做,就像你們要選擇黑暗中的光一樣,而不是認為你們是那裡的光來擊敗黑暗。在這令人興奮的一生中選擇一條輕鬆的道路需要一定的自我反省(self-reflection)。它涉及一些內省(introspection),一些進入內在。你們可以做這些事情,也可以在自己的外在確認自己的局限性信念(limiting beliefs),批判,處於憤怒或恐懼狀態的原因。它是由你決定(It is up to you)。

選擇光;如果某些東西對你們來說感受不佳,那麼它就不是,你們也不必為你們選擇它。你們也不必將其扼殺掉或確保沒有其他人選擇它。以身作則(Lead by example); 帶領他們閃耀你的光芒,其他人也會跟隨。
Roadblocks on the Path of the Awakened Soul ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are letting go of what weighs us down at this time because we are also ascending, just like humanity is. We know that something resides in our consciousness that keeps us from being tenth, eleventh, or twelfth dimensional, and we know that the process of ascension for us involves letting go of what is dense enough in our consciousness to keep us from ascending right now.

You are ascending; that is a guarantee. However, if you want to have a more beautiful experience of your ascension, you will look for what is dense that resides in your consciousness, and you will consciously and deliberately let that go. You may have to let go of a grudge, a judgment, some resentment, and you definitely have some heavier beliefs and belief systems to shed on your way up to the fifth dimension. The question is and will remain: ‘Are you going to let go on purpose, or will these things have to be pried from your very tight grip?’

What are you gripping tightly right now? That’s what you need to look at, and that’s what you need to decide to let go if you are going to have the best possible experience of your ascension. Your ascension will continue to be a gradual process, so you will not let go of it all at once. But again, doing it consciously is the more fun, the more interesting, the more expansive, and the more life-affirming way of raising the level of your consciousness.

You don’t want to force yourself to have to raise the level of your consciousness. You want to choose to do it, just like you want to choose the light over the dark, rather than thinking that you as the light are there to defeat the dark. Choosing a path of ease in this very exciting lifetime involves some self-reflection. It involves some introspection, some going within. And you can do those things, or you can look outside of yourselves for confirmation of your limiting beliefs, your judgments, your reasons for being in a state of rage or fear. It is up to you.

Just because you are awake doesn’t mean you are taking the best possible path. There are a lot of pitfalls, landmines, and roadblocks that are available to you on any path, and we are just suggesting that you avoid them by choice. Choose the light; if something doesn’t feel like the light to you, then it isn’t, and you don’t have to choose it for you. You also don’t have to snuff it out or make sure no one else is choosing it. Lead by example; lead by shining your light, and others will follow.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




通常,當你們有揚昇症狀或生活中不想要的東西時,你們會覺得自己做錯了事。你們經常會責備自己,並問自己是在振動什麼,或專注於導致振動的原因。但是你們現在或永遠都不必這樣做。當然,你們會不時接到一個警示(wake-up call from time to time),當你們接到其中一個警示時,消息很明顯。但是,當你們知道自己身上的能量正在被放大並更多地用於集體目的時,那麼為什麼你們會因為生病,痛苦,頭痛或生活中發生的某些事情而對自己感到困難,而寧願沒有發生嗎?

簡單的答案是,你們已經受過訓練,可以相信自己在某種程度上存在缺陷。有些人甚至稱自己為破碎的,根據我們的經驗,大多數覺醒的人對自己都比較難,因為他們覺得自己揚升的旅途中應該比現在更遠。現在不是那種心態(that type of mindset)的時候了。現在該是對自己保持溫柔的時候了。現在是時候培養自己,在情緒上和能量上使自己恢復健康或對準。你們不需要內在的批評(inner critic)告訴你們這又是你們的錯誤,所以放手這些想法吧。

放下你的這一面向,有意識地,有意地(deliberately)放下所有能量,同時你要照顧好自己。你們知道這段旅程多麼艱辛。你們知道在這一生中揚昇了多少。內在的批評者是沒有必要的。你們無需對自己如此刻薄(to be hard on yourselves),這對你們毫無幫助。但是,既然我們已經幫助你們提高了自我意識,那麼你們可以選擇自愛而不是自我責備(self love over self recrimination),而能夠做出這樣的選擇是你們首先擁有內在的批評經驗的原因。你們已準備好從中畢業,我們在這裡鼓勵你們這樣做。
December Energies, Ascension Symptoms & the Inner Critic ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extremely satisfied with what we are seeing there on Earth at this time, because as many of you know, the energies upon you are intense, they are purging a lot of what needs to be purged in you individually and as a collective, and they are awakening many to the truth of who they really are. You all must feel the intensity of these energies, and many of you are undoubtedly experiencing some unwanted symptoms as a result.

Oftentimes, when you have ascension symptoms or something that is unwanted in your lives, you feel that you have done something wrong. You often blame yourselves and ask yourselves what you were vibrating or focusing upon that brought it about. But you don’t have to do that now or ever. Certainly, you will get a wake-up call from time to time, and it will be obvious to you what the message is when you do get one of those wake-up calls. But when you know that the energies upon you are being amplified and serving more of a collective purpose, then why would you be hard on yourself for having some sickness, some pain, a headache, or some things happening in your life that you would rather not have happen?

The simple answer is that you’ve been trained to believe that you are faulty in some way. Some people even refer to themselves as broken, and in our experience, most awakened souls are hard on themselves because they feel they should be further along than they are. Now is not the time for that type of mindset. Now is the time to be gentle with yourselves. Now is the time to nurture yourselves, to nurse yourselves back into health or into alignment, emotionally and energetically. You don’t need that inner critic telling you that it’s your faulty wiring again, so let that go.

Let that aspect of you go, and let in all of the energies consciously and deliberately, while you simultaneously take care of yourselves. You know how hard this journey as been. You know how much you took on in this lifetime of ascension. There is no need for the inner critic. There is no need for you to be hard on yourselves, and it really doesn’t serve a purpose for you. But now that we have helped to make you more conscious of it, you can choose self love over self recrimination, and being able to make that choice is the reason why you have the inner critic experience first. You are ready to graduate from it, and we are here to encourage you to do so.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


