

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.2020年底能量改變思維 (20201214)
#DanielScranton #iam66 




因此,當下的能量全都在於打亂你們的思維,這樣你們就不會再沉迷於負面或分離(divisive)的思維方式,而如果你們讓這些能量將你們的意識很精確地打在你們的心中(smack dab in the middle of your heart)。如果你們放開了正確的需求並了解正在發生的事情,那麼你們會發現,以心為中心的地方更關心的是現在正遭受痛苦的人類同胞,而不是你們是否在右邊。話題或問題。



Mind Altering Energies to End 2020 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have been anticipating this time that humanity is in for a while. We have been eager to see what you would do with the energies that are upon you now, and we are very happy to report that they are having the desired effect. You are beginning to settle down, relax more, and realize that you have to come together as a unified collective if you want to go to the next level of your spiritual evolution. That means putting your beliefs aside and operating from your hearts.

And so, the energies upon you right now are all about scrambling your minds so that you will stop going down a negative or divisive train of thought, and these energies will put your consciousness right smack dab in the middle of your heart if you let them. If you can let go of the need to be right and to know what is happening, you can find that heart-centered place that cares more about your fellow humans who are suffering right now than it does about whether you are on the right side of a topic or an issue. 

You are going to see more and more people setting aside their differences to help their fellow humans because that is what puts you on the track of ascension that is easiest and most joyous. It is also the path of ascension that is most inclusive. So you have to set aside the us-versus-them mentality and open your hearts to everyone, regardless of who they are, what they think, what they say, what they believe, and which theories they are spreading around on social media.

You can be the awakened collective that includes all, embraces all, and sees none of your fellow humans as your enemies. That’s what the world needs now and that’s what the energies upon you are going to be nudging you towards. As we have said previously, you are the ones to bring humanity to the next level of your ascension. You are the ones to move past the petty disagreements and to take humanity further than you have been before. You have this ability to tap in to such a huge amount of compassion because of what you have been living there in the year 2020, and you also have the ability to open up to all of the healing energies that are coming in from above. 

And you can be the conduits for that healing energy. You can be what humanity needs at this time. When you ground in healing energies for your fellow humans, you are being of service, you are living your purpose, and you are becoming the answer that humanity has been looking for throughout this entire calendar year.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





你們無需擔心更改。你們無需擔心當前世界上正在發生的事情,因為變化將永遠發生,而且再也沒有比這更好的時間了。順應當今世界上正在發生的一切,因為一切都在為你們服務。一切都將你們帶到一個意識可以擴展並變得更高自我的地方。而且,沒有理由像早期人類在天空中看到日蝕時那樣奔跑和躲藏。他們感到無能為力,就像你們中許多人現在所做的那樣。但是你們不必感到無能為力。你可以自我授權。現在,你們周圍的能量已經準備就緒,願意讓你們充滿能量(charge you up)。這是你的選擇。
The Magic of an Eclipse ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very familiar with the energies that you have upon you right now because we were once physical as well. We had bodies and lived on planets and on moons, and we have experienced a countless number of eclipses. The magic of the eclipse goes back a very long way in human history. Eclipses were once feared by many humans, many civilizations, especially the solar ones. Now you have come so far in your evolution that you recognize this thing that was feared and seen as a potential sign of bad news and bad things coming, and now you know that eclipses bring more energy to you and they give you more of a reason to get excited about changes.

You as a society are in the midst of massive changes there on Earth, and your excitement for an eclipse is exactly what you need right now to be riding the wave of the energies that come down to you from the heavens and ask you what you want to do with them. You are at a point now where you can decide what an eclipse means to you and how you respond to it. You are not at the mercy of the movement of celestial bodies, as early humans once believe. Of course, the way that planets, and moons, and the sun dance in your skies does have an impact on you, but you are the one deciding what that impact is because all energies coming to you now are high-frequency energies.

There is nothing that you need to fear in regards to change. You do not need to fear what is happening on your world right now, because change will always happen, and never has there been a better time for you to go with the flow. Go with the flow of what is happening on your world right now, because everything is serving you. Everything is taking you to a place where you get to expand and become more of your higher self.

And there is no reason to run and hide like early humans did when they saw an eclipse in the sky; they felt disempowered, as many of you do right now. But you don’t have to feel disempowered; you can empower yourselves. And the energies surrounding you now are ready, willing, and able to charge you up. The choice is yours.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


