

傳導:Linda Robinson 翻譯:Nick Chan
《1》.伴隨著更高的意識顯化 (20201029)
《2》.神聖的平衡 (20201201)

《1》.關於:伴隨著更高的意識顯化 .
傳導:Linda Robinson .

Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss manifesting with higher consciousness.
Much new higher dimensional energy is reaching your planet. It is inviting you to incorporate it into your own energy field to allow your consciousness to rise to a higher level.
One aspect of the new energy is the rapidity with which it can be manifested and the need for a higher consciousness to use it most effectively.
Because the higher dimensional energy is vibrating at a higher frequency, manifestation occurs more rapidly. If you focus strongly on a thought or an emotion, you are likely to see the results much sooner than you previously did. Therefore, keeping your consciousness at a higher level takes on increased importance to be sure you are manifesting what you want and what is for highest good.
When you receive the higher dimensional energy, it first passes through your own Energetic Signature and auric field before it is available for manifestation. Your thoughts and feelings have a great impact on your Energetic Signature and can affect the quality of what you manifest. Thoughts and feelings such as anger or fear carry a lower vibration than those of Love and peace, which carry a higher one. This will affect your Energetic Signature and your ability to access the higher dimensional energy. This will, in turn, affect the quality and vibration of your manifestations. The higher the frequency of your Energetic Signature, the higher the frequency of energy you will be able to access. This results in your manifestations being of a higher frequency.
Therefore, keeping your personal frequency at a high level will enable you to access the higher dimensional energy. This is much easier when you attune your consciousness to a higher level.
One aspect of higher consciousness is a desire for the highest good for all of humanity, all Beings, the planet, and the Universe. This type of consciousness is for the greatest good of all of Creation.
When you ask for the highest good for all, this allows us and other Higher Beings to come and assist you. Because the Earth is a free will planet, we must be invited to assist. We are not allowed to intrude on your free will.
Another aspect of accessing higher consciousness and manifesting from this level is to keep your own energy field clear and your vibration high.
To facilitate this process, you may wish to think about the qualities of higher consciousness and what they mean in the manifesting process.
In addition to a desire for the highest good for all, these qualities could include Love, joy, caring, compassion, empathy, peacefulness, gratitude, and many others. Each quality carries a high frequency and is part of higher consciousness. At this vibrational level, you are working with a higher level energy that is more readily available to those who exhibit these qualities.
When your vibration is composed of these higher qualities, your manifestations will reflect them. They will carry a high frequency that benefits all of Creation. You will be guided as you tune in to the Higher Realms as you receive inspiration for what you want to create. This includes loving environments as well as physical creations.
Your physical creations will carry your high vibrational energy that will be felt by those who are around them. Your loving environments will benefit everyone who enters the space. All of your manifestations, both physical and etheric, will be composed of loving, high vibrational energy.
As you focus on the qualities of highest good in your manifestations, your vibration ripples out into your immediate surroundings and throughout the Universe. Keeping your focus at a high level benefits all of Creation. You are manifesting even when you are not consciously focusing on this.
To facilitate the process of manifesting with higher consciousness, you may wish to spend some time each day focusing on the qualities that accompany this. As you place your attention on each quality, feel it in your Being. Let it resonate throughout your energy field, and then allow it to ripple out into the ethers. The more you attune to these vibrations, the stronger and more powerful they will be. They will continue to rise to higher and higher levels with your desire for the highest good of all.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are manifesting with higher consciousness. You are radiating a powerful Light for the highest good of all.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst
…and WE surround you with Love

《2》.關於:神聖的平衡  .
傳導:Linda Robinson .

Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss The Divine Balance.
The Divine Balance is at work on all dimensions. Your cosmos, solar system, and planet are always in a state of expanding and contracting. Unmanifested energy comes forth to create new stars and universes, while other stars and universes return to a state of unformed energy that is ready for new creation.
This type of expansion and contraction is very similar to what occurs with you on a personal level. You may have a deep and strong interest in a particular topic or hobby and devote much time and energy to it. Then one day, you no longer feel any attraction to it. Your energy has shifted. You have learned and experienced what you needed from your previous interest. You have moved to a different level on your path. You release the energy that you had devoted to your previous hobby, and it is now ready to be re-patterned into a new interest.
Whether on a personal or a universal level, a balance is maintained between the manifested and unmanifested energy. It is an ebb and flow much like the waves on a beach. A wave forms in the ocean, ripples onto the shore, and then flows back into the ocean. The form may change, but the energy is always there.
You may experience this in many ways on a personal level. You are living on a plane of duality, the third dimension. At the same time, you are likely experiencing an energetic shift to the higher dimensions. This requires you to be able to function at a third dimensional level while shifting your consciousness and way of being to a higher level. It is a balancing act.
A similar balance occurs with the inner and outer portions of your Being. You have daily activities that you conduct on the outer level, such as doing errands, keeping your living environment clean, and taking care of family responsibilities. This is balanced with your inner quiet time for reflection and meditation. When the balance of time and energy for the inner and outer is harmonious, you are in the flow. Your life feels as if you are moving in a direction that is right for you. The balance of inner and outer activities is always in a state of flow depending on conditions in your life at that time. The key is to remain alert and aware so that you can make adjustments as needed. It is a dynamic balance rather than a fixed point.
Another type of Divine Balance within the individual is that of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. Each Being has both aspects. While one aspect will be predominant in an individual, both aspects are there and need to be honored. Each aspect has certain qualities. For the Divine Masculine, this may be strength, courage, and mental aspects. For the Divine Feminine, Love, compassion, and intuition may be in the forefront. Being aware that you carry both aspects and nurturing those qualities can help you remain in balance.
Maintaining a balance begins with recognizing that the energy is always in a state of ebb and flow. New energy arrives from the Higher Dimensions. This offers you an opportunity to examine your current way of being and to make any adjustments that you feel are needed. Old ways of looking at situations may no longer feel right for you. New perspectives may be presented in a variety of ways, ranging from what you read or hear to inspiration from your guides and teachers. When you remain aware of the shifting energy, you can more easily evaluate the new information you have received. You can tune in to see if you resonate with it on a heart level and then balance it with evaluating it on a mental level.
When you recognize that the energy is always flowing, you are able to hold your positions more lightly and remain open to new insights.
A key feature of new insights and Divine Balance is considering the highest good for all. You can begin by setting your intention for this. Then, when you focus your attention on the Higher Realms and ask your guides and teachers for assistance, you will be able to view situations from a higher perspective.
This allows you to maintain a balance between the inner and the outer, the material and the spiritual, and the dimensions. You are able to make adjustments as needed, and your life flows in a harmonious way.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are maintaining a Divine Balance and are focusing on the highest good for all.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst,
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.


