

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.為什麼你們的揚升症狀會開始作用 (20201119)
《2》.人類全面準備與外星人聯繫 (20201120)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:為什麼你們的揚升症狀會開始作用 .





Why Your Ascension Symptoms are Acting Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy with the way that you all are progressing there on Earth, especially in regards to the energies that are upon you right now and the challenges that you’ve been facing. We see you all making progress vibrationally, and while it takes some time for that vibrational progress to show itself to you in the physical realm, please trust us when we say that you are moving forward on a timeline that is in service to all. You are getting to where you need to go because of the intensity of the times you are living in. You have taken yourselves through a rapid energetic detox of sorts, and when you are going through a detox, you do tend to have a lot of symptoms. You do tend to feel worse than you normally feel for a while, but you feel worse because of what has been released, what has been dislodged and is in the process of being expelled from the body.

That’s what’s happening to you energetically now as a collective. It is hard to endure what you are enduring, but it is making you stronger, healthier, and more capable of handling higher-frequency energies. You do need to make room for the higher-frequency energies, and in order to do that, you need to expel the lower-vibrational energies. That’s what you’ve been doing; that’s why your ascension symptoms are acting up at this time, and that’s why we come around to remind you to take it easy, to rest, relax, and hydrate.

You must know by now that you are ascending, and because you are ascending, everything is moving you in that direction, no matter how it looks or feels. But of course, we also frequently emphasize the importance of honoring your feelings. So if something does not feel right to you, if it does not resonate, then you need to move away from it. You don’t need to do all of your clearing and releasing in one fell swoop. You get to take your time because you are eliminating trauma from hundreds of lifetimes in some cases. Not everyone has the same amount that they are clearing, and that is by choice.

None of you is being punished at this time; everything is by choice. And when you face those challenges head on, you are making the choice to do so as well. And when we see you facing the challenges of life head on, we feel even better about your progress because we know that all of you who are a part of the awakened collective are doing more than your part at this time and throughout this ascension journey that you are all on together.

Trust your feelings; trust each other. And trust that everything that is unfolding is for the greatest and highest good of all humans, not just the ones that believe in something. All of you are in it together because you are all very, very old friends. And we will always be with you, every step of the way, looking for every available opportunity to give you something, to comfort you, and to make your journeys more joyous and a whole lot easier.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




現在,為了使所有的同情心和熱情充滿活力,你們必須做的是,必須放開在乎別人的想法。別人認為是真實的事情,即每個人都需要自由, 平等, 尊敬, 並給予與其他人相同的機會。絕大多數人都同意這個真理,這是你們可以團結起來並共同努力的東西。


Humans That Are Ready for Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you

We are very enthusiastic about seeing all of you care so much about others and the fate of others on your world. What will always cause you to expand and become more of your higher self is compassion. When your hearts go out to those who are suffering, you become more of your whole self. Compassion is the full recognition of the truth that nothing and none of this is happening outside of you. You are that person who is being mistreated. It’s not just that you feel for that person. You recognize that if it’s happening to them, it’s happening to you, and that recognition has never been higher on your world than it is at this time.

People are passionate about the causes that they support because they are passionate about other humans being treated well, being given the same opportunities that they have been given in their lives. You all don’t have to agree about which groups are more oppressed. What’s really important is that you care. You all don’t have to agree about how to go about changing the injustices on your world. The fact that you are passionate about injustice summons more lifeforce energy through you.

Now, what you have to do in order for all of this compassion and passion to amount to something energetically is you must let go of caring about what someone else thinks. What others believe to be true is not nearly as important as your passionate stance that everyone needs to be free, equal, honored, respected, and given the same opportunities as everyone else. That truth is something the vast majority of people agree upon, and it is something you can come together about and work towards together.

Once you start to see that humanity is a collective, that you are not separate, and you are not separated by race, religion, and nationality, then you can start to make the real progress, the changes you all want to experience on your world. If you can stop getting hung up on who are the heroes and who are the villains, and agree that you would like to see real change on your world, that’s when you will start to see it. And you will see it happening faster and faster, because you are more powerful as a united collective than you are as a divided one.

That is why it is so important to turn your attention towards you and what you can do. It is time to put your attention on how you can come together with others to create the reality that is better for everyone. And when you do, you have more non-physical support, more extra-terrestrial support, and certainly more support from the aspect of you that is your higher self. You are never going to be your true self, as long as you are pushing against some person, some political party, some ideology, or some story that someone has made up and spread all over the internet.

You have to focus on you because you have control over you. You can focus on purpose. You can release resistance on purpose. You can feel and activate vibrations on purpose, and right now humanity needs more people who understand that and are willing to do something about the power that lies within each and every one of you, power that is even more powerful when you are coming together as a unified collective. That’s the version of humanity that physical, extra-terrestrial beings want to meet face to face and invite to join them in the galactic community.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


