

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.人類未來的更好時間表 (20201121)
《2》.你們的話語是有影響力的 (20201123)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:人類未來的更好時間表 .







Better Timelines for the Future of Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to investigate the new timelines that humanity has in front of you now that you are facing an increase in the number of people who are affected by the virus. Everyone is affected in the way that they need to be affected, which certainly is not the way that they want to be affected in most cases. We are talking about everyone across the entire planet, not just those who have contracted the virus.

You have all been affected, and it has stirred things up there. It has pushed lots of buttons; it has revealed what was already inside of each and every one of you. And because there have been enough of you who have responded to it with kindness and compassion, you have created some lovely timelines for humanity’s future, timelines that we know you are going to want to vibrate in harmony with. As you vibrate in harmony with one of these very positive timelines, you then find yourselves on it. It’s that simple.

This is why we tell you to stop looking for predictions about what will happen. Your free will is not just about what you do, what you think, and what you say. Your free will is about what you experience, what your future holds, especially now that you are fourth-dimensional beings, inching every day closer to the fifth. And so, these powerful new timelines are about letting go of what the virus has stirred up within you, if it is something that is of a lower vibration. And those of you who have been able to access more compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love are the ones leading the way to these much more positive timelines.

You have so much power within you, and that power to not only create a better reality for yourselves, but it is also about leading others, taking them by the hand, and taking them with you to a much better feeling future. Those of you who are not getting triggered by what is happening on your world right now are fortunate. If you are not in resistance to what is happening on your world, then you are one of the lucky ones. But it wasn’t luck at all that put you in the position that you are in. It was a choice that you made before you incarnated.

And as you move forward now because of that fortunate position that you are in, you have more of an ability to turn on the vibration within you that you want to experience. Most humans do not have that option because they either have something they need to clear, or because they have not been taught about their ability to reach within themselves and offer a vibration on purpose.

That is where you come in; you are the ones to lead with your example, and you are the ones to teach others how to release and clear all of that angst, all of that fear, all of that anger, all of that rage, and all of that hate so that they can follow you to the better-feeling timelines that have been created out of your love, compassion, and desire to serve humanity. It doesn’t take a majority of you to be offering those vibrations, but there have been enough of you to create these timelines, and there are enough of you on Earth right now to lead humanity into a much more positive and good-feeling future.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:你們的話語是有影響力的 .


現在,我們不是對以前的事想太多(dwelling in the past),也不是在談論以過去永遠不要改變的藉口。我們只是了解你們每個人如何受到生活中某些事件的影響,這對所有人來說是一個非常好的主意,因為認識到一些過去對你們有影響的因素是過去的生命。你們也應該了解其他人,這對你們有好處,因為對於全人類來說,經歷同情心非常重要。這是通往合一意識和一體的道路。這是你們找到共同點的方式,以便大家一起走到一起。


你們不知道你們的話語是有多大的影響力(how much weight you are carrying around),也請對其人網開一面(cut everyone else some slack)。彼此可以幫助你們順利進行的最好的事情就是談論自己的情緒。談論你們的感受,而不是引發它的原因,因為如果其他人經歷了你們所經歷的同樣的悲傷深度,那就是他們將能夠與之聯繫並保持同情和空間的地方,這就是你們的感受需要為彼此做更多的事情。這也是我們對這些信息的處理。這不僅僅是我們在收集事實;這是關於我們了解人們為什麼會感受到自己的感受的方法,然後我們才能更好地提出如何提供幫助的計劃。
The Weight You Are All Carrying ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to extract pieces of information from the past in your current timeline to help better understand where you are now and what you need. This is a good way for all of you to understand yourselves and each other. When you know what a person has endured in their lives, what tragedies and traumas they have suffered, it is easier for you then to understand where they are coming from in the now moment. And you can also better understand what it is that they need.

Now, we are not talking about dwelling in the past, and we are not talking about using the past as an excuse to never change in the present. We simply understand how you all get shaped by certain events in your lives, and it is a very good idea for all of you to recognize that some of what is affecting you from the past is coming to you from a past life. And it is good for you to understand this about other people as well, because it is so important for all of humanity to experience compassion. It is the path to oneness and unity consciousness. It is the way you will find common ground so that you can all come together.

Now, just because what you have suffered is a different experience from what someone else over here has suffered doesn’t make the result any different. You experienced some sort of trauma, and you had an emotional reaction that got trapped in your bodies and in your chakras. And now is the time you are releasing all of that, and so is everyone else. Therefore, you are all very strong and you are all doing the best you can under the circumstances, and this ascension from the third dimension to the fifth dimension was no small task to take on for any of you. So please cut yourselves some slack.

You have no idea how much weight you are carrying around, and please cut everyone else some slack as well. And the best thing that you can do for each other to help this process along more smoothly is to talk about your emotions. Talk about what you are feeling, not what triggered it, because if someone else has experienced the same depths of sadness that you are experiencing, that is what they will be able to relate to and hold compassion and space for, and that is what you need to do for each other, more than anything else. And that is what we do with that information as well. It’s not just about us gathering facts; it’s about us understanding why people are feeling what they are feeling, and then we can better come up with a plan for how to help.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


