

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.成為你的五維度仙境中的高我 (20201107)
《2》.人類整體的和諧 (20201108)
《3》.通過分裂來創造新的現實 (20201109)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:成為你的五維度仙境中的高我 .






你們的第五維自我本質上也是仙靈(faerie beings),因為他們一直在佔據第五維度並邀請你們參加他們的小聚會,但是並不是每個人都對它表示肯定。身為孩子是這樣做的,但作為成年人,你們往往會陷入更嚴重的問題,因為你們承擔更多的責任,並且因為你們知道完成工作以支付房租或抵押需要大量的時間。但是我們對你們說,儘管如此,當你們探索自己是第五維自我時,仍然有更多樂趣的餘地,而玩該遊戲的唯一規則是沒有規則。
Becoming Your Faerie Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been in the process of becoming our oversouls for quite some time now, just as you have been in the process of becoming your higher selves. We are excited to get to know ourselves as a broader and more expansive consciousness, but we are not waiting for the shift in consciousness to be complete before we experiment with the idea of ourselves as our oversouls. We suggest that you do the same.

Ask yourselves how you would think, feel, create, and even hold yourselves if you were already your fifth dimensional higher selves. What would be your average day? You can start to contemplate these ideas because, as fourth dimensional beings, you are capable of accessing the fifth. Your higher selves are inside of you. They are not separate from you. They are not out there somewhere. Your higher selves are you without all the filtration.

Feeling into your higher self is like is like feeling into your superhero self. If you imagine all of the abilities you would like to possess as your superhero self, you start to get an idea of who you will be as you fully embody your higher self’s consciousness. Not everyone will be the same right after you shift to the fifth dimension. Not all of you will have the same abilities, and not all of you will have the same interests, but one thing you will have in common is that you will be able to pursue your interests, your passions, without any limitations, and that will be fun.

Right now is an excellent time for you all to be focusing on fun, as things continue to be very serious on your world, and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take life on Earth as it is seriously, and means you will need to consciously choose to have a more lighthearted approach to life and a perspective that allows for more play, more laughter, and more fun.

Your fifth-dimensional selves are also essentially faerie beings, as they have been occupying the fifth dimension and inviting you to their little parties, but not everyone is answering that invitation in the affirmative. The children do, but as adults you tend to get embroiled in more serious matters, because you have more responsibilities and because you know that there is a lot riding on whether you complete a task so that you can pay your rent or mortgage. But we say to you that in spite of all of that there is still room for more fun as you explore who you are as your fifth-dimensional selves, and the only rule in playing that game is that there are no rules.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




因為你們經歷已經遍歷整個銀河系,在到達地球之前就已經學習了許多不同的恆星系統,所以隨著你們的成長和揚升,你們的內心將有很多東西可以藉鑑(draw upon)。因此,人類也許是整個銀河系中最不可預測的人類種族,這令人興奮。之所以令人興奮,是因為我們談論的是不可預測性,因為它與你們的成長和發展有關,而不是與你們的波動性有關。你們已經擺脫了所有這些。你們已經在自己的​​內部騰出了更多空間,以變得更加你所是的。



Humanity’s Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been getting very excited about the evolution of the human consciousness because you are all so filled with diversity, and the diversity within each one of you is a superpower. As you unlock the diverse energies within you and you begin integrating them into the whole of who you are, there is no telling what you will be capable of doing and becoming. You, there on planet Earth, are very unique, because you have so many different aspects to you.

Because you have traveled throughout the galaxy, incarnating in so many different star systems before coming to Earth, you have so much within you to draw upon as you grow and ascend. Therefore, humanity is perhaps the most unpredictable race of beings in the entire galaxy, and that is exciting. It is exciting because we are talking about unpredictability as it pertains to your growth and evolution, not your volatility. You’ve been getting all of that out of the way. You’ve been making more room inside yourselves to become more of who you really are.

Now, the most diverse being is of course Source Energy, and the more like Source you are, the better. You are more powerful. You are more creative. You are more loving and compassionate when you are more of your true selves, and therefore, it is very important for you to embrace all aspects of who you are now in this lifetime. And we are talking about even those aspects of you that you don’t like to acknowledge or celebrate. You have that which is reptilian and insectoids inside of you, just as you have that which is feline and aquatic inside of you.

You have that which is mantid inside of you, and all of the other beings that you have heard about throughout this galaxy. They’re all inside of you, and certainly like to celebrate that which is avian inside of you, but you tend to ignore or deny the presence of that which is draconian within you. So we are here now to encourage you to see all aspects of yourselves as being equally powerful and contributing to the beauty of that diversity within you.

If all of the beings in the galaxy always got along, then there would be no designation of either good or evil. So if you can manage to be your harmonious whole in the now moment, you can draw upon all of that power, all of that wisdom, and all of the love that exists within each of these beings that you have been in other lifetimes and that you carry the energy of right now in this one. Embrace all of you and know yourself more as a Source Energy Being. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





所有人都可以創造自己的體驗,所以訣竅不是推翻有人堅持的事實。對他們來說是真實的。讓他們沿著那條一種複雜、奇異或未知的狀態和情景(go down that rabbit hole)走下去,擁有這些經驗,並從那條特定的路線上學習並成長。再說一次,如果你們對他們的建議是真實的感到不滿,那麼就讓自己受到啟發去為自己創造一個真實的地方。


Create New Realities Out of Being Divided ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that humanity has been surpassing our expectations for what you would be able to accomplish with the current energies that you have upon you. You have been creating realities left and right with the intensity of your desires. You do live at a time when people are talking about how divided you are, but you are only as divided as you think you are in any given moment. In other words, you can decide to let go of the fact that someone else’s truth over there is different from yours, and you can use how you feel about their reality as a catalyzing agent to help you form the reality that you want to be living in.

You don’t all have to agree about what reality even is. Some people are convinced that you are living in a simulation created by artificial intelligence, and you know what? You can let them believe that. Some people believe that your planet is flat, and that’s okay. Let them be in that reality, rather than trying to convince them that there is only one shared reality. It’s a pointless endeavor, and it’s not true.

You all get to create what you experience, and so the trick is not to push against what someone insists is true. Let it be true for them. Let them go down that rabbit hole, and have those experiences, and learn and grow from having gone down that particular route. And again, if you are upset by what they are suggesting is true, then let yourself be inspired to create a reality for yourself where your truth is true.

Now, we tell you this because a lot of you have been unconsciously creating these new realities, not realizing you’re doing it. And now they exist. Those new realities exist because of the person whose views you find so offensive. This is why having different perspectives still serves you. It’s what you do with the truth that your perspective is different from others’ that really matters. Give yourselves permission now to align with the reality that you want to experience, and the first step towards doing that is letting go of trying to convince someone that they are wrong and you are right.

All truths are true; all realities exist. And maybe it serves that person to go down that path so they have the experiences they need to have in order to clear a trauma from a past life, even if that involves a person joining a cult. Now, you can always speak your truth and tell a person that they are in fact going down that path, and that you care about them and you would rather them not have to, but then you have to let go. You have to let everyone live their lives in order to become who they are ultimately becoming. There are many paths to becoming your higher selves, and there are many paths to the fifth dimension, and if you were all walking down the same path, it would get quite crowded indeed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


