

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.大改變,舊信仰和海底脈輪淨化 (20201101)
《2》.2020年美國總統大選 (20201103)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:大改變,舊信仰和海底脈輪淨化 .






你們可以把所有其他東西的事情拋在腦後(throw out the window),並感覺到工作時減輕的負荷,因為正如我們所說,你們真的想吸收新的能量來幫助你們處於更高的振動狀態。你們是其餘銀河系指望成為變革者的人,這意味著你們不能依靠事件,太陽閃焰,政客或其他任何人將你們帶到想要去的地方。你們是唯一能夠改變現實的人,我們告訴你們不要施加壓力,因為你們當然會得到很多幫助。我們告訴你們,因為我們想賦予你們權力與力量。


Big Changes, Old Beliefs & Root Chakra Purging ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing humanity, and we have been noticing the changes that have begun to manifest in your collective consciousness, and those changes are the result of a massive amount of purging that has taken place in your root chakras. You are not the same collective you were at the beginning of this calendar year, and that is a good thing, because change is necessary. Change moves you forward, and even when change is messy and uncomfortable, it has the power to open you up to the new energies that are coming in.

The new energies are always about bringing you into a higher vibrational state and holding you there. The energies that have already begun to work on you there in the month of November are having a powerful effect on those who have felt so very depleted and on those who have given up hope for a brighter future, a better tomorrow. The purging of the root chakra has left many of you feeling lighter, freer, and more capable to create the reality that you want to experience.

Now is a time on your world where many are anticipating big changes, and those big changes always begin with you, especially   those of you who know that you create the reality that you experience. And as that reality reflects something back to you that you would like to change, that you would like to see be different from what it is, you then have an opportunity to make the changes within yourselves. When you see something outside of you that you do not like, you all need to ask yourselves, ‘How am I being like this belief or this perspective that I do not like?’

That will help you ease into the inevitable changes that are coming, because you will not be clinging to the old ways or to the old you. And you certainly don’t want to be clinging to any belief that you hold, no matter how dear it is to you. The only belief that really serves you is the one that is more of a knowing. And we are referring to the knowing that you and everyone else is Source Energy, which means you are unconditional love, and as unconditional love you are creating the reality you are experiencing.

Everything else you can throw out the window, and feel the lightening of the load that takes place when you do, because as we said, you really want to let in the new energies that will help you be in a higher vibrational state. You are the ones the rest of the galaxy is counting on to be the changemakers, and that means you cannot rely on an event, a solar flash, a politician, or anyone else to take you where you want to go. You are the only ones capable of changing your reality, and we tell you that not to put pressure on you, because of course you’re getting lots of help. We tell you that because we want to empower you.

We want you to realize that this is your time. Now is the time to shine and to invite others to join you in the light, where change means growth and evolution, not chaos and disarray. We see you evolving in so many ways every day, and we appreciate each and every one of you who is doing that evolving on purpose. You are the leaders. You are the changemakers, and you are bringing about that better future for all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:2020年美國總統大選 .



你們現在必須讓彼此受益於懷疑,而不能屈服於分歧。大家都在這裡有機會收回自己的力量,並認識到要在世界上看到的所有變化都必須從你們開始。沒有一個政治家會拯救人類或人類的任何部分,因為你們都需要提高自己的意識水平,而這是大多數人目前不這樣做的。實際上,很多人很堅持/固執,不管怎樣都要堅持己見、拒絕妥協(digging in their heels),準備戰鬥。



The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in what humanity is interested in there on Earth, and right now there is a lot of attention being given to the elections in the United States of America. There is quite a bit of attention being given to the presidential election, and as many of you know, the tension that exists there in the United States has a lot of people on edge. People are not certain about what will happen, and they are afraid. A lot of that fear has been generated by those who like having humankind nice and afraid, nice and divided, and that’s why you all need to try to see how someone you love could support a candidate that you detest.

You have to give each other the benefit of the doubt right now and not give in to the divisiveness. You all have an opportunity here to take back your power and to recognize that all the change that you want to see in the world has to begin with you. No one politician is going to save humanity or any portion of humanity, because you all need to raise the level of your consciousness, which most people are not doing at this time. In fact, a lot of people are digging in their heels and getting ready for a fight.

We suggest you send love to whichever candidate you hope loses, and we also suggest that you send love to the ones who support that candidate. We especially suggest that you make peace with the fact that you undoubtedly have family members who support that candidate, and realize that you have a lot more in common with everyone there on Earth than you have reasons to demonize them.

It is time to look past the fighting and the name-calling and look within for unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion. We know that we have been saying this for quite some time, but it bears repeating on a day when so many will be anxious, angry, afraid, and saddened by what’s happening with the elections in a country that has so much potential. The United States can be filled with so much light and love, so much promise and hope.

The citizens, and even the non-citizens, of the United States can do so much to help each other and help the rest of the world, regardless of who wins. And you have to remember that. You cannot let what is happening on that very big stage affect your ability to reach within yourself and feel empowered. You get to create your experience of your world, your country, other countries, and political leaders.

And we also want you all to take care of yourselves, because if you are receiving this transmission, you are sensitive and empathic, and you are going to pick up on all of the negative energy. So please do put yourself and your vibration first, and as we said, send love, and don’t get swept up in fear and hate. This is an opportunity for you all to make those big changes and take those giant leaps that we have been telling you about. But it has to start with you and your faith in yourselves, especially when you are united, which you will always have the opportunity to be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


