

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.2020年11月的能量:巨大的飛躍 (20201101)
《2》.繼續練習使用自己的能力 (20201102)
《3》.大改變,舊信仰和海底脈輪淨化 (20201102)
#DanielScranton #iam66 







The November 2020 Energies: Giant Leaps ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are experiencing expansion in every moment that we exist, because we have nothing to cling to and nothing to push against. We allow our expansion to occur and experience it in real time, so to speak. You all often hold back from the experience of your expansion because you are clinging to something or pushing against something else, and eventually you have to let go. You have to surrender, and you make giant leaps forward in the evolution of your consciousness. That’s what November is going to be like for most of humanity.

And so, the November energies are going to be all about cradling you all in the light, sending more healing and loving energies to support you through what will be a giant leap forward for the human collective and for many individuals who have been holding back from their own expansion. A lot of the energies will be utilized by the awakened collective so that you can be there for those who need, because there will be many. There will be many who need your assistance with the giant leaps forward, with the somewhat unexpected expansion.

And since you have been making incremental steps forward, you will know how to guide those who need your guidance, and you will be able to receive the energies that we and others like us will be providing all of you. We support the supporters. We help the helpers, and we heal the healers. And you will be called upon to be all of those things and more to your fellow humans, those who are close to you, and perhaps even those who were once in your life but had fallen away.

All of them will be the ones looking to you for assistance, and hopefully they will feel the support coming from us and others like us, as we live for these opportunities, and we invite you to take the same perspective we have. Our perspective is that there is no greater joy and no bigger sense of fulfillment than when you help another or several others grow spiritually.

You don’t have to brace yourselves for the November energies if you are receiving this transmission, but do open yourselves up to them, because they are coming for you and for those you will be serving in the coming month and in the coming months and years that you have ahead of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





念力(Telekinesis)將是你們完成轉變後獲得的又一個第五維度的能力,例如,有些人發現你們能夠在心理上成功使用湯匙。這項技能已在許多不同場合得到證明。但是我們建議你們從非固體的物質開始。從能量開始。將能量發送到你們所在房間的另一部分,然後轉到該房間的該部分,看看是否可以繼續使用(pick up on it)。

遠距傳送(Teleportation)和時間旅行(time travel)是與你們現在的位置相去甚遠的功能,因此即使嘗試參與其中也可能會令人沮喪。現在,你們將成為第五維存有的治療者和管道。這些是其他容易放棄的領域,因為你們不會馬上就感受到某種東西,或者因為你們不會為自己想要與之建立聯繫的存有說話。但是,通過能量來傳遞能量是在第四維度中可以獲得的更令人滿意的體驗之一,這是你們在世界中創造變化的一種很好的方式。


Continue to Practice Using Your Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have begun to explore some of the abilities that you will have once you are fully fifth dimensional, and you will get better at utilizing these abilities with practice. You cannot expect to master one of these abilities right away. They are no different than your musical instruments, or speaking a foreign language, or playing a sport. You get better with practice at all of those things, and your abilities are no exception. What we see many of you doing is giving up. You think it should be easier, and so you stop practicing.

Now let us be clear about which abilities we are speaking about. The easiest one for you to tap in to at this time is telepathy, but you don’t want to think of telepathy as you sending a thought to another person. You want to practice using telepathy by being of the same vibration as another person, and then you both know what the other one knows in that moment. Or you both receive the same download or inspired idea.

Telekinesis will be another fifth dimensional ability that you will have once you complete your shift, and some of you are finding that you are successful in being able to mentally a spoon, for example. This is a skill that has been demonstrated on many different occasions. But we recommend that you start with something less solid. Start with energy. Send energy to a different part of the room where you are, and then go to that part of the room and see if you can pick up on it.

Teleportation and time travel are abilities that are very far off from where you are now, and so even attempting to engage in them can be quite discouraging. Now, you will all be healers and channels as fifth dimensional beings. These are other areas where it is easy to give up because you don’t feel something right away or because you don’t speak for the beings that you want to connect with right away. But playing with the ability to move energy through you is one of the more satisfying experiences that you can have in the fourth dimension, and it is a very good way for you to create change in your world.

As we have recently said, change will happen within you first. You will feel the energetic shifts before you see the shifts in the physical realm, the physical realm being slower than the energetic one. It will also benefit you greatly having patience at this time, as we know many of you are ready for full e.t. contact and ready for the shift to be completed. But instead, you wait. You wait for your fellow humans to catch up, and while you are waiting, you might as well do something with all that time you have on your hands.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:大改變,舊信仰和海底脈輪淨化 .





你們可以把所有其他東西的事情拋在腦後(throw out the window),並感覺到工作時減輕的負荷,因為正如我們所說,你們真的想吸收新的能量來幫助你們處於更高的振動狀態。你們是其餘銀河系指望成為變革者的人,這意味著你們不能依靠事件,太陽閃焰,政客或其他任何人將你們帶到想要去的地方。你們是唯一能夠改變現實的人,我們告訴你們不要施加壓力,因為你們當然會得到很多幫助。我們告訴你們,因為我們想賦予你們權力與力量。

Big Changes, Old Beliefs & Root Chakra Purging ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing humanity, and we have been noticing the changes that have begun to manifest in your collective consciousness, and those changes are the result of a massive amount of purging that has taken place in your root chakras. You are not the same collective you were at the beginning of this calendar year, and that is a good thing, because change is necessary. Change moves you forward, and even when change is messy and uncomfortable, it has the power to open you up to the new energies that are coming in.

The new energies are always about bringing you into a higher vibrational state and holding you there. The energies that have already begun to work on you there in the month of November are having a powerful effect on those who have felt so very depleted and on those who have given up hope for a brighter future, a better tomorrow. The purging of the root chakra has left many of you feeling lighter, freer, and more capable to create the reality that you want to experience.

Now is a time on your world where many are anticipating big changes, and those big changes always begin with you, especially   those of you who know that you create the reality that you experience. And as that reality reflects something back to you that you would like to change, that you would like to see be different from what it is, you then have an opportunity to make the changes within yourselves. When you see something outside of you that you do not like, you all need to ask yourselves, ‘How am I being like this belief or this perspective that I do not like?’

That will help you ease into the inevitable changes that are coming, because you will not be clinging to the old ways or to the old you. And you certainly don’t want to be clinging to any belief that you hold, no matter how dear it is to you. The only belief that really serves you is the one that is more of a knowing. And we are referring to the knowing that you and everyone else is Source Energy, which means you are unconditional love, and as unconditional love you are creating the reality you are experiencing.

Everything else you can throw out the window, and feel the lightening of the load that takes place when you do, because as we said, you really want to let in the new energies that will help you be in a higher vibrational state. You are the ones the rest of the galaxy is counting on to be the changemakers, and that means you cannot rely on an event, a solar flash, a politician, or anyone else to take you where you want to go. You are the only ones capable of changing your reality, and we tell you that not to put pressure on you, because of course you’re getting lots of help. We tell you that because we want to empower you.

We want you to realize that this is your time. Now is the time to shine and to invite others to join you in the light, where change means growth and evolution, not chaos and disarray. We see you evolving in so many ways every day, and we appreciate each and every one of you who is doing that evolving on purpose. You are the leaders. You are the changemakers, and you are bringing about that better future for all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


