

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.人間天堂 (20200902)
《2》.行使自己的力量 (20201003)

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I come on the wings of love! There are too many happenings taking place on the planet and it requires you to be alert and aware at all times. This has become a honing practice for many of you as you listen, read or peruse different modes of communication. The honing practice is in the use of your intuitive faculties to discern the level of truth in what is presented to you. It is a time of getting the real truth without taking any outward controversial actions. This is a skill you have already developed in other lifetimes or which you have been developing as you have been living your current lifetime. Your super senses are now coming online and being activated as the energy frequency of the whole planet rises higher. It is a practice that will serve you well in these turbulent times as the changes in every facet of life on Earth keep on coming!

As this skill is activated and developed, the true portent of any information will be conveyed without the need for too many words – one just gets it and ponders or acts on the information received before making a move or not. The new human circuitry is coming online in every human being. The more one recognizes as and when this happens, the greater the spread of knowledge in a quiet and unobtrusive way unfolds for the entire collective field. The people will just know certain things. The more attuned to one’s Soul/God connection, the more infallible this method of communication becomes. Again, we remind you, Dear Ones, stay aware and awake and do a lot of observing in all that is presented before you.

There is a great effort to capture your attention on matters that want your focus and actions to turn back to old paradigm methods and ways that keep humanity divided and competing with each other, ever fearing the other as one’s enemy. Learn to recognize certain key words that put you into negative reaction mode and by doing so, immediately pull your frequency level down. This is where the great battle for the capture of souls for the light or the dark rages at this time. ANYTHING that makes you feel less than someone else, that encourage you to feel guilt within for something you personally did not do or instigate in your current lifetime need to be recognized and this is done by observing self and one’s reactions or responses as they happen.

There are many such snares being utilized at this time by many different entities, some of whom speak bitterly of warring factions with other beings in the Galaxy that did not take place on planet Earth at all! If these communications come to your attention, say verbally “NOT MY REALITY!” and then let it go without further dwelling upon it. You, the humans currently on this planet at this time did not come here to solve the problems on other worlds and systems. You were chosen as one of the experienced warriors of the Light of God that never fails to retain and maintain your inner purity and personal freedom and sovereignty no matter what was happening externally in the world you live on. You inherently know that what is required of you and others like you, is the raising of your frequency levels to the highest levels that it is possible right now on this planet each and every day! You must take your stand in the Light and HOLD it as long as it is needed to move humanity into the higher levels of the new Earth reality.

You are a special group of souls who have already mastered many extra-sensory skills, gifts and abilities who was given the chance in this lifetime to further hone and refine these inner abilities and use them in Divine service to others here on Earth. You have already done the work of purifying your body, mind and spirit! Do not let anyone convince you that you are responsible for any of their issues. These beings have to do their own work in this regard. YOU are here to stay in your highest purity and frequency each day and this assists the entire collective consciousness of humanity to rise up to the higher octaves of frequency where they can choose to connect with their own God consciousness, thereby experiencing for themselves as a unified part of the Earth and her inhabitants, the reality of Heaven on Earth!

Until next month,

I AM Hilarion

《2》.關於:行使自己的力量 .
傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I come on the wings of love! The world’s events continue to unfold in ever accelerating movement as the cosmic energies move closer to the planet. It is important for those who read or hear this to be aware that during times of higher Light frequency downloads such as full moon or supermoon, there are counter forces of high frequency dark beings who are aiming their minions towards an attack of the Earth’s north and south poles. This activity is directed towards the Beings of Light upon the planet (you) who are focusing their energies on maintaining balance and stability with the Earth’s central core. These are the times that Lightworkers feel intensified pain in their bodies, usually in weaker points such as in their skeletal structure. If you haven’t already, begin to notice how pain becomes prominent during these power days, usually several days before the highest point of the moon’s movement occurs and lasting sometimes for a week or so.

There is a great need to focus attention on protecting the north pole especially, by directing powerful energy to alleviate this insidious form of attack. Using the Violet Flame has proven very effective in dissolving and dispersing these entities. This has been an ongoing problem that needs to become better known to the Lightworkers of the world so that when they join in meditation, they set an intent beforehand that addresses this issue to protect themselves and humanity during high energy days. Forewarned is forearmed! You it is that must come into your own power and wield your Light. Remain detached and do not let yourself be distracted by the world’s events as they occur around you. The world moves into its next phase and this one contains increased energetic frequencies. This will create some intensity within your energetic and human body system. It is important that you take time each day and perhaps even several times a day, to rest and relax, for these energies are those which make people feel exhausted and when this occurs, that is when it is the time that rest and relaxation is necessary.

In this way, you will always be integrating the higher frequency energies as they come through and have their effect upon everything and everyone on this planet. These energies are in the process, as before, of unravelling all that lives within your energetic system that is not in alignment with the higher dimension that you are heading into. This can create a mental fogginess and sometimes it seems that no matter what you try to accomplish, it just doesn’t go where you want it to go. When this happens it is the time to take a break, stop and rest. On the world scene, there are those who are in the process of losing their control and power that they have exerted upon the people of the planet for many, many thousands of years who are creating some desperate moves and it is important that one checks in within the core of their being, within their heart chakra, on a daily basis no matter what news you hear or read. It is always advisable to check in with your own inner guidance and counsel. This is where your personal truth is found. It is important for each person upon the planet at this time to follow the counsel of their own heart, of their soul’s inner guidance because this is the path that was meant for you personally. In the following of this path, you also serve the higher good, the Divine Plan for the Earth.

Know that you are loved by the beings who reside in the ascended realms of Light. We work together, beyond sleep you come to us, you come to the higher dimensions. You collaborate with us, you collaborate with the Star Nation families, those who serve Prime Creator. You are always on track because we work together. One has need at this time to become a surfer of the energies. When one recognizes that the energies are not conducive to the spiritual path of ascension that they have chosen, one needs to use their energies, their knowledge, their wisdom and their power to transcend and find a different focus, for this is, ‘The Way’. ‘The Way’ is to find wholeness within one’s being, this is what it is all about. It requires one’s focus and dedication, it requires one to have the motivation to be a responsible individual, to use their power, their spiritual power, their personal power, their soul power in an enlightened manner in a way that does not cause harm to anyone or anything upon the planet on which you have chosen to incarnate for a higher purpose in service to the Light, in service to the higher dimensional reality of Prime Creator.

You have learned how to wield your power and that power always comes from a place of love for that is the highest power and you have learnt how to use this and so it behooves each one of you to continue in your work that you have volunteered to do. Each of you has great strength – strength of mind, strength of being, strength of purpose, and strength of vision. Each of you is unique, each of you has some gift, some thing that is important to the ongoing awakening process that is occurring upon and within the planet. That which you give can be of great benefit to many. You do not have to exert efforts that are not reciprocated. This requires a knowing of self and the self confidence in one’s ability and one’s gifts and one’s value upon this planet. Each of you has volunteered before you ever came to incarnate upon this planet and you came to it with special gifts. This is what is now coming to the fore for each of you that you may stay purposefully on the path that you have chosen, the path that will converge into oneness for all in the years to come.

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion.


