

傳導:Galaxygirl 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.該休息的時候就去休息 (20200925)
《2》.不用太久了,孩子們,不用太久了 (20201015)

傳導作者:Galaxygirl .
譯者:Nick Chan .

Dear children, this is your Mother God. For many eons you have trained for such a time as this, when energies churn within hearts upon Gaia. It is a topsy-turvy time, or so it seems to those upon Gaia in this now moment. All is in divine order. All is in divine timing. The Divine is blessing this process with more light, with more love. You are seeing the final scene in the play when all appears to be lost just before the plot twists are revealed and the hero has his welcome. And yet dear children of my heart, you are already home for you are here with me. We are home together. The energies are rising so fast that the dark is trying to pull them down again. This is what you are seeing, this discord. It need not be your discord. You can choose your vibrational level of experience and float above, observing, holding steady, holding strong in the light. Your family and friends largely do not know what you know and perhaps are not yet ready to hear any of it. But they are ready to feel your peaceful presence, your kind words and the soothing effect that they have. The world is ready for your light, the light is ready for your world. Many star systems of star systems and federations of federations are watching, are helping, are loving you from where they are to where you are. The gap is bridged. Intergalactic emissaries of the light, royalty, children of my heart, you are all of these things.
Now is not the time to buckle to the outer chaos, but rather to hold strong and steady, standing tall, chin up and facing the storm. (I am seeing lightening bolts in a fierce thunderstorm). Children, see how the light churns the darkness. In every part of the cloud the light is seen and felt. The electricity charges the particles and they are left changed. Your light changes all who are around you, for their betterment and joy, whether they want that or not, although many do. Many of my children have become so enmeshed within the drama of the play that they forgot they are the participant and audience at the same time and they forgot that the grand play is in my lap. The dark have fallen so far that it is decreed by the Divine, your Father and I, for this scene to end early so that suffering is minimized. Those who you see in power are but faces now of a hidden strength of light unfolding. My presence is full embodied upon your Gaia now in many prominent and hidden workers of light and love, of political power, of justices, and not all is as it seems. It is true that many if not most of your leaders have sordid pasts, for that was the way to climb to power, one had to be crooked within a crooked system. But the light is straightening this out into a beautiful and wonderful new world and new energies to match. Do not fall for what is being laid out for you to believe. See objectively with inner wisdom of one whose eyes have seen truth and recognize it. Send light to the rest. Send love to those who are stuck within the drama.
I am your Mother God. The divine feminine is rising now upon Gaia, for she herself is fully ascended. You are seeing the shadow world break apart into smoke for as the light turns up the heat all will be revealed and all will have the chance to ascended further either within the body or move along to another similar reality to explore a similar vibration where they can experience the armageddon they desire to create.
I wish for you to know how very proud I am of my children. You reading these words have excelled, have been so steadfast in this whole process. I am so thankful and grateful for you. I kiss your foreheads with the tenderest of love. I am your Mother God.
I Alisheryia am speaking. I work closely with the Mother of All Things. She breathes onto me igniting my fire, restoring my passion and purpose. It is the time of the divine healing of the divine feminine and the wounded masculine. Elthor is my divine masculine counterpart. We have many hatchlings together in many realities. We are balanced, one, but it was not always so. Many of you are experiencing various degrees of pain, healing and reunion with your twins or preparing for this in the astral realms when you sleep and subconsciously. For the yin and the yang, the divine dance is one that innately all long for. The twin soul is another aspect of you, and yet you are complete in yourself, a divine mystery. That which you seek is within. When you are inwardly balanced you will naturally be prepared for the other balanced aspect of you. Balance is coming to this realm and the light bearers are bringing it. The light is cleansing all that no longer serves. All will serve the light for all is light in various processes of remembering.
I Alisheryia am speaking. I breathe fire upon your crown igniting you to be brave in the coming moments. I breathe fire upon your eyes igniting them with deeper insight and clear vision. Do not be hoodwinked by the magicians of your TV screens. Remember truth lies within. It is time for rest and healing now. Soon it will be time for energy and action. Utilize the moments the universe presents for rest to rest. Just as hatchlings fall over walking when tired, so too do weary warriors require rest. Ask me and I shall surround you with my blue wings. Feel the divine feminine in dragon form. Feel the heartbeat of the Mother of All Things for her heartbeat is my own. It is the rhythm of this universe and beyond. We serve the light.
I Alisheryia am speaking. You are well prepared, warrior, friend, ally. Human one, you are much more than you know. Peace.

《2》.關於:不用太久了,孩子們,不用太久了 .
傳導作者:Galaxygirl .
譯者:Nick Chan .

Greetings humanity, we are the Archangelic Collective. Nine of us are speaking to you simultaneously as one in this now, for numerically 9 is the appropriate number in this now. (Looking up 9 numerology represents completion but not finality). We see our ground team holding strong. The days of polishing the armor for preparedness are long over, you have been in the thick of the energy frequency wars and you are well acquainted with suffering. The number 9 is symbolic for those who have humanitarian interests at heart, for those who have seen suffering and processed their pain behind it, ready to serve the world. We are all serving Gaia, just as are you, reading these words. We serve, we support. We lend our light and wisdom. And yet we are continually being blessed by this cycle of giving, for our strength and wisdom, for understanding and insight is always deepened in this process. Where this one is the fall colors are changing. Such is the collective rainbow of energy frequency within the human collective.
Upgrade by upgrade you are becoming enhanced into the galactic human template that you were always destined to become. Just as the wind rustles through the trees, much energy is being pushed at humanity to get their branches to bend and yet you are immobile, you are unbending and the dark ones fear you. They fear their own demise. It is time, we feel, for us to enhance the recent portal upgrades that you have been tenuously receiving to allow more ease and more flow of these energies. (I am seeing and feeling colorful angel wings surround Gaia. They are creating their own prisms of light with the rays that they work with. I am seeing these light rays dissipate the gray smog upon Gaia into brilliant prism light). You can ask to do this for your body systems, dear ones, to allow the ease of further energy flow and enhancement. (Yes please). Let in our light and feel the clearing. Add your own light, your own intention of clearing and partner with us. One must be an active participant with their own healing. (I am feeling prism beams of rainbow light at all angles around them penetrating deeply into cells and DNA. I am filled with light).
We are the Archangelic Collective. You have all been working tirelessly and your work has not gone unnoticed. You are heroes in the galactic and spiritual realm where all is known, loved, appreciated. Where efforts are understood and seen for the energy behind them. We are all aware that this incarnation is proving most difficult for many of you, and that you are weary. Gaia too is most ready. Bring this light healing to her that you have just received. Walk barefoot in the grass. Send her your love and it will be returned a thousandfold to you. For the very nature of giving and receiving is like the infinity symbol that we are showing this one. Giving and receiving continues the flow of life, of healing, of receptivity. You all have many ways you can give. Serving. Healing. Sharing a meal. It need not be only financial, for we see and feel the strain. It will not always be so. Along with the liberation of humanity the liberation of the faulty financial system is at hand and changes are well underway. You are safe, secure, protected, loved, provided for.
We feel the frustration of those who have been waiting for some time but please remember this was your assignment to wake up early, an assignment of your own choosing may we remind, and for those who are newly awakening and unaware it will not seem so long. They are beginning to wonder at the smoke and mirrors around them creating internal questions. Send them light and healing. But know that we have all been working tirelessly on many fronts, dimensions and timelines. Know that all is proceeding much more rapidly than was previously anticipated because humanity, the awakened ones are able to hold more light. Partner with your own inner light, connect it to Gaia, to Source and shine. Shine, breathe, be, become and align yourself to truly be the radiant light being that you are. The winds of change are upon Gaia and all upon her are feeling it. We are most grateful for this time and bear witness to these tremendous changes of truth. We are the Archangelic Collective.
This is your Mother God speaking. Children, you are tremendously loved and appreciated. I wrap you in my arms with joy. When you see from behind this crumbling veil, you will understand and you will feel tremendous pride and joy at your accomplishments. Many of you have fulfilled some of your missions already for you are holding the light for the others in tremendous ways. New missions, new paths will be revealed to you shortly, but for now, please rest when you are called to rest. Please be easy and gentle with yourselves as you are surrounded by all of the external chaos. Do not let it touch you. Be rooted and anchored deeply in my love and in the light of truth of deep inner knowing that you are more than capable for this task. (I am seeing mothers over the ages saying goodbye to their adult children. I am seeing wrinkled hands paint warrior paint on young adult faces, mothers saying goodbye to their teens going off to school). You have prepared and you are enough and we are with you. I am with you. Feel surrounded by the Archangels, by all of those cheering you on and eagerly watching your successes. The light is brighter now with every passing moment. This exposes the darkness that seems to remain. Pay it no heed. Play, laugh, read, recharge. Hold the frequency of love and hope and you are doing Gaia and all humanity a tremendous service.
I am your Mother God. I surround you with the tenderest of love. I am so proud of my children, so proud. Be proud of each other, and encourage one another on this narrow road. (I am seeing a sliver of a golden pathway along the very edge of a steep mountain. I am seeing this is the road we have been on for sometime but looking behind me more are coming, the golden road must be expanded to accommodate. Yet the road is already at the very edge of the steep mountain rims. I am seeing the golden road behind me expand and become wide enough for the people to walk more enmasse. The golden hue on the right remains the same but the extension is rainbow, shimmering and alive. I am seeing masses of humanity walk this road, helping each other. If one falls there are many hands extended to pull them up. We light workers are not alone, but if we still feel alone it is our choice. We are leading. Leaders often feel alone but our work has been worth it. I am seeing through tears of joy. Mother is crying as well). Children you are so loved, so appreciated. (I am seeing beneath the rainbow road the angels, spiritual families, Mother and Father, as well as all of the intentions and prayers of healing for humanity are all holding up the bridge). I am your Mother God. Not much longer children, not much longer. Feel my joy at your presence and be at peace.


