

傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.榮耀自己的感受 (20201018)
《2》.把愛發送給內在的孩童 (20201026)
#AnnAlbers #NickChan


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
We are so proud of each and every one of you. You have been working hard to reap the gifts offered by this extremely challenging year of contrast upon your earth. You have been diligently striving to gently shift your thoughts towards ones that make you feel better. You have been doing your best to stay out of fear. This is the work your soul came to do.
You wanted to create from the arena of contrasts. You wanted to grow into mastery of your mind, so you could master your own energy. You wanted to use your free will to aim the power that creates worlds in directions that please you and thus allow the expansion of the Divine. This year, more than any before in recent history has afforded you an opportunity for amazing growth and therefore, amazing grace.
Some of you are chafing at the bits, ready to get going with life, but not yet motivated to act. Some of you have surrendered to truly enjoying your time under current conditions. Some of you have gone inward to create your future from the inside out. Some of you have been working non-stop to assist in healing, delivering, re-birthing, and more. Many of you are feeling exhausted and in need of great rest.
Wherever you find yourself at this time, remind yourself, it is OK. I am perfect exactly where I am. I am feeling exactly what I need to feel now. My feelings are my guidance. If I am tired, I am being guided to rest. If I am energized and inspired, I’m being guided to act. If I dream of the future but don’t want to act, I’m being guided to dream and create in my inner world. Trust. Don’t compare yourself with others. You are on a unique and beautiful path which has been defined by your very own desires.
Embracing the here and now is actually the quickest path to your dreams.Finding loving thoughts in the here and now ensures more love later. Appreciating the abundance you have in any area will increase your abundance in every area. Sleeping when you are tired, moving when you are energized, eating when you are hungry, are all ways in which you can honor your guidance. You want to feel good, so when you have thoughts that don’t, continue to gently switch them one by one.
You are tired of a non-stop barrage of negativity and conflict, so give yourself permission to disengage. You are weary from having to “defend your position” so give yourself permission to simply listen to others rather than having to explain yourselves, unless of course you enjoy it.
Just be yourself in a given moment. Instead of asking, “What should I be doing?” ask instead, “What do I feel like doing?” and trust any feeling that feels good and loving to you. We understand many of you have to work, keep schedules, etc., but you can always ask, “What do I feel like doing?” and then at the first available opportunity honor that. Trust.
You are all doing such amazing work upon your planet. We would love to help you see yourselves through our eyes. You would see your courage, your tenacity, your beautiful love and concern for our Mother earth, your love for all souls, even the ones that drive you crazy. You would see your sweet, sensitive, strong and caring hearts. You would see yourselves as nothing less than the Divine embodied in so many perfect, beautiful, precious forms.
Don’t be hard upon yourselves. Trust that where you are at is exactly where you need to be. Trust that if you feel like doing (or not doing) something and the thought feels kind or loving, that is your guidance. Trust that there is nothing wrong with you, no matter how you feel – whether you are joyous or working through grief.
This has been an exquisitely challenging year. You are still going through change as your Mother earth continues to release her pressures and cleanse the energies that have been stagnant for so long. You are, in many cases, facing highly charged political decisions. Nonetheless, if your guidance is to rest, rest. If you guidance is to ignore the world’s problems and tend to your own vibration, by all means do so. If your feeling is to act, act.
As you honor your own feelings, rather than contrasting and comparing yourselves with others or superficial standards – as you do what feels like love to you in a given moment – you allow yourself to feel the energy that creates worlds moving in you and through you. In this reality your very existence is a gift to the world.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a moment right now. Think of someone in your life who has once bothered you, or is bothering you at this moment. It can be someone you know, or someone you simply witness on the news. It can be someone you care about deeply, or someone you’d prefer never to see again. Just for a moment think of this individual. Trust the first one that comes to mind.
Feel the sensations in your body as you do so. Notice the tension, perhaps in the jaws, the back, or the gut. Notice if you feel peaceful or settled, fearful, or angry. Just notice for now without the slightest bit of self-judgement.
Now imagine this person as a child, lost, lonely, beaten, abused, or ignored. See them as a little child crying for love but feeling nowhere to turn. Feel the pain of their confusion and loneliness. Feel your heart open with compassion for this little one feeling so unloved.
Now, if you can, imagine that you can see this little hurting child within this person that bothers you so much. imagine you can send that little child love, light, and reassurance that he or she is an important part of life on earth. As you send this little child love, imagine that the older version of them begins to soften. Imagine this older version begins to open perhaps, and look at you with wonder and gratitude. They don’t realize what you are doing for them, but they feel your love.
Feel the sensations in your body as you send love this child. Feel the flow of warmth, relaxation, or even energy. It feels good to be you.
Dear ones, within everyone on earth whom you would consider to be a menace, a monster, or a maniac, there exists a very hurt and lonely child. Within every perpetrator is an abused child. Within every addict is a sensitive child, overwhelmed by the harshness of the world. Within ever narcisisst is a lonely child crying for attention. Within every manipulative liar, there is a child who was disdained for their truth.
Love the wounded children within those who bother you dear ones. We are not asking you to be doormats, to allow for abuse or even unkindness, but perhaps from a distance, send love to those hurting children trapped in a shell of hardness or hatred. Send love to those abused children trapped in a grown abuser. Send love to those little overwhelmed souls trapped in the grown addict. Send love dear friends to the innocent spark of light often mired in darkness within those you can’t stand.
The very same innocent spark of the Divine lives in you. When you send love to the innocent light within others, this is the highest form of Self-love, for you are loving the Source and the Self that lives in all things and all beings. You are loving God.
In this flow of love you connect with your deepest, truest Self. In this willingness to love the light and innocence within anyone, you will feel more deeply in love with your own true Self than you could possibly feel with all the righteous anger and defensiveness in the world.
We encourage healthy boundaries in the 3D world. We encourage clear discernment about what gives you joy and what does not. We also encourage you – even as you honor your human self in these ways – to honor the spirit within by sending love to the innocent light and spirit within all human beings.
You don’t need to spend time around people with whom you don’t resonate. You don’t need to like their personalities. You don’t need to make excuses for their behaviors. Instead, love them, the real “them” – the soul within them – and you just might be the one who tips them from the path of their pain and darkness into a greater truth and a greater light.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels


