

【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.真的,一切都是關於你 (20201013)
《2》.錯誤早已成為過去式 (20201020)

《1》.關於 真的,一切都是關於你.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,
You are likely stuck and have no idea how to move from one place to another. You have tried the techniques so often touted by New Age gurus – breathing, meditating, writing, requesting assistance – and yet, you feel as if your world is crumbling.
What was, is no more. And what is, remains too nebulous for you to attach meaning or your life to.
Is it a world of fear and heaviness, or a world of light? Is it as prophesized, or as you are now experiencing it?
The heaviness you feel is compounded daily by your political, personal, media news, and experiences.
Where is the joy? Where is the fun? But then, once joy and fun re-enter your life, you will forget the pain you are now experiencing.
This pain is not what you expected after experiencing life after earth life of pain preparing for the creation of this New Earth. Even though you knew you would be tested almost beyond endurance in this life, you expected that testing to stop once you and the earth transitioned beyond 3D.
Yet, like a bad movie, you seem to be traumatized over and over again via the media, your neighbors, friends, and relatives. There are so many lines drawn in your sand that others seem to cross, creating havoc in your emotional inner world. So it is you are again traveling that sometimes unpleasant road of discovery as you uncover more and more of who you are.
Many of you voiced that discovering self-love would be your next stage without realizing what doing so actually meant. Self-love is not about merely voicing the words, but also clearing those personal self-doubts, fears, jealousies, and hate that have attached to your being.
You did much of that clearing before helping the earth shift beyond 3D. The pieces you are now grappling with are those that are directly related to you by you. For as you experienced life after earth life, you collected self-hate.
Most often, when any earth life trauma occurred, you became angry at the instigator. At the same time, you withheld a piece of self-worth from yourself. “If I hadn’t been so stupid, this wouldn’t have happened. If I hadn’t selected this family before birth, this wouldn’t have happened.” And on and on. Maintaining rage within and without. The dust bunnies you are discovering within your being are much more about your self-worth screaming to be let out, than rage at another.
But as you have been trained to do for eons, many of you are turning that self-rage into a battle against COVID, a political party, your home, community, family, and friends. You are enraged at the world because you are afraid to go within, to discover those hidden pieces you did not know existed until now.
Self-love is focusing your energy on those hidden pieces.
Even though these hidden self-love pieces are not as dramatic as was true when you cleared the 3D world, they feel equally heavy. Not because they are, but because you thought you were ‘home free,’ that you had cleared every piece necessary to live in joy. And so you will, and so you are. We are merely describing your anger and why it is occurring.
This anger piece will clear in a few days. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, knowing it is a culmination of eons of hiding from yourself. And because you have experienced earth life throughout the spectrum from functioning as a wonderfully loving being to cruelty by you beyond anything you can now envision, it is time for you to let go. And so you are – in rages, anger, fear, jealousy, and sometimes, just pure spite.
You feel as if you have cleared more than anyone of the earth, that you have sacrificed for eons to be where you are emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
We must remind you that forerunners were initially going to exit the earth once you helped the earth move beyond 3D. That plan changed once you decided en masse to remain long enough to experience a world of love and peace. With that decision, you agreed to clear the elements on which you are now focussing.
The 2nd, 3rd, and beyond waves following you cleared many of the pieces you are now addressing before entering earth in this lifetime.
You are doing double duty as it were. But such does not mean that this rage will last for years, months, or even weeks. Allow yourself to experience what you need to experience despite believing that 3D you had ‘left the building.’ Allow yourself to be.
你做著雙重任務。但這並不意味著這個憤怒會持續幾年、幾個月或幾星期。讓自己體驗你需要體驗的,相信3D 的你已經離開大樓。讓自己成為
This is a clearing you are allowing yourself to undergo because your major role of helping the earth transition to 3D is complete, and there are enough awakened 2nd and 3rd wave beings for you to move to the next step.
You have retired from helping the earth transition. The earth and its beings are in the good hands of the 2nd and 3rd waves. So it is finally time for you to clear those pieces you no longer wish to remain within your being. Pieces necessary to complete your roles in previous lives but are detrimental to your new being.
An example might be that perhaps you once focused on stopping an enemy from entering your physical earth domain. But by so doing, you harmed or had others killed. So you might have been touted in history as a wise and wonderful leader, yet your inner-being held you accountable for those maimed or killed in your name. Or you might have been one of those maimed or killed, and so you harbored hatred towards the leader who initiated that battle. Both pieces you likely hid deep within you once you exited that life. And so it went, life after earth life.
You have already addressed most of those pieces, but not all. For it is difficult to experience peace and love when you are harboring anger against yourself. This is not a months-long activity. Merely an element of self-love you did not expect. The world has allowed you the time to experience this in the safety of your inner-being as the world supposedly rages in complete chaos. That seemingly complete chaos is no different than overturning a box of puzzle pieces that take shape as the pieces fit together.
You are on your self-love journey. Other forerunners are doing the same. Those of the 2nd and 3rd waves are putting the puzzle pieces together so that once you clear those last pieces of self-love, the world will be in a different place – as will you. So be it. Amen.

《2》.關於 錯誤早已成為過去式.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,
You are proving more resilient in your need to be right than even you thought possible before birth in this lifetime.
There is no right nor wrong, merely differing viewpoints. Just as is true with historical perspective. Such can be indicated by the histories of the same event in different decades or historical periods. For example, in the United States, eminent domain was touted as the right course of action prior to the 1900s. Native Americans were considered subhuman and the aggressors as Caucasians claimed the land. That approach is now often reported with disdain. But at the time of those events, it seemed historically correct.
So it is now. Your need to be right is not necessarily the best or only viewpoint – merely your viewpoint. It is time to realize no one claims a perspective without a personal interest. So it is, your view is more personal than global. And your view is merely part of the minutiae of the whole.
That is not to say you need not have a viewpoint, but instead to caution you against seeing that viewpoint as closed, as right or wrong.For it is neither.
As you become more advanced in your 5D and beyond world, you will discover that allowing only one viewpoint limits both your personal and world options.
This is a new world in a new time.
It was necessary for your grandparents and great-grandparents to open their minds to automobiles, airplanes, the radio, and telephones. It is time for you to set aside your pre-conceived knowingness of what is possible or right.
Just as horse-driven carriages went by the wayside when automobiles were introduced, so too will your world change in ways you cannot yet imagine.
You will miss the beauty of all that is now happening in the world beneath the surface of general knowingness if you insist your way (likely the 3D way) is the only way.
Do you not sense how quickly your world is changing? Most importantly, do you not understand how and why you are changing? Your physical, spiritual, and emotional shifts were not created to retain the old. You are a new being in a new world. So it is what once was, is no more. Just as you are creating a new being with new interests, so are all others who awakened the past few weeks.
Until now, you were somewhat isolated and created your vision of rightness based on what you knew. You, and we, did not understand that once the world started displaying new inventions, thoughts, and actions, you would decide that you would rather live in what was instead of what is becoming.
Granted, during this time of global political, physical, and emotional upheaval, it is logical that you revert to what once seemed comfortable. But because you are a new being, what was comfortable will never be again. You are no longer who you were in thought or body.
This is a new age that includes new thoughts and actions. Such does not necessarily mean you will create something that will change the world – daring to be you is already doing that. But instead, that you open to thoughts that seemed silly in 3D but are now becoming a reality.
Stop playing with the belief that you want your old life back. Your old life is gone, just as would be true if you moved to a foreign land. Yes, even the language is new. For new words are being created to address new actions. And in time, those words will disappear as nonverbal communication becomes the norm.
For you cannot have a cohesive whole if there are physical or language barriers. Eventually, the earth will be more nonverbal than verbal. But that is several steps in the future. For now, you merely need to allow yourself to accept new ideas even from those you believe are your enemies.
That is not to say you must deny your inner rightness. But instead, open yourself to new ideas that might seem farfetched or silly at first. For you, of all earthlings, know that what is may not be a complete reality.
You discovered such is so years, even decades ago. For you, forerunners pushed against everything believed to be ‘normal’ through meditation, chakra knowledge, and similar items from the East; and proved that messages from unknown sources displayed in writing or channeling offered assistance for the world. Many thought you were ‘odd,’ if not a harsher label. Yet you preserved to become part of the mainstream, as is now happening.
Please give the same freedom of movement and openness of thought to those in the 2nd and 3rd waves. For many areas they are discovering, inventing, or promoting may seem farfetched to you. These new idea people might even be those with whom you are uncomfortable. Allow that to be.
You need not become their best friend or even acquaintance. Your only responsibility is to allow them to be. For just as you were once tadpoles who evolved into frogs, so too are now the 2nd and 3rd waves as they go through their testing of what is right for them, and therefore, the world.
你不需要成為他們的好朋友或熟人。你唯一的責任就是允許他們成為。就像你曾經是蝌蚪,進化成了青蛙,所以現在第二和第三波的人也在經歷他們的測試(對他們和世界 來說什麼是正確的)
You begin your current journey slowly. Perhaps purchasing a psychic readings or a Tarot deck. Or other items you might have outgrown. Those in the 2nd and 3rd waves are just dipping their toes into the creations that will help make earth life peaceful and joyful.
Do not discount their creative intents, nor their sometimes seemingly outrageous conclusions. It is time to put aside divisions. It is time to create a world of peace and, yes, love. Neither of which is possible if right and wrong are pushed to the extent that has been true the past few decades.
Different is the term of the hour and the decade. Bad and wrong are of yesterday. So be it. Amen.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


