

【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.拉開簾幕 (20200923)
《2》.交付你的力量 (20200929)
《3》.重新加入世界 (20201006)

《1》.關於 拉開簾幕.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,
All is not lost. Love will conquer all. Those words do not seem likely now. But the gloom and doom many feel is merely another piece of fear you are walking through.
The truth of your world is that there is a violent storm existing outside your home – your being. But your structure, your defenses are more than adequate to withstand any blows that may concern you.
Of course, that last statement does not reduce your fear or anger that you are being pummeled with what you thought you had overcome. What you do not realize, for you have not reached the end of the story, is that all pieces related to this drama are not yet visible.
You likely feel as if all is lost, as if living in joy is not attainable in this earth life. Such is untrue, as you will soon discover. You are near the end of this 3D fear drama, not at the beginning, as many of you are starting to believe. Yes, there has been a series of disheartening activities. Yes, it seems as if your need to love has not been internalized by most of the earth’s population. What you have yet to discover is that each activity encased in or promoting fear is opening more hearts than you can imagine.
In your day-to-day life, you might notice something uncomfortable like a wallpaper pattern or paint color when you move into a home or apartment. But after a bit, you no longer notice. That awkward color or pattern becomes part of your everyday life. So has it been true for many of fears now surfacing. They have always been there; you merely adapted because it was easier to do so than trying to force a change. As more and more of these discomforts come to the forefront, you realize you can no longer live with them. Not only because they are inhumane, but because your heart is opening daily. You have become your “brother’s and sister’s keeper” in ways even you cannot yet understand.
Such does not mean you wish to run into the streets attacking anyone who appears to be inhumane, but instead that you are beginning to coordinate efforts within your being to send signals to other like-minded beings that the time is now. “This is our stand. We will go no further with this. Fear, you have had eons to play and cavort. Your time is over.” A signal that is intensified with each fear reported by your media.
Perhaps you wonder how those messages mean anything for the entire world cannot protest, provide financial funds, or contact those perpetuating fear-mongering. Your new communication skills are opening to a new system of change. A system that does not require bloodshed or physical punishment, but instead, merely ignoring anything, not in the form of love. So it is those who wish to prolong or intensify fear are beginning to be ignored, to be pushed aside. For they are no longer fashionable.
Perhaps such a statement does not appear dramatic enough. But please know that those who wish to increase or maintain fear need constant adulation for that is how they retain power. As was true in the book The Wizard of OZ, once the curtain is pulled aside to expose a weak man or woman, you will know how silly it was to believe that person could control your life or the earth.
These are new times. And curtains are being opened daily. Such can be noted by the lack of respect many of your fear-based leaders are beginning to receive. They are starting to seem weak and almost defenseless – and so they are. For the power of love is overcoming the fears they try to perpetuate. Those of 3D have great difficulties when ridiculed or asked to defend their personal needs and gratifications.
Those moving from their heart are stronger in their being, for they are not afraid of others – physically or emotionally. Those of 3D are like cardboard cutouts – they are almost one-dimensional in thought and action.
Those beyond 3D are more expansive and have much less need to prove they are right, for there are so many aspects of earth life they wish to explore, trying to prove they are correct slows them down. For if this particular group or thought is not compatible, another group or idea will be.
In 3D, one is ensconced in the mud with this or that heavy thought filled with shoulds. The beyond 3D person tends to flit from activity to activity. Adding a bit of color or thought here and there. Living in a 3D world is like living in quicksand. Living beyond 3D is more like a butterfly.
Day-by-day more of you are leaving your cocoons. So it is that whatever outrageous activity those of 3D have attempted to frighten you with might work for a few hours or days. But eventually, you look around and wonder how you ever believed those of 3D had power over you.
You are no longer of 3D. Therefore, you are no longer in the power and fear range of those of 3D. What you are discovering is that those who wish to remain of 3D are no more powerful than was the storybook Wizard of OZ. You are creating your yellow brick road and selecting those friends and people who enhance your life with joy. Those who wish to remain in fear will eventually fall by the wayside in your life. For you are ready to flit and are no longer interested in the muck of 3D fear.
We do not need to remind you to let 3D fear go for you are so deeply entrenched in 5D and beyond, you will let go automatically when you are ready. And we venture to guess such will happen within days.
Many of you believe so much is happening in the world you cannot let go. You have to help.And so you will, just not as you have in the past. Hoping for the best and living in fear that humane actions would not happen in your lifetime or the next. In days, you will step off that roller-coaster allowing those who wish to remain in fear of 3D power to do so without your input or energy.
Dorothy could have decided the Wizard behind the curtain was capable of answering her request despite all indications to the contrary. Or, as she did, realize that the Wizard had no power for or over her. Such is what is happening now. You are pulling aside the curtain and realizing the Wizard or those you thought had power over you, only do so if you believe such is true.
You are Universal Angels. You have no need for others to tell you what to do or how to do it. Such beings have little power over you – or themselves. So be it. Amen.

《2》.關於 交付你的力量.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel your life is more complicated and unpleasant than ever before despite our promises to the contrary. Such beliefs are so because your world is in complete upheaval. What was, is not, and what was not, is.
So you are returning to yesteryears’ fear that the world is ending. Even though the world you knew is ending, the world is not at an endpoint.
Your fears, as we have stated previously, are fears that have been hidden deep within you for eons. The fear that the world is ending is as much about past fears driven by memories of Atlantis and Lemuria as any current reality.
Your earth reality now is workable. That is not to say that the present earth environment is necessarily pleasant or even comfortable, but instead that there is an end in sight, the earth will survive and thrive.
Think of this very uncomfortable time as spring housecleaning with everything in disarray. Once that spring cleaning is complete, you know your home will be cleaner and more organized. So it is now. It appears as if everything of the earth is out of place. And it is. You and millions of others are providing the energy required to clean those earth items that have been hidden under rocks.
Perhaps you wonder what we mean with the phrase, ‘you and millions of others are spring cleaning earth’ for you think your current role is to merely be. And so it is. For a large part of the earth’s spring cleaning is you clearing the fears that help you believe all is lost. That Atlantis is once again in a destruction mode. That anything you do will not change the course of that destruction. That you are powerless.
So it is we return to that element you try to ignore, deny, refute, and even lie to yourself about.
You are a powerful Universal Angel.
Why do you continue to deny to yourself and others your Universal Angel skills?
Such is so because you have trained for eons to hide, to fit within society, to be who others told you to be. You completed that role so wonderfully it is now difficult to climb out of that box. Your 3D segments are encouraging you to continue your 3D fears. Your beyond 3D segments are amazed you want to remain in that box. You are fighting yourself daily.
To return to our spring cleaning analogy, a part of you is scrubbing the floors, and another part finds the results too clean and uncomfortable.
This is decision time for you, as well as most of the earth. Those fully of 3D are now in the minority in terms of numbers even though they continue to hold sway over the majority. Not because those of 3D have the power to do so, but because you are giving away your power.
You have the power to say, “NO.” You have the power to move, to declare you are a new being with none of your previously accepted 3D roles of acquiescing to the interests and needs of others. You are the power. It is time to use it.
Many worry you will not be liked or held in esteem by others if you follow your inner voice. What you do not realize is that such no longer matters. For the earth is no longer enmeshed in group thought. Instead, unique powers and skills reign. Both of which are to be claimed NOW – not tomorrow, next month, or next year. You sit and tremble at the thought of a presidential election, illness, or someone leaving you. Yet you are more powerful than all or anything of 3D.
Simultaneously, you are part of a cohesive whole designed to shift the earth in ways never before thought possible. You are a unique individual with a unique role that blends with the roles of others, rather than detracts.
This new earth is a bit like a stew of protein and vegetables that does not include cotton. Some 3D stances are similar to adding cotton to a stew. For not accepting other humans or destroying the environment are similar to adding a nonfood item to stew. Does that mean you should believe this or that? No. Listen to your inner-being. That is your direction. That is your message. For that inner message will direct you to the rebuild of an earth of love.
Messages from others continue your 3D role of doing or saying what others tell you, most likely based on their needs instead of yours.
This is not a time for groupthink. It is time for you to claim your power. Such is only possible if you listen to that loving inner voice that directs you to self-love. An inner-voice designed to complete the earth spring cleaning that is now underway. No one or nothing can tell you what to do or who to be – unless you allow them to.
Claim your power, and you will fulfill your new you role. Ignore or deny your power, your inner-messages and you will prolong earth’s spring cleaning far beyond what you thought possible.
Your role, your being is as powerful as any other. The only way it cannot be is if you allow others to direct your being and, therefore, curtail your innate powers. Let yourself be. Ignore naysayers or those trying to frighten you into returning to herd thinking and action.
You are a powerful, unique individual claiming your power by following your inner voice, not the voice of politicians, friends, family, or any groupthink. So be it. Amen.

《3》.關於 重新加入世界.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,
You wish to have contact with others feeling as if your isolation will last forever. So it is you are beginning to doubt your inner wisdom because you are lonely.
You have likely felt lonely for some time, so this sensation is nothing out of your new ordinary.
You want your life to return as it was before COVID and the current earth chaos.
Such is not to be. Not because it is not possible in the blink of an eye, but because all – including those of 3D – are testing the waters. Determining who they are or what they wish to represent.
So it is all are pulling their ‘harnesses in different directions’ as was sometimes an exhausting truth when farming with horses. It is as if the world is filled with two-year-olds demanding the right to declare their direction, thoughts, and needs as a world priority. Such is not possible for each individual demand negates the other.
In the next few days, individuals will begin finding like-minded beings. You might respond that you already have or are doing something similar. But on closer inspection of that belief, you will find your needs to be unique.
You question that last statement. But have you not been primed for months to be a unique individual with unique thoughts and needs?
And so you were. At the same time, we prophesized you would connect with others when the time was right. That time is now.
Perhaps someone you had a passing interaction with will initiate a conversation that displays facets of their being you were unaware of. And by so doing, you find a like-minded individual you did not know was already part of your life. Of course, the opposite might also happen. But now, it is more about coming together than splitting into individual arenas.
These new interest pods may last for days, weeks, or years – it does not matter. All that matters is that the combination of interests and skills creates a new whole.
So it is you will expand your interests and skills, not by separation, but by joining together. Again, we must advise you that such interactions may or may not be permanent for all are changing so rapidly that what was intriguing yesterday may not matter tomorrow.
You are now butterflies flitting from flower of interest to flower of interest, instead of a caterpillar moving close to the ground. You are no longer in your cocoon of isolation.
Of course, you wonder how such is so given that COVID-19 remains of the earth. When COVID arrived, you might have been frightened or forced into actions because of others’ concerns. Now that COVID has become part of your life, those initial restrictions are more about who you are instead of dictates from others. You are beginning to feel, if you have not already, the need to protect others, as well as yourself. You are moving out of your terrible two needs to do what you want to do in conjunction with others.
So it is you are beginning to think more globally than was true in isolation. Does that last statement mean you must or must not wear a mask? That is your choice. All we are saying is that your choices are now becoming more global. That you have passed through your terrible twos and are about to rejoin society, perhaps physically, but more importantly, within your scope of acceptance and understanding.
You are no longer in self-isolation. So it is you will find other like-minded individuals. You have come out of your cocoon, and you are more than ready to flit from flower to flower. Or more appropriately for this phase of your life, to explore new interactions, to create that which is new for both you and those who wish to participate.
You are no longer alone – whether the connections are physical or via some means of electronic communications. Your isolation is over. So be it. Amen.


