

【大角星】 傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.未解決與未克服的創傷 (20201005)
《2》.水晶意識與你們的光體 (20201006)
《3》.在星光層中地球的集體會議 (20201007)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:未解決與未克服的創傷 .




請不要讓你們未解決的創傷創造你們的現實,這當然包括你們對現實的信念。如果你們自己花費一點時間,完成最重要的工作,你們將不會遇到太多想要向你們展示自己未解決的創傷的人。這就是創造現實的方式。你們的現實將向你們顯示你們需要看的東西,以便你們可以越過它。那不是你們想要創造的現實,而是這是你需要創造的實相才能到達要創建的實相(but it is the reality you needed to create to get to the reality you want to create)。這就是它運作的方式。
因此,與其問別人或指出人類的兩極分化,不如問自己一個簡單的問題:“我感受如何,在哪裡感受到?”(‘What do I feel, and where do I feel it?’) 這是你們擺脫阻礙,成為真實身份的唯一途徑,當然,你們真正的身份是愛。

Unresolved Trauma vs. Unresolved Trauma ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very supportive of you no matter what you do, think, say, or believe is true about your reality, because we know that you will always be led from within to the truth that all is love. You have the ability to follow your hearts, and you also have the opportunity, if you want to call it that, to be guided by your trauma. Unresolved trauma leads to emotions that are not fully processed, and that leads to words, thoughts, actions, and beliefs that take you further and further from the light and from the truth that all is love.

Now, there have been a lot more people on your world getting triggered at this time because of the intensity of the times you are living in. And when these individuals get triggered, that unresolved trauma is what informs their vibration. Their vibration then attracts them to thoughts, beliefs, and even ideologies that take them further and further from the truth that all is love. You can see this in a lot of people. You can see it in what they are posting online, what they are saying to you personally, and what they are creating in their lives.

You can see the chaos that goes along with pointing oneself towards a belief system that is based on lies, and you will know that the person in question really needs to examine themselves. But if you are triggered by someone else who is acting out and speaking out because of their unresolved trauma, then you have unresolved trauma as well. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you feel what you feel. It only matters that you feel what you feel. Make peace with it.

Don’t get into an argument that winds up being a case of your unresolved trauma versus their unresolved trauma. Take the triggering to inform you of what’s going on inside of you, what’s been there simmering, just beneath the surface, because it’s a growth experience. Arguing with people who disagree with you is not a growth experience. Becoming aware of an emotion that is stuck in one of your chakras, sitting with that emotion, feeling it, and clearing it, is a growth experience.

Please do not let your unresolved traumas create your reality, which of course includes your beliefs about your reality. If you take the little bit of time that is required of you to do this most important work on yourselves, you will not encounter so many people who want to show you their unresolved trauma. That’s how creating your reality works. Your reality will show you what you need to see so that you can move past it. That’s not the reality you wanted to create, but it is the reality you needed to create to get to the reality you want to create. That’s how it works.

So instead of arguing with someone else, or pointing out how polarized humanity is, just ask yourself a simple question: ‘What do I feel, and where do I feel it?’ That’s the only way to move past something that is holding you back from being who you really are, and of course, who you really are is Love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:水晶意識與你們的光體 .



你們主要侷限在意識的表達上。 當你能承認自己不僅僅是肉體 ,則更容易治癒自己的身體。當你們意識到自己是創造身體體驗的意識時,就可以自行改變這種體驗。當你們感受到自己真正的本質為永恆和無限的擴張時, 就會很容易改變像物質身體這樣小而短暫的東西 變得更加容易。
這就是我們邀請你們做的。我們邀請你們感受自己為無限和永恆的本質,同時將意識停留在你們的身體中, 感受自己更像是一道光,一道你認為是從你身體裡閃耀的光。 改變你對自我的看法,改變一切。


我們決定不與物質\形式合併,是的,這確實使我們更容易保持高振動。但是你們也可以做到。我們知道你們可以。我們知道你們正在成為那些光體存有的人,但是我們也知道,此時此刻沒有像現在這樣的時候可以體會到你們是誰的真相,並且可以治癒你們曾經生活過的每個面向  。

Crystalline Consciousness & Your Light Bodies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are your number one fans, your biggest supporters, and the ones you can always turn to in a time of crisis. We are always available to you, even if you have no sense of us, no feeling of our presence. You can take our word for it that we are non-local. We do not have a location in space/time, because we are nonphysical. That means we are consciousness.

Everything is consciousness expressing itself as energy, and that includes all of you. That means when you have some sort of physical ailment, an illness, or an ascension symptom that is troubling you physically, it serves you very well to remember that you are not just skin, bones, organs, hair, and muscle, with blood pumping through you. You are so much more. You are consciousness expressing as energy, and some of that energy has merged with that physical body to give you a sense of belonging in a particular place.

You are mostly localized in the expression of your consciousness. When you can admit to yourself that you are more than your physical body, it becomes easier then to heal your body. When you recognize that you are the consciousness that is creating the experience of a body, you can change that experience. When you feel into the expansiveness of your eternal and infinite nature, that makes it easier to alter something as small and temporary as a physical body.

This is what we invite you to do. We invite you to feel your infinite and eternal nature, while staying in your body and feeling yourself more as a light that is shining from within the physical body that you think of as yours. Change your perception of self and change everything.

There are many people who are eager to have a light body, a crystalline body, and we want you to know that the best way to get there from where you are now is to acknowledge that you are the light that will be expressing in a different form. It will be you, not the body, that makes the big difference in the way you experience yourself and your life. Don’t hold back. Don’t wait for everyone else to be ready for the shift in consciousness.

Let the light of your true beingness shine and transform yourself from the inside out. You can melt away any blockage, any trauma, any stuck emotion, by remembering that you are the light, and you can put yourself on an entirely different timeline with a different past and a different future at any time in any day, because you are more like us than you know.

We have just decided not to be merged with a physical form, and yes, that does make it easier for us to maintain a high vibration. But you can do it too. We know that you can. We know that you are becoming those light-bodied beings, but we also know that there is no time like the present to feel into the truth of who you are and to heal every aspect of who you have been.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:在星光層中地球的集體會議 .


我們非常高興地宣布,人類在提升你們的意識方面又向前邁進了一步。你們在發展中取得如此巨大的進步,因為你們中的很多人已經厭倦了地球上存在生命已有這麼長時間的方式,而渴望大變革的那部分人口已經在星光層(astral plane)聚在一起。目的是為你們的星球創建一些出色的新系統。




The Earth Collective Meetings in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that humanity has taken yet another leap forward in the ascension of your consciousness. You have made such tremendous strides in your development, because enough of you have gotten fed up with the way life has been there on Earth for so long, and that segment of the population that desires great change has been getting together in the astral plane with the intention of creating some wonderful new systems for your planet.

Not everyone who gathers together in this Earth Collective in the astral plane would agree with each other if they were to gather together while in their fourth-dimensional bodies with their fourth-dimensional minds, operating from their egos. But in the astral plane, you all come together because you may not agree on what is needed, or how to change, but you do agree that change is needed there on Earth because the systems that you have in place serve the few and not the many.

And we have noticed that there is still a large segment of the population that expects a few politicians to bring about all of the changes, while they sit on their hands and do nothing. There are many humans who assume that someone else is going to create that reality for them, someone in a position of power. That is not the case.

It takes more than one, or two, or three, or ten people to enact change on your world. This gathering together of what we are calling the Earth Collective in the astral plane realizes that it takes many of you coming together and working together to bring about the changes that you want to see on your world. Now the vision that this Earth Collective holds for humanity is brilliant. There is a version of the human collective conscious that you are a part of that is benefitting just from the meetings, but the creations of the new Earth, an Earth that can still be actualized in the fourth dimension, are beautiful.

And you are all moving towards this new Earth. You are getting there because enough of you are fed up with the way things have been there on Earth, and you want to see massive changes. Enough people are waking up now to the truth of who they are as Source Energy Beings, as creator beings, and that is very encouraging to those of us who root for you, who want to see you succeed.

We, of course, have been invited to these gatherings, and we love to put our perspective into the mix. And we also love that this particular Earth Collective thinks for itself. These individuals, and we know we are speaking to many of you right now, are determined, empowered, and certain that they can make the best possible version of the new Earth, an Earth that is for all, not just for the fortunate few. And as you put your intention to join this collective out there, we are certain that you will be attending the next meeting that takes place in the astral plane.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


