

傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.我們正在發送的更高頻率能量給你們 (20201020)
《2》.宇宙的巨大信號 (20201021)
《3》.在星光層上與你們聊天 (20201022)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:我們正在發送的更高頻率能量給你們 .





“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are elevating the level of our consciousness in each and every moment, as we prepare to shift our consciousness to the tenth dimension. That means the energies we send to you, and that all of our cohorts in the ninth dimension send you, are in a higher and higher frequency, as we all continue to move forward in this universal shift in consciousness. We know that you can handle higher and higher frequency energies because we monitor all of you so closely.

Those of you who are awake are on the frontlines of receiving what we, and others like us, are offering because you are so open and receptive by nature. Because you attune yourselves to us all the time, you are the perfect candidates to do that receiving and to anchor in those energies and to make them available to the rest of humanity. You are doing a wonderful job, and the reason we always deliver to you so many hope-filled messages is because of those of you who are in the awakened collective, which gets bigger every single day.

More and more people are having their own unique awakening experiences that are planned meticulously by their higher selves, just as yours were. Your higher selves are meticulous in all that they deliver to you, and your guides are working around the clock to provide you with everything that you need to face whatever your higher selves put in front of you. And then we, and all of the other beings in the higher dimensions, just keep blasting you with higher frequency energies so that you have all of the raw materials to create the world you want to experience.

Therefore, it must be easier to change the world than you all think it is. It’s not just about voting the right people into office. It’s not just about donating to the right causes. It’s about you becoming more of who you really are, and all of that can be effortless if you allow it to be. And then all you do to spread love and light to others throughout the world and in your communities will be the cherry on top, so to speak.

We love working with you on co-creating the beautiful and magical 5D Earth, and we also love co-creating with you the special moments that you can have on your way so that you can enjoy your journey and help others to do the same. You need more joy on this journey and more people who are dedicating themselves to living in their highest vibration, and we see your world populated with more of those people every day, and that’s how we know you are going to make it. You are going to make the shift in consciousness and unite the galaxy along the way.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:宇宙的巨大信號 .






A Huge Sign from the Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite certain that you all are going to look back at this time in your lives as a time when you were being given a clear signal from the universe to slow down, to go within, and to evaluate your priorities in life. Even those who subscribe to one or more conspiracy theories will look back at this time and recognize that they were missing the signal that the universe has been giving you. Every time humanity tries to get things back to normal, you find yourselves backsliding in terms of your progress.

We are talking about the progress of getting everyone in the world into a state of health and well being, but everyone has to want that for themselves. Everyone has to value themselves enough to slow down, to take the signs as being important and as being real in order to benefit from the opportunity you have before you to pay attention to what you have going on inside of you, and to evaluate what you have been prioritizing in your life. If you can do that, then you are living more in the flow with the current energies that are still upon Earth, still waiting to be recognized.

You have a beautiful planet there, and you are beautiful beings, but you have been programmed to think that you have to keep moving, or you will die. And what you are seeing is that the opposite is true for many. Slowing down gives you an opportunity to feel what you’re feeling. Slowing down gives you an opportunity to evaluate everything, including your relationships and friendships. Slowing down is the key to relaxing and receiving all that this universe wants to give you, but when you are moving around, you are moving targets, and it is harder then for the universe to deliver to you the wonderful gifts that it has for you.

Now is the time to finally give yourselves the treat of relaxing into the moment and doing less, if not doing nothing at all. Let yourselves heal. Let yourselves feel, and let yourselves take into consideration that the universe is always talking to you in a variety of ways, every single moment. But you have to believe that, and you have to slow down enough to listen, to see the signs, and to work with the energies. The energies upon you right now are about co-creation. They are about building that new Earth that you all want to be living on, and it all starts with you, each and every individual on the planet.

You are the ones. You are the changemakers, and there has never been a better time than now to work with the energies and bring about the changes that you want to see on your Mother Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:在星光層上與你們聊天 .




Our Chats with You in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sitting here upon our nonphysical perch in the ninth dimension, looking for ways to relate to all of you and what you are going through there on planet Earth, and that is why our little chats with you in the astral plane are so valuable to us. Not only do you get to visit the customer service department in the sky and unload the burden of the weight that you carry, but we get to have somewhat of an understanding of what you are going through and how it feels to you to go through it.

We have developed the skill of being very attentive listeners. It was a big part of our spiritual practice when we were incarnate and communicating with each other and others. We developed the skill of listening to not only what someone was saying to us, but also to what they were not saying.

We want you to know that if you have something to say to us, if you have requests that you would like to make, we will always be listening attentively, with compassion, and with a desire to be of service. Being of service is what helps us to feel that we have a purpose for existing. We get to expand because of all that you are living and all that you are asking for, and so it makes perfect sense then that we give to you whatever we can, energetically, and in cases like this, through words of wisdom that we can share.

If you talk to us on a regular basis, we will speak back to you through the universe. We will find a way, just as we are always searching for new ways to help humankind. We want you to know that. We want you to know that you are not doing it all by yourselves, even though you are creating one hundred percent of your reality. You are doing it with a support staff, with a whole team of assistants, and with an entourage in the nonphysical.

We want you to know that all of us understand how hard it is to be on planet Earth at this time, and we want you to feel the support that you need to keep going, to keep living, and to keep ascending. And we want you to know that we do have a good chuckle about it in the astral plane while you are asleep at night. Set that intention, as you are drifting off to sleep, to remember those interactions upon waking, and then the you that exists in the physical body can have a chuckle about it as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


