

傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.集體覺醒的未來 (20201017)
《2》.你們的世界需要什麼 (20201018)
《3》.所有人都有更好的時間表和更好的未來 (20201019)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:集體覺醒的未來 .



你們在那裡是為了創造自己的慾望的未來,而如今,覺醒的集體比以往任何時候都更加意識到,你們的慾望的未來包括全人類受到公平對待,尊重,自由以及能夠遵循自己的夢想和願望的一切。 ,無論它們是什麼。我們每天看到你們這樣做,並且我們知道你們自從聚在一起討論這些想法以來就已經獲得了一定的動力和力量,知道你們正在創造這些經驗並邀請其他人去實現一個現實,對全人類來說,變得越來越好。

You Are Awakening So Much More ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in your spiritual evolution because it is so different from what we experienced here in the Arcturian Star System. We did not experience the same hardships, the same challenges that you have all decided to take on for yourselves. And so, not only are we impressed by humanity, but we are also fascinated by you.

As we witness you moving through your ascension process, we are frequently amazed by what you have been able to endure emotionally and psychologically. You have taken on more than your fair share as a collective. You agreed to take on the conflict and the trauma that had yet to be resolved from all star systems in the galaxy. You are a melting pot of beings with various levels of e.t. DNA, struggling just to co-exist. We cannot imagine what it must be like to have to struggle just to co-exist.

We also recognize that you exist within us, just as we exist within you. You are helping to give us an experience that we did not have while in physical bodies, and we are eternally grateful to you for that because we know that all parts of ourselves are necessary in order to know ourselves as Source Energy Beings. Remember that the next time you are hard on yourselves for some aspect of you that you do not like, that you do not think is very Divine. That part of you is also necessary in order for you to become who you really are.

That’s why it is so important for you to drop your judgments of yourselves and others. You know on the level of your higher selves that you need all aspects of you and that all aspects of you are to be loved and embraced. And many of you are getting that now. You receive those higher thoughts, those downloads.

You are awakening so much more of who you are as you move forward. And all of it is to be loved, accepted, forgiven, and embraced, if you are going to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves. And we know that you are destined to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves. So you might as well start right now with dropping your resistance to any part of you that you’re currently fighting against, whether that part of you inside your physical body or in another human being. Letting go is liberating, and it is necessary to allow yourselves to float up into the higher frequency range of the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:你們的世界需要什麼 .




因此,所有這些的賴以基礎根本在於恐懼,直到人們認識到需要覺察處理,談論,感受,表達和處理的非常負面的情緒之前,你們不會走得太遠。你們不會僅僅通過批判指責某人的行為就可以在彼此之間取得進展。相反,作為一個社會,你們都需要探討行為或仇恨言論背後(lies underneath the behavior, or the hate speech)的原因。你們需要了解認知到,當人們深深的吐了一口氣(puffing out their chests),做手勢和念經(chanting things)時,他們行為是來自脆弱的地方。他們不想讓你們知道他們有多害怕。


What Your World Needs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have been struggling for quite some time in relationship to one another. We have seen how this has played out in your society to the point where people identify more with something about themselves that’s very temporary, rather than identifying with the truth of who they are as infinite and eternal beings of love and light. Now, it is easy to see why a person would identify themselves in a very limited way, because that person was born into a society that wants to put people in neat and tidy little boxes. This is the mental approach to relating to one another.

So the mind likes to be able to predict what you’re going to get, something that allows you as an egoic being to feel safer. That’s why these boxes are so comfortable. Because if you’re looking at a person and having expectations based on their race, gender, sexuality, nationality, political affiliation, and any of the other of the very temporary ways in which you know yourselves, then the ego can feel more secure because of the conclusions that the mind has come to about the individual, based on those very superficial aspects of self.

And so, what lies underneath all of this is fear, and until people recognize that there is a very negative emotion that needs to be dealt with, talked about, felt, expressed, and processed, you’re not going to get very far. You’re not going to make the progress you want to make in relating to one another by simply finger-pointing, by calling someone out on their behavior. Instead, as a society, you all need to look for what lies underneath the behavior, or the hate speech. You need to understand that people are coming from a place of vulnerability when they’re puffing out their chests, making signs, and chanting things. They don’t want you to know how scared they are.

And, of course, by vilifying an entire group of people, by creating a common enemy, there is a lot to be gained by those in power or by those seeking to have power. The best thing that you could ever do for the rest of humanity to help bring you to the next level of your consciousness evolution would be to talk about your feelings. Be honest. Tell the person sitting next to you or across from you what it is you’re feeling. If you own it and you’re willing to discuss it and where it comes from, then you can unite under the knowing that all humans are feeling beings. It’s what makes you human, and you can unite under that knowing that you all feel the same emotions.

This is what will break down the barriers, the walls that are placed in those boxes to keep people separate. What the world needs more than anything are the sensitive ones in the population being willing to express that sensitivity, to be vulnerable, and to share what it is you’re feeling in the moment.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:所有人都有更好的時間表和更好的未來 .



你們想讓所有人都知道你們將他們視為自己的更高自我和創造者,因為這就是他們。而且你們在那裡可以授權他人。你們在那裡可以影響和幫助集體中的每個人。這就是你同意去做這件事情(signed up for)。這就是為什麼你們保持清醒的原因,這就是為什麼這些更具包容性的時間表現在對人類如此重要。


Better Timelines & a Better Future for All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the various timelines that you have in front of you and the new timelines that you have created for yourselves, and we want you to know that we feel you are doing an excellent job of choosing consciously which timeline to put yourselves on. You have also done a wonderful job of working with the energies you have been given to create new timelines for yourselves and the rest of humanity. This is a time to be inclusive in your creations. There is more power in your summoning of an experience or an event when you include as many people as possible and hold the intention that they will all benefit from that creation as well.

One of the most beautiful aspects of those of you who are a part of the awakened collective is that you take others into consideration when you seek to create a better reality. As we have just said, that makes your summoning of the energies more powerful, and it means that when you let those energies in, you have more co-creators beside you in physical and nonphysical form. You want to be reaching out to the higher selves of all of your fellow humans, especially those who are in your inner circle of your family and friends.

You want to let everyone know that you see them as their higher selves and as creator beings, because that is what they are. And you are there to empower others. You are there to influence and to help every single human in the collective. That’s what you signed up for. That’s why you are awake, and that’s why these more inclusive timelines are lighting up so much for humanity at this time.

The old timelines that many of you have heard about where certain people get left behind during the ascension event are withering away, because more and more people recognize that everyone is a Source Energy Being, and therefore everyone must be included in the shift in consciousness, a shift that is all about bringing you closer and closer to Source.

This shift is not just about creating a better Earth for the worthy and the good. It’s about creating a better Earth for all, and that’s what you all have been doing, and that is why we feel so happy in giving you this progress report about the timelines you are creating and the ones you are strengthening with your attention to them. Keep up the good work and know that better things are to come, more energy will be flowing to you, and you are the creators of that better future for all.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


