

【大天使薩基爾】傳導:Linda Robinson 翻譯:Nick Chan
《1》.伴隨著當下時刻流動 (20200829)
《2》.更高的愛之振動 (20201001)

傳導:Linda Robinson .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss flowing with the present moment.

Many packets of higher dimensional Light are continuing to reach your planet. Each packet contains highly refined Light that can lift your vibration to a higher level. They are offering you an opportunity to move forward on your spiritual path.

Some of the incoming Light packets are strong, while others are more subtle. When your consciousness is attuned to the present moment, you are more able to recognize these Light packets when they occur, and work with them more easily.

Being in the present moment is your internal point of focus and guidance.

Many times the new, higher dimensional energy invites you to rearrange your current energetic field as you incorporate the new energy and release what no longer serves you. Your own energetic pattern is flowing and shifting as the new energy arrives into your auric field.

Receiving the new energy is much easier when you remain in the present moment. If your attention is always focused on either the past or the future, you may not be as aware of the new Light packets that are arriving. However, when you are focused on the present moment, your awareness is heightened, and you are able to recognize that new energy is arriving.

The incoming energy can be considered to be flowing and ongoing, and the present moment is flowing with it.

This is because external conditions around the present moment are always changing. What was true yesterday may not be the same today, and it may be completely different tomorrow.

When you view the present moment as one point in the flow of energy, you can be aware when conditions are shifting as new energy arrives. Keeping your consciousness centered in the present moment allows you to flow and incorporate the new incoming energy in a harmonious way. Your energy is flowing with the present moment.

Your internal center is aware and alert and provides you with the opportunity to assimilate and use the new energy in whatever way will be for your highest good and the highest good of all.

Remaining centered in the present moment can help you move forward with the flowing energy.

You may wish to incorporate your favorite spiritual practices as you welcome this new energy and assimilate it into your energetic body. Pausing to focus on the breath can help you bring your attention back to the present moment. Taking a few breaths mindfully can be a great asset in this process. As you gently breathe in and out while focusing on your breath, you will become more centered, relaxed, and focused. Then when you return to your previous task, mindfully focus on being attentive to what you are doing at the present moment.

For example, if you are walking, be aware of your feet moving with each step. If you are eating, be aware of the flavors you are tasting. If you are reading a book, focus on the words and concepts. If you are talking with someone, really listen to what they are saying.

The more you practice being in the present moment, the more automatic it will become.

When your consciousness is in the present moment, you are able to receive prompts from your inner guidance.

You are centered in your awareness, and you are able to flow and adjust as needed. Your internal center is secure. You know that you are a beautiful Being of Light, and you are able to move forward on your spiritual path in a way that is best for you and is for highest good.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are centered in your awareness and are flowing with the present moment.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.

《2》.關於:更高的愛之振動 .
傳導:Linda Robinson .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the higher vibration of Love.

You are living in a time of much new incoming higher vibrational energy that is inviting you to an expanded consciousness and way of being. It is offering you an opportunity for advancement in this time of change. As you receive this new energy, focusing on the higher vibration of Love can help you assimilate it much easier.

The heart is the center of Love. The energy of Love can be considered as a vibration rather than an emotion. When you view Love from this perspective, you are aware that there can be a range of frequencies associated with any vibration. This also applies to Love as a vibration.

There are many aspects of Love depending on where you focus your attention on the range of vibrations that compose it.

One aspect of Love is a feeling that you have for a person, a pet, or other Being. This is usually a very personal feeling, and it represents the relationship that you have with the person, pet, or Being.

At a higher vibrational level, the frequency of Love can be applied on a Universal level. This could include Love for humanity, the planet, and the Universe. When Love is applied at a higher level, it includes the concept of highest good for all. You want it for everyone, not just for yourself. The higher frequency of Universal Love expands this desire of highest good to include all Beings and all of Creation.

One way to view this higher vibration of Love is to expand your consciousness to a higher level. You can begin this process by turning inward to your Divine Spark that resides in your heart center. As you tune in to your Divine Spark, you realize that it connects you to the Divine. This connection is there even when you are not focusing on it. It is always there connecting you and guiding you when you tune into it.

As you are aware, each Being has a Spark of the Divine. Because each person carries a Divine Spark, this means that each Being originated from the same great Source, even though you may have chosen different ways to express it during your current incarnation.

When you focus on the aspect of each individual originating from the same great Source, this allows you to shift your perspective to a higher level. You realize that at the level of Creation, you share a common thread – that of the Divine Spark.

With this realization, you can focus on Universal Love as a higher vibration.

At this level, the vibration of Love carries a very high frequency.

This allows you to gain new spiritual insights. You are able to view each Being as a point of Light with their Divine Spark. When you send Universal Love to humanity, the planet, and the Universe, you are expressing this higher vibrational Love to all Beings.

When you send this Universal Love, you are raising your own vibration. You may become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and have a desire to keep your energy field clear. The more you practice this, the more automatic it will become. It will be a way of life for you as you go throughout your day.

We would encourage you to tune in to your heart center and your Divine Spark each day. Spend some time feeling the Love that resides there. As your focus on this increases, you may feel a connection with the Divine Love that emanates from Source. The more you focus on it, the stronger the feeling of Love and connection will become.

When you send feelings of Universal Love to humanity, the planet, and the Universe, you are letting your Light shine brightly.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are tuning in to your heart center and your Divine Spark as you focus on the higher vibration of Love.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and WE surround you with Love.


